1 layer at (0,0) size 480x360
2 LayoutView at (0,0) size 480x360
3 layer at (0,0) size 480x360
4 LayoutSVGRoot {svg} at (0,0) size 480x360
5 LayoutSVGContainer {g} at (10,7) size 392x293
6 LayoutSVGHiddenContainer {defs} at (0,0) size 0x0
7 LayoutSVGText {text} at (10,7) size 138x16 contains 1 chunk(s)
8 LayoutSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 138x16
9 chunk 1 text run 1 at (10.00,20.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 21 width 138.00: "Test for mask support"
10 LayoutSVGRect {rect} at (10,30) size 100x260 [fill={[type=SOLID] [color=#FF0000]}] [x=10.00] [y=30.00] [width=100.00] [height=260.00]
11 LayoutSVGResourceMasker {mask} [id="mask1"] [maskUnits=userSpaceOnUse] [maskContentUnits=userSpaceOnUse]
12 LayoutSVGHiddenContainer {defs} at (0,0) size 0x0
13 LayoutSVGResourceLinearGradient {linearGradient} [id="Grad1"] [gradientUnits=userSpaceOnUse] [start=(60,50)] [end=(60,120)]
14 LayoutSVGGradientStop {stop} [offset=0.00] [color=#FFFFFF]
15 LayoutSVGGradientStop {stop} [offset=1.00] [color=#FFFFFF80]
16 LayoutSVGRect {rect} at (60,50) size 100x60 [fill={[type=LINEAR-GRADIENT] [id="Grad1"]}] [x=60.00] [y=50.00] [width=100.00] [height=60.00]
17 LayoutSVGRect {rect} at (60,50) size 100x60 [fill={[type=SOLID] [color=#00FF00]}] [x=60.00] [y=50.00] [width=100.00] [height=60.00]
18 [masker="mask1"] LayoutSVGResourceMasker {mask} at (60,50) size 100x60
19 LayoutSVGText {text} at (200,53) size 164x15 contains 1 chunk(s)
20 LayoutSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 164x15
21 chunk 1 text run 1 at (200.00,65.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 30 width 164.00: "Mask with linear gradient from"
22 LayoutSVGText {text} at (200,68) size 133x15 contains 1 chunk(s)
23 LayoutSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 133x15
24 chunk 1 text run 1 at (200.00,80.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 25 width 133.00: "opacity=1 to opactity=0.5"
25 LayoutSVGResourceMasker {mask} [id="mask2"] [maskUnits=userSpaceOnUse] [maskContentUnits=userSpaceOnUse]
26 LayoutSVGRect {rect} at (60,120) size 100x30 [fill={[type=SOLID] [color=#FFFFFF] [opacity=0.50]}] [x=60.00] [y=120.00] [width=100.00] [height=30.00]
27 LayoutSVGRect {rect} at (60,120) size 100x30 [fill={[type=SOLID] [color=#00FF00]}] [x=60.00] [y=120.00] [width=100.00] [height=30.00]
28 [masker="mask2"] LayoutSVGResourceMasker {mask} at (60,120) size 100x30
29 LayoutSVGText {text} at (200,123) size 173x15 contains 1 chunk(s)
30 LayoutSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 173x15
31 chunk 1 text run 1 at (200.00,135.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 32 width 173.00: "Mask with uniform opacity of 0.5"
32 LayoutSVGRect {rect} at (60,160) size 100x30 [fill={[type=SOLID] [color=#00FF00] [opacity=0.50]}] [x=60.00] [y=160.00] [width=100.00] [height=30.00]
33 LayoutSVGText {text} at (200,163) size 200x15 contains 1 chunk(s)
34 LayoutSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 200x15
35 chunk 1 text run 1 at (200.00,175.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 37 width 200.00: "Rectangle with uniform opacity of 0.5"
36 LayoutSVGResourceMasker {mask} [id="mask3"] [maskUnits=userSpaceOnUse] [maskContentUnits=userSpaceOnUse]
37 LayoutSVGRect {rect} at (60,200) size 200x25 [fill={[type=SOLID] [color=#FFFFFF] [opacity=0.50]}] [x=60.00] [y=200.00] [width=200.00] [height=25.00]
38 LayoutSVGRect {rect} at (60,225) size 200x25 [fill={[type=SOLID] [color=#FFFFFF] [opacity=0.20]}] [x=60.00] [y=225.00] [width=200.00] [height=25.00]
39 LayoutSVGRect {rect} at (60,250) size 200x25 [fill={[type=SOLID] [color=#FFFFFF]}] [x=60.00] [y=250.00] [width=200.00] [height=25.00]
40 LayoutSVGRect {rect} at (60,275) size 200x25 [fill={[type=SOLID] [color=#FFFFFF] [opacity=0.70]}] [x=60.00] [y=275.00] [width=200.00] [height=25.00]
41 LayoutSVGText {text} at (60,182) size 219x125 contains 1 chunk(s)
42 [masker="mask3"] LayoutSVGResourceMasker {mask} at (60,200) size 200x100
43 LayoutSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 219x125
44 [masker="mask3"] LayoutSVGResourceMasker {mask} at (60,200) size 200x100
45 chunk 1 text run 1 at (60.00,280.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 3 width 219.00: "SVG"
46 LayoutSVGText {text} at (200,213) size 202x15 contains 1 chunk(s)
47 LayoutSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 202x15
48 chunk 1 text run 1 at (200.00,225.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 36 width 202.00: "Text with mask containing rectangles"
49 LayoutSVGText {text} at (200,228) size 106x15 contains 1 chunk(s)
50 LayoutSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 106x15
51 chunk 1 text run 1 at (200.00,240.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 20 width 106.00: "of various opacities"
52 LayoutSVGText {text} at (10,304) size 261x46 contains 1 chunk(s)
53 LayoutSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 261x46
54 chunk 1 text run 1 at (10.00,340.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 16 width 261.00: "$Revision: 1.7 $"
55 LayoutSVGRect {rect} at (0,0) size 480x360 [stroke={[type=SOLID] [color=#000000]}] [x=1.00] [y=1.00] [width=478.00] [height=358.00]