1 Test touch adjustment to a non-rectilinear element.
3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
7 PASS adjusted node was DIV#rotated.
8 PASS adjusted node was DIV#rotated.
9 PASS adjusted node was DIV#rotated.
10 PASS adjusted node was DIV#rotated.
11 PASS adjusted node was DIV#rotated.
12 PASS adjusted node was DIV#container.
13 PASS adjusted node was DIV#container.
14 PASS adjusted node was DIV#container.
17 PASS adjusted node was DIV#rotated.
18 PASS adjusted node was DIV#rotated.
21 PASS adjusted node was DIV#container.
22 PASS adjusted node was DIV#container.
24 Adjusted point within bounds
25 PASS adjusted point was within (0,-20)x(41,41)
26 PASS adjusted point was within (40,40)x(40,40)
27 PASS adjusted point was within (-40,40)x(80,40)
28 PASS adjusted point was within (50,-20)x(40,80)
29 PASS successfullyParsed is true