1 This directory contains modules related to tools for bisecting regressions.
3 There are several different tools for bisecting regressions; the main use
4 of these tools is to find revisions where a performance regression occurred.
5 These tools are generally run by trybots but can also be run locally.
8 http://www.chromium.org/developers/bisecting-bugs
9 http://www.chromium.org/developers/tree-sheriffs/perf-sheriffs/bisecting-performance-regressions
11 Overview of bisect-related files in src/tools:
12 run-bisect-perf-regression.py -- used to kick off a bisect job
13 prepare-bisect-perf-regression.py -- run before the above to prepare the repo
14 run-bisect-manual-test.py -- used to manually bisect
15 bisect-manual-test.py -- helper module used by run-bisect-manual-test.py
16 auto_bisect/bisect.cfg -- config parameters for a bisect job
17 run-perf-test.cfg -- config parameters running a perf test once