1 <html xmlns=
"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >
4 body, svg { margin:
0px; padding:
0px; }
5 text#solidFill::selection, #solidFillText { fill: blue; }
6 text#solidStroke::selection, #solidStrokeText { fill: none; stroke:blue; stroke-width:
1px; }
7 text#gradFill::selection, #gradFillText { fill: url(#grad1); }
8 text#gradStroke::selection, #gradStrokeText { fill: none; stroke: url(#grad1); stroke-width:
1px; }
9 text#none::selection, #noneText { fill: none; stroke: none; }
10 text#compound::selection, text.compound::selection { fill: url(#grad1); stroke:blue; stroke-width:
1px; background-color: yellow; }
11 #compoundText { fill: url(#grad2); stroke:purple; stroke-width:
1px; }
16 document
20 <body onload=
21 <svg xmlns=
"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" font-size=
"20" width=
"800px" height=
23 <linearGradient id=
"grad1" gradientTransform=
24 <stop offset=
"0" stop-color=
25 <stop offset=
"1" stop-color=
27 <linearGradient id=
"grad2" gradientTransform=
28 <stop offset=
"0" stop-color=
29 <stop offset=
"1" stop-color=
32 <g transform=
33 <!-- select with various style -->
34 <text y=
"30px" id=
"solidFill">Selected text should be filled with solid blue.
35 <text y=
"60px" id=
"solidStroke">Selected text should be stroked with solid blue.
36 <text y=
"90px" id=
"gradFill">Selected text should be filled with gradient.
37 <text y=
"120px" id=
"gradStroke">Selected text should be stroked with gradient.
38 <text y=
"150px" id=
"none">Selected text should get invisible.
39 <text y=
"180px" id=
"compound">Selected text should have both gradient fill, solid stroke and background
40 <!-- select various pre-styled texts with a style -->
41 <text y=
"240px" id=
"solidFillText" class=
"compound">Selected text should have both gradient fill, solid stroke and background
42 <text y=
"270px" id=
"solidStrokeText" class=
"compound">Selected text should have both gradient fill, solid stroke and background
43 <text y=
"300px" id=
"gradFillText" class=
"compound">Selected text should have both gradient fill, solid stroke and background
44 <text y=
"330px" id=
"gradStrokeText" class=
"compound">Selected text should have both gradient fill, solid stroke and background
45 <text y=
"360px" id=
"noneText" class=
"compound">Selected text should have both gradient fill, solid stroke and background
46 <text y=
"390px" id=
"compoundText" class=
"compound">Selected text should have both gradient fill, solid stroke and background