Roll src/third_party/skia d32087a:1052f51
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / components / drive /
1 # Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 # found in the LICENSE file.
5 import("//third_party/protobuf/proto_library.gni")
7 source_set("drive") {
8   sources = [
9     "",
10     "change_list_loader.h",
11     "change_list_loader_observer.h",
12     "",
13     "change_list_processor.h",
14     "",
15     "directory_loader.h",
16     "",
17     "drive_api_util.h",
18     "",
19     "drive_app_registry.h",
20     "drive_app_registry_observer.h",
21     "",
22     "drive_notification_manager.h",
23     "drive_notification_observer.h",
24     "",
25     "drive_pref_names.h",
26     "",
27     "drive_uploader.h",
28     "",
29     "event_logger.h",
30     "",
31     "file_cache.h",
32     "",
33     "file_change.h",
34     "",
35     "file_errors.h",
36     "",
37     "file_system.h",
38     "file_system/",
39     "file_system/copy_operation.h",
40     "file_system/",
41     "file_system/create_directory_operation.h",
42     "file_system/",
43     "file_system/create_file_operation.h",
44     "file_system/",
45     "file_system/download_operation.h",
46     "file_system/",
47     "file_system/get_file_for_saving_operation.h",
48     "file_system/",
49     "file_system/move_operation.h",
50     "file_system/",
51     "file_system/open_file_operation.h",
52     "file_system/",
53     "file_system/operation_delegate.h",
54     "file_system/",
55     "file_system/remove_operation.h",
56     "file_system/",
57     "file_system/search_operation.h",
58     "file_system/",
59     "file_system/set_property_operation.h",
60     "file_system/",
61     "file_system/touch_operation.h",
62     "file_system/",
63     "file_system/truncate_operation.h",
64     "",
65     "file_system_core_util.h",
66     "",
67     "file_system_interface.h",
68     "",
69     "file_system_metadata.h",
70     "file_system_observer.h",
71     "",
72     "file_write_watcher.h",
73     "",
74     "job_list.h",
75     "",
76     "job_queue.h",
77     "",
78     "job_scheduler.h",
79     "",
80     "local_file_reader.h",
81     "",
82     "remove_stale_cache_files.h",
83     "",
84     "resource_entry_conversion.h",
85     "",
86     "resource_metadata.h",
87     "",
88     "resource_metadata_storage.h",
89     "",
90     "search_metadata.h",
91     "service/",
92     "service/drive_api_service.h",
93     "service/",
94     "service/drive_service_interface.h",
95     "sync/",
96     "sync/entry_revert_performer.h",
97     "sync/",
98     "sync/entry_update_performer.h",
99     "sync/",
100     "sync/remove_performer.h",
101     "",
102     "sync_client.h",
103   ]
104   deps = [
105     "//base:base",
106     "//components/invalidation/public",
108     # TODO(lukasza): Remove this dependency (see DEPS file for more info).
109     "//content/public/browser:browser",
111     "//google_apis:google_apis",
112     "//net:net",
113     "//third_party/cacheinvalidation:cacheinvalidation",
114     "//third_party/leveldatabase:leveldatabase",
115     "//third_party/re2:re2",
116   ]
117   public_deps = [
118     ":proto",
119   ]
122 proto_library("proto") {
123   sources = [
124     "drive.proto",
125   ]
128 source_set("test_support") {
129   testonly = true
130   sources = [
131     "",
132     "drive_test_util.h",
133     "",
134     "dummy_file_system.h",
135     "",
136     "fake_file_system.h",
137     "",
138     "fake_free_disk_space_getter.h",
139     "service/",
140     "service/dummy_drive_service.h",
141     "service/",
142     "service/fake_drive_service.h",
143     "service/",
144     "service/test_util.h",
145   ]
146   deps = [
147     ":drive",
148     ":proto",
149     "//base:base",
150     "//content/test:test_support",
151     "//google_apis:google_apis",
152     "//net:net",
153   ]