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[chromium-blink-merge.git] / native_client_sdk / doc_generated / devguide / coding / 3D-graphics.html
1 {{+bindTo:partials.standard_nacl_article}}
3 <section id="d-graphics">
4 <span id="devguide-coding-3d-graphics"></span><h1 id="d-graphics"><span id="devguide-coding-3d-graphics"></span>3D Graphics</h1>
5 <p>Native Client applications use the <a class="reference external" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenGL_ES">OpenGL ES 2.0</a> API for 3D rendering. This document
6 describes how to call the OpenGL ES 2.0 interface in a Native Client module and
7 how to build an efficient rendering loop. It also explains how to validate GPU
8 drivers and test for specific GPU capabilities, and provides tips to help ensure
9 your rendering code runs efficiently.</p>
10 <aside class="note">
11 <strong>Note</strong>: 3D drawing and OpenGL are complex topics. This document deals only
12 with issues directly related to programming in the Native Client
13 environment. To learn more about OpenGL ES 2.0 itself, see the <a class="reference external" href="http://opengles-book.com/">OpenGL ES 2.0
14 Programming Guide</a>.
15 </aside>
16 <section id="validating-the-client-graphics-platform">
17 <h2 id="validating-the-client-graphics-platform">Validating the client graphics platform</h2>
18 <p>Native Client is a software technology that lets you code an application once
19 and run it on multiple platforms without worrying about the implementation
20 details on every possible target platform. It&#8217;s difficult to provide the same
21 support at the hardware level. Graphics hardware comes from many different
22 manufacturers and is controlled by drivers of varying quality. A particular GPU
23 driver may not support every OpenGL ES 2.0 feature, and some drivers are known
24 to have vulnerabilities that can be exploited.</p>
25 <p>Even if the GPU driver is safe to use, your program should perform a validation
26 check before you launch your application to ensure that the driver supports all
27 the features you need.</p>
28 <section id="vetting-the-driver-in-javascript">
29 <h3 id="vetting-the-driver-in-javascript">Vetting the driver in JavaScript</h3>
30 <p>At startup, the application should perform a few additional tests that can be
31 implemented in JavaScript on its hosting web page. The script that performs
32 these tests should be included before the module&#8217;s <code>embed</code> tag, and ideally
33 the <code>embed</code> tag should appear on the hosting page only if these tests succeed.</p>
34 <p>The first thing to check is whether you can create a graphics context. If you
35 can, use the context to confirm the existence of any required OpenGL ES 2.0
36 extensions. You may want to refer to the <a class="reference external" href="http://www.khronos.org/registry/webgl/extensions/">extension registry</a> and include <a class="reference external" href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/WebGL/Using_Extensions">vendor
37 prefixes</a>
38 when checking for extensions.</p>
39 </section><section id="vetting-the-driver-in-native-client">
40 <h3 id="vetting-the-driver-in-native-client">Vetting the driver in Native Client</h3>
41 <section id="create-a-context">
42 <h4 id="create-a-context">Create a context</h4>
43 <p>Once you&#8217;ve passed the JavaScript validation tests, it&#8217;s safe to add a Native
44 Client embed tag to the hosting web page and load the module. As part of the
45 module initialization code, you must create a graphics context for the app by
46 either creating a C++ <code>Graphics3D</code> object or calling <code>PPB_Graphics3D</code> API
47 function <code>Create</code>. Don&#8217;t assume this will always succeed; you still might have
48 problems creating the context. If you are in development mode and can&#8217;t create
49 the context, try creating a simpler version to see if you&#8217;re asking for an
50 unsupported feature or exceeding a driver resource limit. Your production code
51 should always check that the context was created and fail gracefully if that&#8217;s
52 not the case.</p>
53 </section><section id="check-for-extensions-and-capabilities">
54 <h4 id="check-for-extensions-and-capabilities">Check for extensions and capabilities</h4>
55 <p>Not every GPU supports every extension or has the same amount of texture units,
56 vertex attributes, etc. On startup, call <code>glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS)</code> and
57 check for the extensions and the features you need. For example:</p>
58 <ul class="small-gap">
59 <li>If you are using non power-of-2 texture with mipmaps, make sure
60 <code>GL_OES_texture_npot</code> exists.</li>
61 <li>If you are using floating point textures, make sure <code>GL_OES_texture_float</code>
62 exists.</li>
63 <li>If you are using DXT1, DXT3, or DXT5 textures, make sure the corresponding
64 extensions <code>EXT_texture_compression_dxt1</code>,
65 <code>GL_CHROMIUM_texture_compression_dxt3</code>, and
66 <code>GL_CHROMIUM_texture_compression_dxt5</code> exist.</li>
67 <li>If you are using the functions <code>glDrawArraysInstancedANGLE</code>,
68 <code>glDrawElementsInstancedANGLE</code>, <code>glVertexAttribDivisorANGLE</code>, or the PPAPI
69 interface <code>PPB_OpenGLES2InstancedArrays</code>, make sure the corresponding
70 extension <code>GL_ANGLE_instanced_arrays</code> exists.</li>
71 <li>If you are using the function <code>glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT</code>, or the
72 PPAPI interface <code>PPB_OpenGLES2FramebufferMultisample</code>, make sure the
73 corresponding extension <code>GL_CHROMIUM_framebuffer_multisample</code> exists.</li>
74 <li>If you are using the functions <code>glGenQueriesEXT</code>, <code>glDeleteQueriesEXT</code>,
75 <code>glIsQueryEXT</code>, <code>glBeginQueryEXT</code>, <code>glEndQueryEXT</code>, <code>glGetQueryivEXT</code>,
76 <code>glGetQueryObjectuivEXT</code>, or the PPAPI interface <code>PPB_OpenGLES2Query</code>,
77 make sure the corresponding extension <code>GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean</code>
78 exists.</li>
79 <li>If you are using the functions <code>glMapBufferSubDataCHROMIUM</code>,
80 <code>glUnmapBufferSubDataCHROMIUM</code>, <code>glMapTexSubImage2DCHROMIUM</code>,
81 <code>glUnmapTexSubImage2DCHROMIUM</code>, or the PPAPI interface
82 <code>PPB_OpenGLES2ChromiumMapSub</code>, make sure the corresponding extension
83 <code>GL_CHROMIUM_map_sub</code> exists.</li>
84 </ul>
85 <p>Check for system capabilites with <code>glGetIntegerv</code> and adjust shader programs
86 as well as texture and vertex data accordingly:</p>
87 <ul class="small-gap">
88 <li>If you are using textures in vertex shaders, make sure
89 <code>glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS, ...)</code> and
90 <code>glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, ...)</code> return values greater than 0.</li>
91 <li>If you are using more than 8 textures in a single shader, make sure
92 <code>glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS, ...)</code> returns a value greater
93 than or equal to the number of simultaneous textures you need.</li>
94 </ul>
95 </section></section><section id="vetting-the-driver-in-the-chrome-web-store">
96 <h3 id="vetting-the-driver-in-the-chrome-web-store">Vetting the driver in the Chrome Web Store</h3>
97 <p>If you choose to place your application in the <a class="reference external" href="/webstore">Chrome Web Store</a>,
98 its Web Store <a class="reference external" href="/extensions/manifest">manifest file</a> can include the <code>webgl</code>
99 feature in the requirements parameter. It looks like this:</p>
100 <pre class="prettyprint">
101 &quot;requirements&quot;: {
102 &quot;3D&quot;: {
103 &quot;features&quot;: [&quot;webgl&quot;]
106 </pre>
107 <p>While WebGL is technically a JavaScript API, specifying the <code>webgl</code> feature
108 also works for OpenGL ES 2.0 because both interfaces use the same driver.</p>
109 <p>This manifest item is not required, but if you include it, the Chrome Web Store
110 will prevent a user from installing the application if the browser is running on
111 a machine that does not support OpenGL ES 2.0 or that is using a known
112 blacklisted GPU driver that could invite an attack.</p>
113 <p>If the Web Store determines that the user&#8217;s driver is deficient, the app won&#8217;t
114 appear on the store&#8217;s tile display. However, it will appear in store search
115 results or if the user links to it directly, in which case the user could still
116 download it. But the manifest requirements will be checked when the user reaches
117 the install page, and if there is a problem, the browser will display the
118 message &#8220;This application is not supported on this computer. Installation has
119 been disabled.&#8221;</p>
120 <p>The manifest-based check applies only to downloads directly from the Chrome Web
121 Store. It is not performed when an application is loaded via <a class="reference external" href="/webstore/inline_installation">inline
122 installation</a>.</p>
123 </section><section id="what-to-do-when-there-are-problems">
124 <h3 id="what-to-do-when-there-are-problems">What to do when there are problems</h3>
125 <p>Using the vetting procedure described above, you should be able to detect the
126 most common problems before your application runs. If there are problems, your
127 code should describe the issue as clearly as possible. That&#8217;s easy if there is a
128 missing feature. Failure to create a graphics context is tougher to diagnose. At
129 the very least, you can suggest that the user try to update the driver. You
130 might want to linke to the Chrome page that describes <a class="reference external" href="http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=en&amp;answer=1202946">how to do updates</a>.</p>
131 <p>If a user can&#8217;t update the driver, or their problem persists, be sure to gather
132 information about their graphics environment. Ask for the contents of the Chrome
133 <code>about:gpu</code> page.</p>
134 </section><section id="document-unreliable-drivers">
135 <h3 id="document-unreliable-drivers">Document unreliable drivers</h3>
136 <p>It can be helpful to include information about known dubious drivers in your
137 user documentation. This might help identify if a rogue driver is the cause of a
138 problem. There are many sources of GPU driver blacklists. Two such lists can be
139 found at the <a class="reference external" href="http://src.chromium.org/viewvc/chrome/trunk/deps/gpu/software_rendering_list/software_rendering_list.json">Chromium project</a>
140 and <a class="reference external" href="http://www.khronos.org/webgl/wiki/BlacklistsAndWhitelists">Khronos</a>. You
141 can use these lists to include information in your documentation that warns
142 users about dangerous drivers.</p>
143 </section><section id="test-your-defenses">
144 <h3 id="test-your-defenses">Test your defenses</h3>
145 <p>You can test your driver validation code by running Chrome with the following
146 flags (all at once) and watching how your application responds:</p>
147 <ul class="small-gap">
148 <li><code>--disable-webgl</code></li>
149 <li><code>--disable-pepper-3d</code></li>
150 <li><code>--disable_multisampling</code></li>
151 <li><code>--disable-accelerated-compositing</code></li>
152 <li><code>--disable-accelerated-2d-canvas</code></li>
153 </ul>
154 </section></section><section id="calling-opengl-es-2-0-commands">
155 <h2 id="calling-opengl-es-2-0-commands">Calling OpenGL ES 2.0 commands</h2>
156 <p>There are three ways to write OpenGL ES 2.0 calls in Native Client.</p>
157 <section id="use-pure-opengl-es-2-0-function-calls">
158 <h3 id="use-pure-opengl-es-2-0-function-calls">Use &#8220;pure&#8221; OpenGL ES 2.0 function calls</h3>
159 <p>You can make OpenGL ES 2.0 calls through a Pepper extension library. The SDK
160 example <code>examples/api/graphics_3d</code> works this way. In the file
161 <code>graphics_3d.cc</code>, the key initialization steps are as follows:</p>
162 <ul class="small-gap">
163 <li><p class="first">Add these includes at the top of the file:</p>
164 <pre class="prettyprint">
165 #include &lt;GLES2/gl2.h&gt;
166 #include &quot;ppapi/lib/gl/gles2/gl2ext_ppapi.h&quot;
167 </pre>
168 </li>
169 <li><p class="first">Define the function <code>InitGL</code>. The exact specification of <code>attrib_list</code>
170 will be application specific.</p>
171 <pre class="prettyprint">
172 bool InitGL(int32_t new_width, int32_t new_height) {
173 if (!glInitializePPAPI(pp::Module::Get()-&gt;get_browser_interface())) {
174 fprintf(stderr, &quot;Unable to initialize GL PPAPI!\n&quot;);
175 return false;
178 const int32_t attrib_list[] = {
186 context_ = pp::Graphics3D(this, attrib_list);
187 if (!BindGraphics(context_)) {
188 fprintf(stderr, &quot;Unable to bind 3d context!\n&quot;);
189 context_ = pp::Graphics3D();
190 glSetCurrentContextPPAPI(0);
191 return false;
194 glSetCurrentContextPPAPI(context_.pp_resource());
195 return true;
197 </pre>
198 </li>
199 <li>Include logic in <code>Instance::DidChangeView</code> to call <code>InitGL</code> whenever
200 necessary: upon application launch (when the graphics context is NULL) and
201 whenever the module&#8217;s View changes size.</li>
202 </ul>
203 </section><section id="use-regal">
204 <h3 id="use-regal">Use Regal</h3>
205 <p>If you are porting an OpenGL ES 2.0 application, or are comfortable writing in
206 OpenGL ES 2.0, you should stick with the Pepper APIs or pure OpenGL ES 2.0 calls
207 described above. If you are porting an application that uses features not in
208 OpenGL ES 2.0, consider using Regal. Regal is an open source library that
209 supports many versions of OpenGL. Regal recently added support for Native
210 Client. Regal forwards most OpenGL calls directly to the underlying graphics
211 library, but it can also emulate other calls that are not included (when
212 hardware support exists). See <a class="reference external" href="http://www.altdevblogaday.com/2012/09/04/bringing-regal-opengl-to-native-client/">libregal</a>
213 for more info.</p>
214 </section><section id="use-the-pepper-api">
215 <h3 id="use-the-pepper-api">Use the Pepper API</h3>
216 <p>Your code can call the Pepper PPB_OpenGLES2 API directly, as with any Pepper
217 interface. When you write in this way, each invocation of an OpenGL ES 2.0
218 function must begin with a reference to the Pepper interface, and the first
219 argument is the graphics context. To invoke the function <code>glCompileShader</code>,
220 your code might look like:</p>
221 <pre class="prettyprint">
222 ppb_g3d_interface-&gt;CompileShader(graphicsContext, shader);
223 </pre>
224 <p>This approach specifically targets the Pepper APIs. Each call corresponds to a
225 OpenGL ES 2.0 function, but the syntax is unique to Native Client, so the source
226 file is not portable.</p>
227 </section></section><section id="implementing-a-rendering-loop">
228 <h2 id="implementing-a-rendering-loop">Implementing a rendering loop</h2>
229 <p>Graphics applications require a continuous frame render-and-redraw cycle that
230 runs at a high frequency. To achieve the best frame rate, is important to
231 understand how the OpenGL ES 2.0 code in a Native Client module interacts with
232 Chrome.</p>
233 <section id="the-chrome-and-native-client-processes">
234 <h3 id="the-chrome-and-native-client-processes">The Chrome and Native Client processes</h3>
235 <p>Chrome is a multi-process browser. Each Chrome tab is a separate process that is
236 running an application with its own main thread (we&#8217;ll call it the Chrome main
237 thread). When an application launches a Native Client module, the module runs in
238 a new, separate sandboxed process. The module&#8217;s process has its own main thread
239 (the Native Client thread). The Chrome and Native Client processes communicate
240 with each other using Pepper API calls on their main threads.</p>
241 <p>When the Chrome main thread calls the Native Client thread (keyboard and mouse
242 callbacks, for example), the Chrome main thread will block. This means that
243 lengthy operations on the Native Client thread can steal cycles from Chrome, and
244 performing blocking operations on the Native Client thread can bring your app to
245 a standstill.</p>
246 <p>Native Client uses callback functions to synchronize the main threads of the
247 two processes. Only certain Pepper functions use callbacks; <a class="reference external" href="/native-client/pepper_stable/c/struct_p_p_b___graphics3_d__1__0#a293c6941c0da084267ffba3954793497">SwapBuffers</a>
248 is one.</p>
249 </section><section id="swapbuffers-and-its-callback-function">
250 <h3 id="swapbuffers-and-its-callback-function"><code>SwapBuffers</code> and its callback function</h3>
251 <p><code>SwapBuffers</code> is non-blocking; it is called from the Native Client thread and
252 returns immediately. When <code>SwapBuffers</code> is called, it runs asynchronously on
253 the Chrome main thread. It switches the graphics data buffers, handles any
254 needed compositing operations, and redraws the screen. When the screen update is
255 complete, the callback function that was included as one of <code>SwapBuffer</code>&#8216;s
256 arguments will be called from the Chrome thread and executed on the Native
257 Client thread.</p>
258 <p>To create a rendering loop, your Native Client module should include a function
259 that does the rendering work and then executes <code>SwapBuffers</code>, passing itself
260 as the <code>SwapBuffer</code> callback. If your rendering code is efficient and runs
261 quickly, this scheme will achieve the highest frame rate possible. The
262 documentation for <code>SwapBuffers</code> explains why this is optimal: because the
263 callback is executed only when the plugin&#8217;s current state is actually on the
264 screen, this function provides a way to rate-limit animations. By waiting until
265 the image is on the screen before painting the next frame, you can ensure you&#8217;re
266 not generating updates faster than the screen can be updated.</p>
267 <p>The following diagram illustrates the interaction between the Chrome and Native
268 Client processes. The application-specific rendering code runs in the function
269 called <code>Draw</code> on the Native Client thread. Blue down-arrows are blocking calls
270 from the main thread to Native Client, green up-arrows are non-blocking
271 <code>SwapBuffers</code> calls from Native Client to the main thread. All OpenGL ES 2.0
272 calls are made from <code>Draw</code> in the Native Client thread.</p>
273 <img alt="/native-client/images/3d-graphics-render-loop.png" src="/native-client/images/3d-graphics-render-loop.png" />
274 </section><section id="sdk-example-graphics-3d">
275 <h3 id="sdk-example-graphics-3d">SDK example <code>graphics_3d</code></h3>
276 <p>The SDK example <code>graphics_3d</code> uses the function <code>MainLoop</code> (in
277 <code>hello_world.cc</code>) to create a rendering loop as described above. <code>MainLoop</code>
278 calls <code>Render</code> to do the rendering work, and then invokes <code>SwapBuffers</code>,
279 passing itself as the callback.</p>
280 <pre class="prettyprint">
281 void MainLoop(void* foo, int bar) {
282 if (g_LoadCnt == 3) {
283 InitProgram();
284 g_LoadCnt++;
286 if (g_LoadCnt &gt; 3) {
287 Render();
288 PP_CompletionCallback cc = PP_MakeCompletionCallback(MainLoop, 0);
289 ppb_g3d_interface-&gt;SwapBuffers(g_context, cc);
290 } else {
291 PP_CompletionCallback cc = PP_MakeCompletionCallback(MainLoop, 0);
292 ppb_core_interface-&gt;CallOnMainThread(0, cc, 0);
295 </pre>
296 </section></section><section id="managing-the-opengl-es-2-0-pipeline">
297 <h2 id="managing-the-opengl-es-2-0-pipeline">Managing the OpenGL ES 2.0 pipeline</h2>
298 <p>OpenGL ES 2.0 commands do not run in the Chrome or Native Client processes. They
299 are passed into a FIFO queue in shared memory which is best understood as a <a class="reference external" href="http://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/gpu-command-buffer">GPU
300 command buffer</a>. The
301 command buffer is shared by a dedicated GPU process. By using a separate GPU
302 process, Chrome implements another layer of runtime security, vetting all OpenGL
303 ES 2.0 commands and their arguments before they are sent on to the
304 GPU. Buffering commands through the FIFO also speeds up your code, since each
305 OpenGL ES 2.0 call in your Native Client thread returns immediately, while the
306 processing may be delayed as the GPU works down the commands queued up in the
307 FIFO.</p>
308 <p>Before the screen is updated, all the intervening OpenGL ES 2.0 commands must be
309 processed by the GPU. Programmers often try to ensure this by using the
310 <code>glFlush</code> and <code>glFinish</code> commands in their rendering code. In the case of
311 Native Client this is usually unnecessary. The <code>SwapBuffers</code> command does an
312 implicit flush, and the Chrome team is continually tweaking the GPU code to
313 consume the OpenGL ES 2.0 FIFO as fast as possible.</p>
314 <p>Sometimes a 3D application can write to the FIFO in a way that&#8217;s difficult to
315 handle. The command pipeline may fill up and your code will have to wait for the
316 GPU to flush the FIFO. If this is the case, you may be able to add <code>glFlush</code>
317 calls to speed up the flow of the OpenGL ES 2.0 command FIFO. Before you start
318 to add your own flushes, first try to determine if pipeline saturation is really
319 the problem by monitoring the rendering time per frame and looking for irregular
320 spikes that do not consistently fall on the same OpenGL ES 2.0 call. If you&#8217;re
321 convinced the pipeline needs to be accelerated, insert <code>glFlush</code> calls in your
322 code before starting blocks of processing that do not generate OpenGL ES 2.0
323 commands. For example, issue a flush before you begin any multithreaded particle
324 work, so that the command buffer will be clear when you start doing OpenGL ES
325 2.0 calls again. Determining where and how often to call <code>glFlush</code> can be
326 tricky, you will need to experiment to find the sweet spot.</p>
327 </section><section id="rendering-and-inactive-tabs">
328 <h2 id="rendering-and-inactive-tabs">Rendering and inactive tabs</h2>
329 <p>Users will often switch between tabs in a multi-tab browser. A well-behaved
330 application that&#8217;s performing 3D rendering should pause any real-time processing
331 and yield cycles to other processes when its tab becomes inactive.</p>
332 <p>In Chrome, an inactive tab will continue to execute timed functions (such as
333 <code>setInterval</code> and <code>setTimeout</code>) but the timer interval will be automatically
334 overridden and limited to not less than one second while the tab is inactive. In
335 addition, any callback associated with a <code>SwapBuffers</code> call will not be sent
336 until the tab is active again. You may receive asynchronous callbacks from
337 functions other than <code>SwapBuffers</code> while a tab is inactive. Depending on the
338 design of your application, you might choose to handle them as they arrive, or
339 to queue them in a buffer and process them when the tab becomes active.</p>
340 <p>The time that passes while a tab is inactive can be considerable. If your main
341 thread pulse is based on the <code>SwapBuffers</code> callback, your app won&#8217;t update
342 while a tab is inactive. A Native Client module should be able to detect and
343 respond to the state of the tab in which it&#8217;s running. For example, when a tab
344 becomes inactive, you can set an atomic flag in the Native Client thread that
345 will skip the 3D rendering and <code>SwapBuffers</code> calls and continue to call the
346 main thread every 30 msec or so. This provides time to update features that
347 should still run in the background, like audio. It may also be helpful to call
348 <code>sched_yield</code> or <code>usleep</code> on any worker threads to release resources and
349 cede cycles to the OS.</p>
350 <section id="handling-tab-activation-from-the-main-thread">
351 <h3 id="handling-tab-activation-from-the-main-thread">Handling tab activation from the main thread</h3>
352 <p>You can detect and respond to the activation or deactivation of a tab with
353 JavaScript on your hosting page. Add an EventListener for <code>visibilitychange</code>
354 that sends a message to the Native Client module, as in this example:</p>
355 <pre class="prettyprint">
356 document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', function(){
357 if (document.hidden) {
358 // PostMessage to your Native Client module
359 document.nacl_module.postMessage('INACTIVE');
360 } else {
361 // PostMessage to your Native Client module
362 document.nacl_module.postMessage('ACTIVE');
365 }, false);
366 </pre>
367 </section><section id="handling-tab-activation-from-the-native-client-thread">
368 <h3 id="handling-tab-activation-from-the-native-client-thread">Handling tab activation from the Native Client thread</h3>
369 <p>You can also detect and respond to the activation or deactivation of a tab
370 directly from your Native Client module by including code in the function
371 <code>pp::Instance::DidChangeView</code>, which is called whenever a change in the
372 module&#8217;s view occurs. The code can call <code>ppb::View::IsPageVisible</code> to
373 determine if the page is visible or not. The most common cause of invisible
374 pages is that the page is in a background tab.</p>
375 </section></section><section id="tips-and-best-practices">
376 <h2 id="tips-and-best-practices">Tips and best practices</h2>
377 <p>Here are some suggestions for writing safe code and getting the maximum
378 performance with the Pepper 3D API.</p>
379 <section id="do-s">
380 <h3 id="do-s">Do&#8217;s</h3>
381 <ul class="small-gap">
382 <li><p class="first"><strong>Make sure to enable attrib 0.</strong> OpenGL requires that you enable attrib 0,
383 but OpenGL ES 2.0 does not. For example, you can define a vertex shader with 2
384 attributes, numbered like this:</p>
385 <pre class="prettyprint">
386 glBindAttribLocation(program, &quot;positions&quot;, 1);
387 glBindAttribLocation(program, &quot;normals&quot;, 2);
388 </pre>
389 <p>In this case the shader is not using attrib 0 and Chrome may have to perform
390 some additional work if it is emulating OpenGL ES 2.0 on top of OpenGL. It&#8217;s
391 always more efficient to enable attrib 0, even if you do not use it.</p>
392 </li>
393 <li><strong>Check how shaders compile.</strong> Shaders can compile differently on different
394 systems, which can result in <code>glGetAttrib*</code> functions returning different
395 results. Be sure that the vertex attribute indices match the corresponding
396 name each time you recompile a shader.</li>
397 <li><strong>Update indices sparingly.</strong> For security reasons, all indices must be
398 validated. If you change indices, Native Client will validate them
399 again. Structure your code so indices are not updated often.</li>
400 <li><strong>Use a smaller plugin and let CSS scale it.</strong> If you&#8217;re running into fillrate
401 issues, it may be beneficial to perform scaling via CSS. The size your plugin
402 renders is determined by the width and height attributes of the <code>&lt;embed&gt;</code>
403 element for the module. The actual size displayed on the web page is
404 controlled by the CSS styles applied to the element.</li>
405 <li><strong>Avoid matrix-to-matrix conversions.</strong> With some versions of Mac OS, there is
406 a driver problem when compiling shaders. If you get compiler errors for matrix
407 transforms, avoid matrix-to-matrix conversions. For instance, upres a vec3 to
408 a vec4 before transforming it by a mat4, rather than converting the mat4 to a
409 mat3.</li>
410 </ul>
411 </section><section id="don-ts">
412 <h3 id="don-ts">Don&#8217;ts</h3>
413 <ul class="small-gap">
414 <li><strong>Don&#8217;t use client side buffers.</strong> OpenGL ES 2.0 can use client side data with
415 <code>glVertexAttribPointer</code> and <code>glDrawElements</code>, but this is really slow. Try
416 to avoid client side buffers. Use Vertex Buffer Objects (VBOs) instead.</li>
417 <li><strong>Don&#8217;t mix vertex data and index data.</strong> By default, Pepper 3D binds buffers
418 to a single point. You could create a buffer and bind it to both
419 <code>GL_ARRAY_BUFFER</code> and <code>GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER</code>, but that would be
420 expensive overhead and it is not recommended.</li>
421 <li><strong>Don&#8217;t call ``glGet*`` or ``glCheck*`` during rendering.</strong> This is normal
422 advice for OpenGL programs, but is particularly important for 3D on
423 Chrome. Calls to any OpenGL ES 2.0 function whose name begins with these
424 strings blocks the Native Client thread. This includes <code>glGetError</code>; avoid
425 calling it in release builds.</li>
426 <li><strong>Don&#8217;t use fixed point (``GL_FIXED``) vertex attributes.</strong> Fixed point
427 attributes are not supported in OpenGL ES 2.0, so emulating them in OpenGL ES
428 2.0 is slow. By default, <code>GL_FIXED</code> support is turned off in the Pepper 3D
429 API.</li>
430 <li><strong>Don&#8217;t read data from the GPU.</strong> Don&#8217;t call <code>glReadPixels</code>, as it is slow.</li>
431 <li><strong>Don&#8217;t update a small portion of a large buffer.</strong> In the current OpenGL ES
432 2.0 implementation when you update a portion of a buffer (with
433 <code>glSubBufferData</code> for example) the entire buffer must be reprocessed. To
434 avoid this problem, keep static and dynamic data in different buffers.</li>
435 <li><strong>Don&#8217;t call ``glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D)``.</strong> This is an OpenGL ES 2.0
436 error. Each time it is called, an error messages will appear in Chrome&#8217;s
437 <code>about:gpu</code> tab.</li>
438 </ul>
439 </section></section></section>
441 {{/partials.standard_nacl_article}}