1 layer at (0,0) size 480x360
2 LayoutView at (0,0) size 480x360
3 layer at (0,0) size 480x360
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11 LayoutSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 183x15
12 chunk 1 text run 1 at (10.00,165.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 36 width 183.00: "Radial gradient on fill of rectangle"
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15 LayoutSVGGradientStop {stop} [offset=1.00] [color=#FFFF00]
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17 LayoutSVGText {text} at (230,153) size 205x15 contains 1 chunk(s)
18 LayoutSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 205x15
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22 LayoutSVGGradientStop {stop} [offset=1.00] [color=#FFFF00]
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24 LayoutSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 417x56
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27 LayoutSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 207x15
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29 LayoutSVGResourceRadialGradient {radialGradient} [id="Grad4"] [gradientUnits=userSpaceOnUse] [center=(225,245)] [focal=(225,245)] [radius=90.00] [focalRadius=0.00]
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31 LayoutSVGGradientStop {stop} [offset=1.00] [color=#FF0000]
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33 LayoutSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 456x51
34 chunk 1 text run 1 at (10.00,270.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 23 width 455.23: "Gradient on text stroke"
35 LayoutSVGText {text} at (10,273) size 241x15 contains 1 chunk(s)
36 LayoutSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 241x15
37 chunk 1 text run 1 at (10.00,285.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 47 width 241.00: "Radial gradient on stroke of text, black to red"
38 LayoutSVGText {text} at (10,304) size 264x45 contains 1 chunk(s)
39 LayoutSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 264x45
40 chunk 1 text run 1 at (10.00,340.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 16 width 263.34: "$Revision: 1.7 $"
41 LayoutSVGRect {rect} at (0,0) size 480x360 [stroke={[type=SOLID] [color=#000000]}] [x=1.00] [y=1.00] [width=478.00] [height=358.00]