Remove linux_chromium_gn_dbg from the chromium CQ.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / extensions / renderer /
1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "extensions/renderer/script_injection.h"
7 #include <map>
9 #include "base/lazy_instance.h"
10 #include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
11 #include "base/timer/elapsed_timer.h"
12 #include "base/values.h"
13 #include "content/public/child/v8_value_converter.h"
14 #include "content/public/renderer/render_frame.h"
15 #include "extensions/common/extension_messages.h"
16 #include "extensions/common/host_id.h"
17 #include "extensions/renderer/dom_activity_logger.h"
18 #include "extensions/renderer/extension_frame_helper.h"
19 #include "extensions/renderer/extension_groups.h"
20 #include "extensions/renderer/extensions_renderer_client.h"
21 #include "extensions/renderer/script_injection_callback.h"
22 #include "extensions/renderer/scripts_run_info.h"
23 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebString.h"
24 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebDocument.h"
25 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebLocalFrame.h"
26 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebScriptSource.h"
27 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebSecurityOrigin.h"
28 #include "url/gurl.h"
30 namespace extensions {
32 namespace {
34 using IsolatedWorldMap = std::map<std::string, int>;
35 base::LazyInstance<IsolatedWorldMap> g_isolated_worlds =
38 const int64 kInvalidRequestId = -1;
40 // The id of the next pending injection.
41 int64 g_next_pending_id = 0;
43 // Gets the isolated world ID to use for the given |injection_host|
44 // in the given |frame|. If no isolated world has been created for that
45 // |injection_host| one will be created and initialized.
46 int GetIsolatedWorldIdForInstance(const InjectionHost* injection_host,
47 blink::WebLocalFrame* frame) {
48 static int g_next_isolated_world_id =
49 ExtensionsRendererClient::Get()->GetLowestIsolatedWorldId();
51 IsolatedWorldMap& isolated_worlds = g_isolated_worlds.Get();
53 int id = 0;
54 const std::string& key = injection_host->id().id();
55 IsolatedWorldMap::iterator iter = isolated_worlds.find(key);
56 if (iter != isolated_worlds.end()) {
57 id = iter->second;
58 } else {
59 id = g_next_isolated_world_id++;
60 // This map will tend to pile up over time, but realistically, you're never
61 // going to have enough injection hosts for it to matter.
62 isolated_worlds[key] = id;
65 // We need to set the isolated world origin and CSP even if it's not a new
66 // world since these are stored per frame, and we might not have used this
67 // isolated world in this frame before.
68 frame->setIsolatedWorldSecurityOrigin(
69 id, blink::WebSecurityOrigin::create(injection_host->url()));
70 frame->setIsolatedWorldContentSecurityPolicy(
71 id, blink::WebString::fromUTF8(
72 injection_host->GetContentSecurityPolicy()));
73 frame->setIsolatedWorldHumanReadableName(
74 id, blink::WebString::fromUTF8(injection_host->name()));
76 return id;
79 } // namespace
81 // static
82 std::string ScriptInjection::GetHostIdForIsolatedWorld(int isolated_world_id) {
83 const IsolatedWorldMap& isolated_worlds = g_isolated_worlds.Get();
85 for (const auto& iter : isolated_worlds) {
86 if (iter.second == isolated_world_id)
87 return iter.first;
89 return std::string();
92 // static
93 void ScriptInjection::RemoveIsolatedWorld(const std::string& host_id) {
94 g_isolated_worlds.Get().erase(host_id);
97 ScriptInjection::ScriptInjection(
98 scoped_ptr<ScriptInjector> injector,
99 content::RenderFrame* render_frame,
100 scoped_ptr<const InjectionHost> injection_host,
101 UserScript::RunLocation run_location)
102 : injector_(injector.Pass()),
103 render_frame_(render_frame),
104 injection_host_(injection_host.Pass()),
105 run_location_(run_location),
106 request_id_(kInvalidRequestId),
107 complete_(false),
108 did_inject_js_(false),
109 weak_ptr_factory_(this) {
110 CHECK(injection_host_.get());
113 ScriptInjection::~ScriptInjection() {
114 if (!complete_)
115 injector_->OnWillNotInject(ScriptInjector::WONT_INJECT);
118 ScriptInjection::InjectionResult ScriptInjection::TryToInject(
119 UserScript::RunLocation current_location,
120 ScriptsRunInfo* scripts_run_info,
121 const CompletionCallback& async_completion_callback) {
122 if (current_location < run_location_)
123 return INJECTION_WAITING; // Wait for the right location.
125 if (request_id_ != kInvalidRequestId) {
126 // We're waiting for permission right now, try again later.
130 if (!injection_host_) {
131 NotifyWillNotInject(ScriptInjector::EXTENSION_REMOVED);
132 return INJECTION_FINISHED; // We're done.
135 blink::WebLocalFrame* web_frame = render_frame_->GetWebFrame();
136 switch (injector_->CanExecuteOnFrame(
137 injection_host_.get(), web_frame,
138 ExtensionFrameHelper::Get(render_frame_)->tab_id())) {
139 case PermissionsData::ACCESS_DENIED:
140 NotifyWillNotInject(ScriptInjector::NOT_ALLOWED);
141 return INJECTION_FINISHED; // We're done.
142 case PermissionsData::ACCESS_WITHHELD:
143 SendInjectionMessage(true /* request permission */);
144 return INJECTION_WAITING; // Wait around for permission.
145 case PermissionsData::ACCESS_ALLOWED:
146 InjectionResult result = Inject(scripts_run_info);
147 // If the injection is blocked, we need to set the manager so we can
148 // notify it upon completion.
149 if (result == INJECTION_BLOCKED)
150 async_completion_callback_ = async_completion_callback;
151 return result;
158 ScriptInjection::InjectionResult ScriptInjection::OnPermissionGranted(
159 ScriptsRunInfo* scripts_run_info) {
160 if (!injection_host_) {
161 NotifyWillNotInject(ScriptInjector::EXTENSION_REMOVED);
165 return Inject(scripts_run_info);
168 void ScriptInjection::OnHostRemoved() {
169 injection_host_.reset(nullptr);
172 void ScriptInjection::SendInjectionMessage(bool request_permission) {
173 // If we are just notifying the browser of the injection, then send an
174 // invalid request (which is treated like a notification).
175 request_id_ = request_permission ? g_next_pending_id++ : kInvalidRequestId;
176 render_frame_->Send(new ExtensionHostMsg_RequestScriptInjectionPermission(
177 render_frame_->GetRoutingID(),
178 host_id().id(),
179 injector_->script_type(),
180 request_id_));
183 void ScriptInjection::NotifyWillNotInject(
184 ScriptInjector::InjectFailureReason reason) {
185 complete_ = true;
186 injector_->OnWillNotInject(reason);
189 ScriptInjection::InjectionResult ScriptInjection::Inject(
190 ScriptsRunInfo* scripts_run_info) {
191 DCHECK(injection_host_);
192 DCHECK(scripts_run_info);
193 DCHECK(!complete_);
195 if (injection_host_->ShouldNotifyBrowserOfInjection())
196 SendInjectionMessage(false /* don't request permission */);
198 bool should_inject_js = injector_->ShouldInjectJs(run_location_);
199 bool should_inject_css = injector_->ShouldInjectCss(run_location_);
200 DCHECK(should_inject_js || should_inject_css);
202 if (should_inject_js)
203 InjectJs();
204 if (should_inject_css)
205 InjectCss();
207 complete_ = did_inject_js_ || !should_inject_js;
209 injector_->GetRunInfo(scripts_run_info, run_location_);
211 if (complete_)
212 injector_->OnInjectionComplete(execution_result_.Pass(), run_location_);
213 else
214 ++scripts_run_info->num_blocking_js;
219 void ScriptInjection::InjectJs() {
220 DCHECK(!did_inject_js_);
221 blink::WebLocalFrame* web_frame = render_frame_->GetWebFrame();
222 std::vector<blink::WebScriptSource> sources =
223 injector_->GetJsSources(run_location_);
224 bool in_main_world = injector_->ShouldExecuteInMainWorld();
225 int world_id = in_main_world
226 ? DOMActivityLogger::kMainWorldId
227 : GetIsolatedWorldIdForInstance(injection_host_.get(),
228 web_frame);
229 bool is_user_gesture = injector_->IsUserGesture();
231 scoped_ptr<blink::WebScriptExecutionCallback> callback(
232 new ScriptInjectionCallback(
233 base::Bind(&ScriptInjection::OnJsInjectionCompleted,
234 weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())));
236 base::ElapsedTimer exec_timer;
237 if (injection_host_->id().type() == HostID::EXTENSIONS)
238 DOMActivityLogger::AttachToWorld(world_id, injection_host_->id().id());
239 if (in_main_world) {
240 // We only inject in the main world for javascript: urls.
241 DCHECK_EQ(1u, sources.size());
243 web_frame->requestExecuteScriptAndReturnValue(sources.front(),
244 is_user_gesture,
245 callback.release());
246 } else {
247 web_frame->requestExecuteScriptInIsolatedWorld(
248 world_id,
249 &sources.front(),
250 sources.size(),
252 is_user_gesture,
253 callback.release());
256 if (injection_host_->id().type() == HostID::EXTENSIONS)
257 UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("Extensions.InjectScriptTime", exec_timer.Elapsed());
260 void ScriptInjection::OnJsInjectionCompleted(
261 const blink::WebVector<v8::Local<v8::Value> >& results) {
262 DCHECK(!did_inject_js_);
264 bool expects_results = injector_->ExpectsResults();
265 if (expects_results) {
266 if (!results.isEmpty() && !results[0].IsEmpty()) {
267 // Right now, we only support returning single results (per frame).
268 scoped_ptr<content::V8ValueConverter> v8_converter(
269 content::V8ValueConverter::create());
270 // It's safe to always use the main world context when converting
271 // here. V8ValueConverterImpl shouldn't actually care about the
272 // context scope, and it switches to v8::Object's creation context
273 // when encountered.
274 v8::Local<v8::Context> context =
275 render_frame_->GetWebFrame()->mainWorldScriptContext();
276 execution_result_.reset(v8_converter->FromV8Value(results[0], context));
278 if (!execution_result_.get())
279 execution_result_ = base::Value::CreateNullValue();
281 did_inject_js_ = true;
283 // If |async_completion_callback_| is set, it means the script finished
284 // asynchronously, and we should run it.
285 if (!async_completion_callback_.is_null()) {
286 injector_->OnInjectionComplete(execution_result_.Pass(), run_location_);
287 // Warning: this object can be destroyed after this line!
288 async_completion_callback_.Run(this);
292 void ScriptInjection::InjectCss() {
293 std::vector<std::string> css_sources =
294 injector_->GetCssSources(run_location_);
295 blink::WebLocalFrame* web_frame = render_frame_->GetWebFrame();
296 for (const std::string& css : css_sources)
297 web_frame->document().insertStyleSheet(blink::WebString::fromUTF8(css));
300 } // namespace extensions