1 Test basic cases of tap-to-zoom mechanics.
3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
6 PASS successfullyParsed is true
9 PASS zoomableArea.top is 100
10 PASS zoomableArea.left is 100
11 PASS zoomableArea.width is 200
12 PASS zoomableArea.height is 100
13 PASS zoomableArea.top is 210
14 PASS zoomableArea.left is 110
15 PASS zoomableArea.width is 180
16 PASS zoomableArea.height is 80
17 PASS zoomableArea.top is 200
18 PASS zoomableArea.left is 100
19 PASS zoomableArea.width is 200
20 PASS zoomableArea.height is 100
21 PASS zoomableArea.top is 50
22 PASS zoomableArea.left is 50
23 PASS zoomableArea.width is 300
24 PASS zoomableArea.height is 300
25 PASS successfullyParsed is true