1 cdef extern from "Python.h":
3 ############################################################################
4 # 7.5.2 Instance Objects
5 ############################################################################
7 # PyTypeObject PyInstance_Type
9 # Type object for class instances.
11 int PyInstance_Check(object obj)
12 # Return true if obj is an instance.
14 object PyInstance_New(object cls, object arg, object kw)
15 # Return value: New reference.
16 # Create a new instance of a specific class. The parameters arg
17 # and kw are used as the positional and keyword parameters to the
18 # object's constructor.
20 object PyInstance_NewRaw(object cls, object dict)
21 # Return value: New reference.
22 # Create a new instance of a specific class without calling its
23 # constructor. class is the class of new object. The dict
24 # parameter will be used as the object's __dict__; if NULL, a new
25 # dictionary will be created for the instance.