Rename isSystemLocationEnabled to isLocationEnabled, as per internal review (185995).
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / google_apis / gcm / engine / connection_factory_impl.h
1 // Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include "google_apis/gcm/engine/connection_factory.h"
10 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
11 #include "base/time/time.h"
12 #include "google_apis/gcm/protocol/mcs.pb.h"
13 #include "net/base/backoff_entry.h"
14 #include "net/base/network_change_notifier.h"
15 #include "net/proxy/proxy_info.h"
16 #include "net/proxy/proxy_service.h"
17 #include "net/socket/client_socket_handle.h"
18 #include "url/gurl.h"
20 namespace net {
21 class HttpNetworkSession;
22 class NetLog;
25 namespace gcm {
27 class ConnectionHandlerImpl;
28 class GCMStatsRecorder;
30 class GCM_EXPORT ConnectionFactoryImpl :
31 public ConnectionFactory,
32 public net::NetworkChangeNotifier::NetworkChangeObserver {
33 public:
34 // |http_network_session| is an optional network session to use as a source
35 // for proxy auth credentials (via its HttpAuthCache). |gcm_network_session|
36 // is the network session through which GCM connections should be made, and
37 // must not be the same as |http_network_session|.
38 ConnectionFactoryImpl(
39 const std::vector<GURL>& mcs_endpoints,
40 const net::BackoffEntry::Policy& backoff_policy,
41 const scoped_refptr<net::HttpNetworkSession>& gcm_network_session,
42 const scoped_refptr<net::HttpNetworkSession>& http_network_session,
43 net::NetLog* net_log,
44 GCMStatsRecorder* recorder);
45 ~ConnectionFactoryImpl() override;
47 // ConnectionFactory implementation.
48 void Initialize(
49 const BuildLoginRequestCallback& request_builder,
50 const ConnectionHandler::ProtoReceivedCallback& read_callback,
51 const ConnectionHandler::ProtoSentCallback& write_callback) override;
52 ConnectionHandler* GetConnectionHandler() const override;
53 void Connect() override;
54 bool IsEndpointReachable() const override;
55 std::string GetConnectionStateString() const override;
56 base::TimeTicks NextRetryAttempt() const override;
57 void SignalConnectionReset(ConnectionResetReason reason) override;
58 void SetConnectionListener(ConnectionListener* listener) override;
60 // NetworkChangeObserver implementation.
61 void OnNetworkChanged(
62 net::NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionType type) override;
64 // Returns the server to which the factory is currently connected, or if
65 // a connection is currently pending, the server to which the next connection
66 // attempt will be made.
67 GURL GetCurrentEndpoint() const;
69 // Returns the IPEndpoint to which the factory is currently connected. If no
70 // connection is active, returns an empty IPEndpoint.
71 net::IPEndPoint GetPeerIP();
73 protected:
74 // Implementation of Connect(..). If not in backoff, uses |login_request_|
75 // in attempting a connection/handshake. On connection/handshake failure, goes
76 // into backoff.
77 // Virtual for testing.
78 virtual void ConnectImpl();
80 // Helper method for initalizing the connection hander.
81 // Virtual for testing.
82 virtual void InitHandler();
84 // Helper method for creating a backoff entry.
85 // Virtual for testing.
86 virtual scoped_ptr<net::BackoffEntry> CreateBackoffEntry(
87 const net::BackoffEntry::Policy* const policy);
89 // Helper method for creating the connection handler.
90 // Virtual for testing.
91 virtual scoped_ptr<ConnectionHandler> CreateConnectionHandler(
92 base::TimeDelta read_timeout,
93 const ConnectionHandler::ProtoReceivedCallback& read_callback,
94 const ConnectionHandler::ProtoSentCallback& write_callback,
95 const ConnectionHandler::ConnectionChangedCallback& connection_callback);
97 // Returns the current time in Ticks.
98 // Virtual for testing.
99 virtual base::TimeTicks NowTicks();
101 // Callback for Socket connection completion.
102 void OnConnectDone(int result);
104 // ConnectionHandler callback for connection issues.
105 void ConnectionHandlerCallback(int result);
107 private:
108 // Helper method for checking backoff and triggering a connection as
109 // necessary.
110 void ConnectWithBackoff();
112 // Proxy resolution and connection functions.
113 void OnProxyResolveDone(int status);
114 void OnProxyConnectDone(int status);
115 int ReconsiderProxyAfterError(int error);
116 void ReportSuccessfulProxyConnection();
118 // Closes the local socket if one is present, and resets connection handler.
119 void CloseSocket();
121 // Updates the GCM Network Session's HttpAuthCache with the HTTP Network
122 // Session's cache, if available.
123 void RebuildNetworkSessionAuthCache();
125 // The MCS endpoints to make connections to, sorted in order of priority.
126 const std::vector<GURL> mcs_endpoints_;
127 // Index to the endpoint for which a connection should be attempted next.
128 size_t next_endpoint_;
129 // Index to the endpoint that was last successfully connected.
130 size_t last_successful_endpoint_;
132 // The backoff policy to use.
133 const net::BackoffEntry::Policy backoff_policy_;
135 // ---- net:: components for establishing connections. ----
136 // Network session for creating new GCM connections.
137 const scoped_refptr<net::HttpNetworkSession> gcm_network_session_;
138 // HTTP Network session. If set, is used for extracting proxy auth
139 // credentials. If not set, is ignored.
140 const scoped_refptr<net::HttpNetworkSession> http_network_session_;
141 // Net log to use in connection attempts.
142 net::BoundNetLog bound_net_log_;
143 // The current PAC request, if one exists. Owned by the proxy service.
144 net::ProxyService::PacRequest* pac_request_;
145 // The current proxy info.
146 net::ProxyInfo proxy_info_;
147 // The handle to the socket for the current connection, if one exists.
148 net::ClientSocketHandle socket_handle_;
149 // Current backoff entry.
150 scoped_ptr<net::BackoffEntry> backoff_entry_;
151 // Backoff entry from previous connection attempt. Updated on each login
152 // completion.
153 scoped_ptr<net::BackoffEntry> previous_backoff_;
155 // Whether a connection attempt is currently actively in progress.
156 bool connecting_;
158 // Whether the client is waiting for backoff to finish before attempting to
159 // connect. Canary jobs are able to preempt connections pending backoff
160 // expiration.
161 bool waiting_for_backoff_;
163 // Whether the NetworkChangeNotifier has informed the client that there is
164 // no current connection. No connection attempts will be made until the
165 // client is informed of a valid connection type.
166 bool waiting_for_network_online_;
168 // Whether login successfully completed after the connection was established.
169 // If a connection reset happens while attempting to log in, the current
170 // backoff entry is reused (after incrementing with a new failure).
171 bool logging_in_;
173 // The time of the last login completion. Used for calculating whether to
174 // restore a previous backoff entry and for measuring uptime.
175 base::TimeTicks last_login_time_;
177 // The current connection handler, if one exists.
178 scoped_ptr<ConnectionHandler> connection_handler_;
180 // Builder for generating new login requests.
181 BuildLoginRequestCallback request_builder_;
183 // Recorder that records GCM activities for debugging purpose. Not owned.
184 GCMStatsRecorder* recorder_;
186 // Listener for connection change events.
187 ConnectionListener* listener_;
189 base::WeakPtrFactory<ConnectionFactoryImpl> weak_ptr_factory_;
191 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ConnectionFactoryImpl);
194 } // namespace gcm