1 layer at (0,0) size 800x600
2 LayoutView at (0,0) size 800x600
3 layer at (0,0) size 800x600
4 LayoutBlockFlow {HTML} at (0,0) size 800x600
5 LayoutBlockFlow {BODY} at (8,8) size 784x576
6 LayoutTable {TABLE} at (0,0) size 145x68 [border: none]
7 LayoutTableSection {TBODY} at (0,0) size 144x67
8 LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 144x23
9 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,0) size 72x23 [border: (1px none #808080) none none (1px solid #808080)] [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1]
10 LayoutText {#text} at (2,2) size 69x19
11 text run at (2,2) width 69: "Row1 cell1"
12 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (72,0) size 72x23 [border: (1px none #808080) none none (1px solid #808080)] [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1]
13 LayoutText {#text} at (2,2) size 69x19
14 text run at (2,2) width 69: "Row1 cell2"
15 LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,23) size 144x22
16 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,23) size 72x22 [border: none none none (1px solid #808080)] [r=1 c=0 rs=1 cs=1]
17 LayoutText {#text} at (2,1) size 69x19
18 text run at (2,1) width 69: "Row2 cell1"
19 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (72,23) size 72x22 [border: none none none (1px solid #808080)] [r=1 c=1 rs=1 cs=1]
20 LayoutText {#text} at (2,1) size 69x19
21 text run at (2,1) width 69: "Row2 cell2"
22 LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,45) size 144x22
23 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,45) size 72x22 [border: none none none (1px solid #808080)] [r=2 c=0 rs=1 cs=1]
24 LayoutText {#text} at (2,1) size 69x19
25 text run at (2,1) width 69: "Row3 cell1"
26 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (72,45) size 72x22 [border: none none none (1px solid #808080)] [r=2 c=1 rs=1 cs=1]
27 LayoutText {#text} at (2,1) size 69x19
28 text run at (2,1) width 69: "Row3 cell2"
29 LayoutBlockFlow {P} at (0,84) size 784x20
30 LayoutText {#text} at (0,0) size 732x19
31 text run at (0,0) width 732: "The rules attribute is first set dynamically to rows, then to cols, so the table should show only column borders. Bug 14848."