2 <p
><font size
=4><font color
><font size
=4><font size
=4><font size
=4><font size
=4><font size
=4><font color
4 3: Start tag seen without seeing a doctype
first. Expected “
<!DOCTYPE html
5 116: Unclosed elements.
6 117: End of file seen
and there were open elements.
42 <p
><font size
=4><font size
=4><font size
=4><font size
67 <p
><font size
=4><font size
=4><font size
=4><font size
="5"><font size
96 <p
><font size
=4 id
><font size
=4 id
><font size
=4><font size
127 <p
><b id
><b id
><b id
><b id
><b id