1 Test expected pointerlockchange and pointerlockerror events.
3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
8 PASS onpointerlockchange received after: Lock targetDiv1.
10 PASS onpointerlockchange received after: Unlock again.
11 Lock targetDiv1 again.
12 PASS onpointerlockchange received after: Lock targetDiv1 again.
14 PASS onpointerlockchange received after: Lock targetDiv2.
15 Lock targetDiv2 again.
16 PASS onpointerlockchange received after: Lock targetDiv2 again.
18 PASS onpointerlockchange received after: Unlock targetDiv2.
20 Lock targetIframe1 (handler for iframe1).
21 PASS onpointerlockchange received after: Lock targetIframe1 (handler for iframe1).
23 Lock targetIframe2 (handler for iframe1).
24 Lock targetIframe2 (handler for iframe2).
25 PASS onpointerlockerror received after: Lock targetIframe2 (handler for iframe2).
27 Unlock targetIframe2 (handler for iframe1).
28 Unlock targetIframe2 (handler for iframe2).
29 PASS onpointerlockchange received after: Unlock targetIframe2 (handler for iframe1).
30 PASS testRunner.setPointerLockWillFailSynchronously is defined.
31 Lock with synchronous failure.
32 PASS onpointerlockerror received after: Lock with synchronous failure.
33 PASS testRunner.setPointerLockWillRespondAsynchronously is defined.
34 PASS testRunner.didAcquirePointerLock is defined.
35 PASS testRunner.didNotAcquirePointerLock is defined.
36 Lock with asynchronous failure.
37 PASS onpointerlockerror received after: Lock with asynchronous failure.
38 Lock with asynchronous success.
39 PASS onpointerlockchange received after: Lock with asynchronous success.
40 PASS successfullyParsed is true