1 Variations on type attribute of script tag
3 These scripts should execute
5 no type attribute executed
7 text/javascript executed
8 text/JAVASCRIPT executed
10 'text/javascript ' executed
11 ' text/javascript ' executed
13 text/ecmascript executed
14 text/livescript executed
15 text/javascript1.1 executed
16 text/javascript1.2 executed
17 text/javascript1.3 executed
18 application/javascript executed
19 application/ecmascript executed
20 application/x-javascript executed
21 These scripts should not execute
35 application/livescript
36 application/x-livescript
37 application/x-ecmascript
38 application/javascript1.2
39 application/x-javascript1.2
93 Variations on language attribute of script tag
95 These scripts should execute
97 no language attribute executed
105 JavaScript1.0 executed
106 JavaScript1.1 executed
107 JavaScript1.2 executed
108 JavaScript1.3 executed
109 JavaScript1.4 executed
110 JavaScript1.5 executed
111 JavaScript1.6 executed
112 JavaScript1.7 executed
113 These scripts should not execute
158 Variations on combined type and language attributes of script tag
160 These scripts should execute
162 empty string type, "javascript" language executed
163 empty string language, "text/javascript" type executed
164 "javascript" language, "text/javascript" type executed
165 "bogus" language, "text/javascript" type executed
166 "livescript" language, "text/javascript" type executed
167 "javascript1.2" language, "text/javascript" type executed
168 These scripts should not execute
170 "javascript" language, "bogus" type
171 empty string type, "bogus" language
172 empty string language, "bogus" type