[Sync] Componentize HistoryModelWorker.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / components / proximity_auth / remote_device_life_cycle_impl.h
1 // Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
9 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
10 #include "base/observer_list.h"
11 #include "base/timer/timer.h"
12 #include "components/proximity_auth/authenticator.h"
13 #include "components/proximity_auth/client_observer.h"
14 #include "components/proximity_auth/remote_device.h"
15 #include "components/proximity_auth/remote_device_life_cycle.h"
17 namespace proximity_auth {
19 class BluetoothThrottler;
20 class BluetoothLowEnergyDeviceWhitelist;
21 class Client;
22 class Connection;
23 class ConnectionFinder;
24 class ProximityAuthClient;
25 class SecureContext;
27 // Implementation of RemoteDeviceLifeCycle.
28 class RemoteDeviceLifeCycleImpl : public RemoteDeviceLifeCycle,
29 public ClientObserver {
30 public:
31 // Creates the life cycle for controlling the given |remote_device|.
32 // |proximity_auth_client| is not owned.
33 RemoteDeviceLifeCycleImpl(const RemoteDevice& remote_device,
34 ProximityAuthClient* proximity_auth_client);
35 ~RemoteDeviceLifeCycleImpl() override;
37 // RemoteDeviceLifeCycle:
38 void Start() override;
39 RemoteDeviceLifeCycle::State GetState() const override;
40 Client* GetClient() override;
41 void AddObserver(Observer* observer) override;
42 void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) override;
44 protected:
45 // Creates and returns a ConnectionFinder instance for |remote_device_|.
46 // Exposed for testing.
47 virtual scoped_ptr<ConnectionFinder> CreateConnectionFinder();
49 // Creates and returns an Authenticator instance for |connection_|.
50 // Exposed for testing.
51 virtual scoped_ptr<Authenticator> CreateAuthenticator();
53 private:
54 // Transitions to |new_state|, and notifies observers.
55 void TransitionToState(RemoteDeviceLifeCycle::State new_state);
57 // Transtitions to FINDING_CONNECTION state. Creates and starts
58 // |connection_finder_|.
59 void FindConnection();
61 // Called when |connection_finder_| finds a connection.
62 void OnConnectionFound(scoped_ptr<Connection> connection);
64 // Callback when |authenticator_| completes authentication.
65 void OnAuthenticationResult(Authenticator::Result result,
66 scoped_ptr<SecureContext> secure_context);
68 // Creates the client which parses status updates.
69 void CreateClient();
71 // ClientObserver:
72 void OnDisconnected() override;
74 // The remote device being controlled.
75 const RemoteDevice remote_device_;
77 // Used to grab dependencies in chrome. Not owned.
78 ProximityAuthClient* proximity_auth_client_;
80 // The current state in the life cycle.
81 RemoteDeviceLifeCycle::State state_;
83 // Observers added to the life cycle.
84 base::ObserverList<Observer> observers_;
86 // Rate limits Bluetooth connections to the same device. Used to in the
87 // created ConnectionFinder.
88 scoped_ptr<BluetoothThrottler> bluetooth_throttler_;
90 // Used in the FINDING_CONNECTION state to establish a connection to the
91 // remote device.
92 scoped_ptr<ConnectionFinder> connection_finder_;
94 // The connection that is established by |connection_finder_|.
95 scoped_ptr<Connection> connection_;
97 // Authenticates the remote device after it is connected. Used in the
99 scoped_ptr<Authenticator> authenticator_;
101 // Context for encrypting and decrypting messages. Created after
102 // authentication succeeds. Ownership is eventually passed to |client_|.
103 scoped_ptr<SecureContext> secure_context_;
105 // The client for sending and receiving messages in the
107 scoped_ptr<Client> client_;
109 // After authentication fails, this timer waits for a period of time before
110 // retrying the connection.
111 base::OneShotTimer<RemoteDeviceLifeCycleImpl> authentication_recovery_timer_;
113 base::WeakPtrFactory<RemoteDeviceLifeCycleImpl> weak_ptr_factory_;
115 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(RemoteDeviceLifeCycleImpl);
118 } // namespace proximity_auth