Move parseFontFaceDescriptor to CSSPropertyParser.cpp
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / third_party / WebKit / LayoutTests / virtual / stable / webexposed / css-properties-as-js-properties-expected.txt
1 This test (crudely) documents Blink's web-exposed CSS properties.  All changes to this list should go through Blink's feature review process:
3 alignContent
4 alignItems
5 alignSelf
6 alignmentBaseline
7 all
8 animation
9 animationDelay
10 animationDirection
11 animationDuration
12 animationFillMode
13 animationIterationCount
14 animationName
15 animationPlayState
16 animationTimingFunction
17 backfaceVisibility
18 background
19 backgroundAttachment
20 backgroundBlendMode
21 backgroundClip
22 backgroundColor
23 backgroundImage
24 backgroundOrigin
25 backgroundPosition
26 backgroundPositionX
27 backgroundPositionY
28 backgroundRepeat
29 backgroundRepeatX
30 backgroundRepeatY
31 backgroundSize
32 baselineShift
33 border
34 borderBottom
35 borderBottomColor
36 borderBottomLeftRadius
37 borderBottomRightRadius
38 borderBottomStyle
39 borderBottomWidth
40 borderCollapse
41 borderColor
42 borderImage
43 borderImageOutset
44 borderImageRepeat
45 borderImageSlice
46 borderImageSource
47 borderImageWidth
48 borderLeft
49 borderLeftColor
50 borderLeftStyle
51 borderLeftWidth
52 borderRadius
53 borderRight
54 borderRightColor
55 borderRightStyle
56 borderRightWidth
57 borderSpacing
58 borderStyle
59 borderTop
60 borderTopColor
61 borderTopLeftRadius
62 borderTopRightRadius
63 borderTopStyle
64 borderTopWidth
65 borderWidth
66 bottom
67 boxShadow
68 boxSizing
69 bufferedRendering
70 captionSide
71 clear
72 clip
73 clipPath
74 clipRule
75 color
76 colorInterpolation
77 colorInterpolationFilters
78 colorRendering
79 content
80 counterIncrement
81 counterReset
82 cssFloat
83 cssText
84 cursor
87 direction
88 display
89 dominantBaseline
90 emptyCells
91 fill
92 fillOpacity
93 fillRule
94 filter
95 flex
96 flexBasis
97 flexDirection
98 flexFlow
99 flexGrow
100 flexShrink
101 flexWrap
102 float
103 floodColor
104 floodOpacity
105 font
106 fontFamily
107 fontKerning
108 fontSize
109 fontStretch
110 fontStyle
111 fontVariant
112 fontVariantLigatures
113 fontWeight
114 getPropertyPriority
115 getPropertyValue
116 glyphOrientationHorizontal
117 glyphOrientationVertical
118 height
119 imageRendering
120 isolation
121 item
122 justifyContent
123 left
124 length
125 letterSpacing
126 lightingColor
127 lineHeight
128 listStyle
129 listStyleImage
130 listStylePosition
131 listStyleType
132 margin
133 marginBottom
134 marginLeft
135 marginRight
136 marginTop
137 marker
138 markerEnd
139 markerMid
140 markerStart
141 mask
142 maskType
143 maxHeight
144 maxWidth
145 maxZoom
146 minHeight
147 minWidth
148 minZoom
149 mixBlendMode
150 motion
151 motionOffset
152 motionPath
153 motionRotation
154 objectFit
155 objectPosition
156 opacity
157 order
158 orientation
159 orphans
160 outline
161 outlineColor
162 outlineOffset
163 outlineStyle
164 outlineWidth
165 overflow
166 overflowWrap
167 overflowX
168 overflowY
169 padding
170 paddingBottom
171 paddingLeft
172 paddingRight
173 paddingTop
174 page
175 pageBreakAfter
176 pageBreakBefore
177 pageBreakInside
178 paintOrder
179 parentRule
180 perspective
181 perspectiveOrigin
182 pointerEvents
183 position
186 removeProperty
187 resize
188 right
191 setProperty
192 shapeImageThreshold
193 shapeMargin
194 shapeOutside
195 shapeRendering
196 size
197 speak
199 stopColor
200 stopOpacity
201 stroke
202 strokeDasharray
203 strokeDashoffset
204 strokeLinecap
205 strokeLinejoin
206 strokeMiterlimit
207 strokeOpacity
208 strokeWidth
209 tabSize
210 tableLayout
211 textAlign
212 textAnchor
213 textDecoration
214 textIndent
215 textOverflow
216 textRendering
217 textShadow
218 textTransform
220 touchAction
221 transform
222 transformOrigin
223 transformStyle
224 transition
225 transitionDelay
226 transitionDuration
227 transitionProperty
228 transitionTimingFunction
229 unicodeBidi
230 unicodeRange
231 userZoom
232 vectorEffect
233 verticalAlign
234 visibility
235 webkitAppRegion
236 webkitAppearance
237 webkitBackgroundClip
238 webkitBackgroundComposite
239 webkitBackgroundOrigin
240 webkitBorderAfter
241 webkitBorderAfterColor
242 webkitBorderAfterStyle
243 webkitBorderAfterWidth
244 webkitBorderBefore
245 webkitBorderBeforeColor
246 webkitBorderBeforeStyle
247 webkitBorderBeforeWidth
248 webkitBorderEnd
249 webkitBorderEndColor
250 webkitBorderEndStyle
251 webkitBorderEndWidth
252 webkitBorderHorizontalSpacing
253 webkitBorderImage
254 webkitBorderStart
255 webkitBorderStartColor
256 webkitBorderStartStyle
257 webkitBorderStartWidth
258 webkitBorderVerticalSpacing
259 webkitBoxAlign
260 webkitBoxDecorationBreak
261 webkitBoxDirection
262 webkitBoxFlex
263 webkitBoxFlexGroup
264 webkitBoxLines
265 webkitBoxOrdinalGroup
266 webkitBoxOrient
267 webkitBoxPack
268 webkitBoxReflect
269 webkitClipPath
270 webkitColumnBreakAfter
271 webkitColumnBreakBefore
272 webkitColumnBreakInside
273 webkitColumnCount
274 webkitColumnGap
275 webkitColumnRule
276 webkitColumnRuleColor
277 webkitColumnRuleStyle
278 webkitColumnRuleWidth
279 webkitColumnSpan
280 webkitColumnWidth
281 webkitColumns
282 webkitFilter
283 webkitFontFeatureSettings
284 webkitFontSizeDelta
285 webkitFontSmoothing
286 webkitHighlight
287 webkitHyphenateCharacter
288 webkitLineBreak
289 webkitLineClamp
290 webkitLocale
291 webkitLogicalHeight
292 webkitLogicalWidth
293 webkitMarginAfter
294 webkitMarginAfterCollapse
295 webkitMarginBefore
296 webkitMarginBeforeCollapse
297 webkitMarginBottomCollapse
298 webkitMarginCollapse
299 webkitMarginEnd
300 webkitMarginStart
301 webkitMarginTopCollapse
302 webkitMask
303 webkitMaskBoxImage
304 webkitMaskBoxImageOutset
305 webkitMaskBoxImageRepeat
306 webkitMaskBoxImageSlice
307 webkitMaskBoxImageSource
308 webkitMaskBoxImageWidth
309 webkitMaskClip
310 webkitMaskComposite
311 webkitMaskImage
312 webkitMaskOrigin
313 webkitMaskPosition
314 webkitMaskPositionX
315 webkitMaskPositionY
316 webkitMaskRepeat
317 webkitMaskRepeatX
318 webkitMaskRepeatY
319 webkitMaskSize
320 webkitMaxLogicalHeight
321 webkitMaxLogicalWidth
322 webkitMinLogicalHeight
323 webkitMinLogicalWidth
324 webkitPaddingAfter
325 webkitPaddingBefore
326 webkitPaddingEnd
327 webkitPaddingStart
328 webkitPerspectiveOriginX
329 webkitPerspectiveOriginY
330 webkitPrintColorAdjust
331 webkitRtlOrdering
332 webkitRubyPosition
333 webkitTapHighlightColor
334 webkitTextCombine
335 webkitTextDecorationsInEffect
336 webkitTextEmphasis
337 webkitTextEmphasisColor
338 webkitTextEmphasisPosition
339 webkitTextEmphasisStyle
340 webkitTextFillColor
341 webkitTextOrientation
342 webkitTextSecurity
343 webkitTextStroke
344 webkitTextStrokeColor
345 webkitTextStrokeWidth
346 webkitTransformOriginX
347 webkitTransformOriginY
348 webkitTransformOriginZ
349 webkitUserDrag
350 webkitUserModify
351 webkitUserSelect
352 webkitWritingMode
353 whiteSpace
354 widows
355 width
356 willChange
357 wordBreak
358 wordSpacing
359 wordWrap
360 writingMode
363 zIndex
364 zoom
365 PASS successfullyParsed is true