1 layer at (0,0) size 800x600
2 LayoutView at (0,0) size 800x600
3 layer at (0,0) size 800x600
4 LayoutBlockFlow {HTML} at (0,0) size 800x600
5 LayoutBlockFlow {BODY} at (0,0) size 800x584
6 LayoutBlockFlow {P} at (0,0) size 800x60
7 LayoutText {#text} at (20,0) size 603x19
8 text run at (20,0) width 405: "Here's the structure of the problem table (which usually begins with "
9 text run at (425,0) width 64: "'N E W S "
10 text run at (489,0) width 134: "H E A D L I N E S'). "
11 LayoutBR {BR} at (623,15) size 0x0
12 LayoutText {#text} at (20,20) size 309x19
13 text run at (20,20) width 309: "This table is width 100%; two rows; three columns;"
14 LayoutBR {BR} at (329,35) size 0x0
15 LayoutText {#text} at (20,40) size 452x19
16 text run at (20,40) width 452: "The first row: widths 15, 125, 15 ... The second row: widths 15, 100%, 15"
17 LayoutTable {TABLE} at (0,76) size 800x41 [border: (1px outset #808080)]
18 LayoutTableSection {TBODY} at (1,1) size 798x39
19 LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 798x17
20 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,7) size 17x3 [bgcolor=#666666] [border: (1px inset #808080)] [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1]
21 LayoutImage {IMG} at (1,1) size 15x1
22 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (17,0) size 764x17 [border: (1px inset #808080)] [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1]
23 LayoutBlockFlow {IMG} at (1,1) size 110x15
24 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (781,7) size 17x3 [bgcolor=#666666] [border: (1px inset #808080)] [r=0 c=2 rs=1 cs=1]
25 LayoutImage {IMG} at (1,1) size 15x1
26 LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,17) size 798x22
27 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,26) size 17x3 [bgcolor=#666666] [border: (1px inset #808080)] [r=1 c=0 rs=1 cs=1]
28 LayoutImage {IMG} at (1,1) size 15x1
29 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (17,17) size 764x22 [border: (1px inset #808080)] [r=1 c=1 rs=1 cs=1]
30 LayoutText {#text} at (1,1) size 22x19
31 text run at (1,1) width 22: "that"
32 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (781,26) size 17x3 [bgcolor=#666666] [border: (1px inset #808080)] [r=1 c=2 rs=1 cs=1]
33 LayoutBlockFlow {IMG} at (1,1) size 15x1
34 LayoutBlockFlow {P} at (0,133) size 800x20
35 LayoutText {#text} at (20,0) size 734x19
36 text run at (20,0) width 247: "Here's the first row in a table on its own. "
37 text run at (267,0) width 487: "This table is width 100%; one rows; three columns; This row: widths 15, 125, 15"
38 LayoutTable {TABLE} at (0,169) size 800x19 [border: (1px outset #808080)]
39 LayoutTableSection {TBODY} at (1,1) size 798x17
40 LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 798x17
41 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,7) size 84x3 [bgcolor=#666666] [border: (1px inset #808080)] [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1]
42 LayoutBlockFlow {IMG} at (1,1) size 15x1
43 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (84,0) size 629x17 [border: (1px inset #808080)] [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1]
44 LayoutBlockFlow {IMG} at (1,1) size 110x15
45 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (713,7) size 85x3 [bgcolor=#666666] [border: (1px inset #808080)] [r=0 c=2 rs=1 cs=1]
46 LayoutBlockFlow {IMG} at (1,1) size 15x1
47 LayoutBlockFlow {P} at (0,204) size 800x40
48 LayoutText {#text} at (20,0) size 748x39
49 text run at (20,0) width 268: "Here's the second row in a table on its own. "
50 text run at (288,0) width 480: "This table is width 100%; one rows; three columns; This row: widths 15, 100%,"
51 text run at (20,20) width 16: "15"
52 LayoutTable {TABLE} at (0,260) size 800x24 [border: (1px outset #808080)]
53 LayoutTableSection {TBODY} at (1,1) size 798x22
54 LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 798x22
55 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,9) size 17x3 [bgcolor=#666666] [border: (1px inset #808080)] [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1]
56 LayoutImage {IMG} at (1,1) size 15x1
57 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (17,0) size 764x22 [border: (1px inset #808080)] [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1]
58 LayoutText {#text} at (1,1) size 22x19
59 text run at (1,1) width 22: "that"
60 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (781,9) size 17x3 [bgcolor=#666666] [border: (1px inset #808080)] [r=0 c=2 rs=1 cs=1]
61 LayoutImage {IMG} at (1,1) size 15x1
62 LayoutBlockFlow {P} at (0,300) size 800x40
63 LayoutText {#text} at (20,0) size 759x39
64 text run at (20,0) width 575: "Note that in Nav4.x, the middle column gets the width of the maximum width cell in the column; "
65 text run at (595,0) width 184: "on 5.0, the middle column gets"
66 text run at (20,20) width 138: "the opposite treatment."
67 layer at (19,78) size 110x15 clip at (20,79) size 108x13 scrollHeight 18
68 LayoutBlockFlow {DIV} at (0,0) size 110x15 [border: (1px solid #C0C0C0)]
69 LayoutImage (floating) {IMG} at (2,2) size 16x16
70 layer at (37,80) size 90x0
71 LayoutBlockFlow {DIV} at (18,2) size 90x0
72 layer at (783,104) size 15x4 clip at (784,105) size 13x2 scrollWidth 17 scrollHeight 18
73 LayoutBlockFlow {DIV} at (0,0) size 15x4 [border: (1px solid #C0C0C0)]
74 LayoutImage (floating) {IMG} at (2,2) size 16x16
75 layer at (801,106) size 0x0
76 LayoutBlockFlow {DIV} at (18,2) size 0x0
77 layer at (2,178) size 15x4 clip at (3,179) size 13x2 scrollWidth 17 scrollHeight 18
78 LayoutBlockFlow {DIV} at (0,0) size 15x4 [border: (1px solid #C0C0C0)]
79 LayoutImage (floating) {IMG} at (2,2) size 16x16
80 layer at (20,180) size 0x0
81 LayoutBlockFlow {DIV} at (18,2) size 0x0
82 layer at (86,171) size 110x15 clip at (87,172) size 108x13 scrollHeight 18
83 LayoutBlockFlow {DIV} at (0,0) size 110x15 [border: (1px solid #C0C0C0)]
84 LayoutImage (floating) {IMG} at (2,2) size 16x16
85 layer at (104,173) size 90x0
86 LayoutBlockFlow {DIV} at (18,2) size 90x0
87 layer at (715,178) size 15x4 clip at (716,179) size 13x2 scrollWidth 17 scrollHeight 18
88 LayoutBlockFlow {DIV} at (0,0) size 15x4 [border: (1px solid #C0C0C0)]
89 LayoutImage (floating) {IMG} at (2,2) size 16x16
90 layer at (733,180) size 0x0
91 LayoutBlockFlow {DIV} at (18,2) size 0x0