1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #import "chrome/browser/ui/app_list/app_list_service_mac.h"
7 #include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>
8 #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
10 #include "base/bind.h"
11 #include "base/command_line.h"
12 #include "base/files/file_util.h"
13 #include "base/lazy_instance.h"
14 #include "base/memory/singleton.h"
15 #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
16 #include "base/prefs/pref_service.h"
17 #import "chrome/browser/app_controller_mac.h"
18 #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h"
19 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_service.h"
20 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_info_cache.h"
21 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_manager.h"
22 #include "chrome/browser/ui/app_list/app_list_positioner.h"
23 #include "chrome/browser/ui/app_list/app_list_service.h"
24 #include "chrome/browser/ui/app_list/app_list_service_cocoa_mac.h"
25 #include "chrome/browser/ui/app_list/app_list_service_impl.h"
26 #include "chrome/browser/ui/app_list/app_list_util.h"
27 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_commands.h"
28 #include "chrome/browser/ui/extensions/application_launch.h"
29 #include "chrome/browser/web_applications/web_app.h"
30 #include "chrome/browser/web_applications/web_app_mac.h"
31 #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
32 #include "chrome/common/chrome_version_info.h"
33 #include "chrome/common/extensions/manifest_handlers/app_launch_info.h"
34 #include "chrome/common/mac/app_mode_common.h"
35 #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
36 #include "chrome/grit/google_chrome_strings.h"
37 #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
38 #include "extensions/browser/extension_system.h"
39 #include "extensions/common/manifest_handlers/file_handler_info.h"
40 #include "grit/chrome_unscaled_resources.h"
41 #include "net/base/url_util.h"
42 #include "ui/app_list/app_list_switches.h"
43 #include "ui/app_list/search_box_model.h"
44 #include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
45 #include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h"
46 #include "ui/gfx/display.h"
47 #include "ui/gfx/screen.h"
53 // Controller for animations that show or hide the app list.
54 @interface AppListAnimationController : NSObject<NSAnimationDelegate> {
56 // When closing, the window to close. Retained until the animation ends.
57 base::scoped_nsobject<NSWindow> window_;
58 // The animation started and owned by |self|. Reset when the animation ends.
59 base::scoped_nsobject<NSViewAnimation> animation_;
62 // Returns whether |window_| is scheduled to be closed when the animation ends.
65 // Animate |window| to show or close it, after cancelling any current animation.
66 // Translates from the current location to |targetOrigin| and fades in or out.
67 - (void)animateWindow:(NSWindow*)window
68 targetOrigin:(NSPoint)targetOrigin
69 closing:(BOOL)closing;
71 // Called on the UI thread once the animation has completed to reset the
72 // animation state, close the window (if it is a close animation), and possibly
74 - (void)cleanupOnUIThread;
80 // Version of the app list shortcut version installed.
81 const int kShortcutVersion = 2;
83 // Duration of show and hide animations.
84 const NSTimeInterval kAnimationDuration = 0.2;
86 // Distance towards the screen edge that the app list moves from when showing.
87 const CGFloat kDistanceMovedOnShow = 20;
89 scoped_ptr<web_app::ShortcutInfo> GetAppListShortcutInfo(
90 const base::FilePath& profile_path) {
91 scoped_ptr<web_app::ShortcutInfo> shortcut_info(new web_app::ShortcutInfo);
92 chrome::VersionInfo::Channel channel = chrome::VersionInfo::GetChannel();
93 if (channel == chrome::VersionInfo::CHANNEL_CANARY) {
94 shortcut_info->title =
97 shortcut_info->title =
98 l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_APP_LIST_SHORTCUT_NAME);
101 shortcut_info->extension_id = app_mode::kAppListModeId;
102 shortcut_info->description = shortcut_info->title;
103 shortcut_info->profile_path = profile_path;
105 return shortcut_info;
108 void CreateAppListShim(const base::FilePath& profile_path) {
109 DCHECK_CURRENTLY_ON(content::BrowserThread::UI);
110 WebApplicationInfo web_app_info;
111 scoped_ptr<web_app::ShortcutInfo> shortcut_info =
112 GetAppListShortcutInfo(profile_path);
114 ResourceBundle& resource_bundle = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance();
115 chrome::VersionInfo::Channel channel = chrome::VersionInfo::GetChannel();
116 if (channel == chrome::VersionInfo::CHANNEL_CANARY) {
117 #if defined(GOOGLE_CHROME_BUILD)
118 shortcut_info->favicon.Add(
119 *resource_bundle.GetImageSkiaNamed(IDR_APP_LIST_CANARY_16));
120 shortcut_info->favicon.Add(
121 *resource_bundle.GetImageSkiaNamed(IDR_APP_LIST_CANARY_32));
122 shortcut_info->favicon.Add(
123 *resource_bundle.GetImageSkiaNamed(IDR_APP_LIST_CANARY_128));
124 shortcut_info->favicon.Add(
125 *resource_bundle.GetImageSkiaNamed(IDR_APP_LIST_CANARY_256));
130 shortcut_info->favicon.Add(
131 *resource_bundle.GetImageSkiaNamed(IDR_APP_LIST_16));
132 shortcut_info->favicon.Add(
133 *resource_bundle.GetImageSkiaNamed(IDR_APP_LIST_32));
134 shortcut_info->favicon.Add(
135 *resource_bundle.GetImageSkiaNamed(IDR_APP_LIST_128));
136 shortcut_info->favicon.Add(
137 *resource_bundle.GetImageSkiaNamed(IDR_APP_LIST_256));
140 web_app::ShortcutLocations shortcut_locations;
141 PrefService* local_state = g_browser_process->local_state();
142 int installed_version =
143 local_state->GetInteger(prefs::kAppLauncherShortcutVersion);
145 // If this is a first-time install, add a dock icon. Otherwise just update
146 // the target, and wait for OSX to refresh its icon caches. This might not
147 // occur until a reboot, but OSX does not offer a nicer way. Deleting cache
148 // files on disk and killing processes can easily result in icon corruption.
149 if (installed_version == 0)
150 shortcut_locations.in_quick_launch_bar = true;
152 web_app::CreateNonAppShortcut(shortcut_locations, shortcut_info.Pass());
154 local_state->SetInteger(prefs::kAppLauncherShortcutVersion,
158 NSRunningApplication* ActiveApplicationNotChrome() {
159 NSArray* applications = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] runningApplications];
160 for (NSRunningApplication* application in applications) {
161 if (![application isActive])
164 if ([application isEqual:[NSRunningApplication currentApplication]])
165 return nil; // Chrome is active.
173 // Determines which screen edge the dock is aligned to.
174 AppListPositioner::ScreenEdge DockLocationInDisplay(
175 const gfx::Display& display) {
176 // Assume the dock occupies part of the work area either on the left, right or
177 // bottom of the display. Note in the autohide case, it is always 4 pixels.
178 const gfx::Rect work_area = display.work_area();
179 const gfx::Rect display_bounds = display.bounds();
180 if (work_area.bottom() != display_bounds.bottom())
181 return AppListPositioner::SCREEN_EDGE_BOTTOM;
183 if (work_area.x() != display_bounds.x())
184 return AppListPositioner::SCREEN_EDGE_LEFT;
186 if (work_area.right() != display_bounds.right())
187 return AppListPositioner::SCREEN_EDGE_RIGHT;
189 return AppListPositioner::SCREEN_EDGE_UNKNOWN;
192 // If |display|'s work area is too close to its boundary on |dock_edge|, adjust
193 // the work area away from the edge by a constant amount to reduce overlap and
194 // ensure the dock icon can still be clicked to dismiss the app list.
195 void AdjustWorkAreaForDock(const gfx::Display& display,
196 AppListPositioner* positioner,
197 AppListPositioner::ScreenEdge dock_edge) {
198 const int kAutohideDockThreshold = 10;
199 const int kExtraDistance = 50; // A dock with 40 items is about this size.
201 const gfx::Rect work_area = display.work_area();
202 const gfx::Rect display_bounds = display.bounds();
205 case AppListPositioner::SCREEN_EDGE_LEFT:
206 if (work_area.x() - display_bounds.x() <= kAutohideDockThreshold)
207 positioner->WorkAreaInset(kExtraDistance, 0, 0, 0);
209 case AppListPositioner::SCREEN_EDGE_RIGHT:
210 if (display_bounds.right() - work_area.right() <= kAutohideDockThreshold)
211 positioner->WorkAreaInset(0, 0, kExtraDistance, 0);
213 case AppListPositioner::SCREEN_EDGE_BOTTOM:
214 if (display_bounds.bottom() - work_area.bottom() <=
215 kAutohideDockThreshold) {
216 positioner->WorkAreaInset(0, 0, 0, kExtraDistance);
219 case AppListPositioner::SCREEN_EDGE_UNKNOWN:
220 case AppListPositioner::SCREEN_EDGE_TOP:
226 void GetAppListWindowOrigins(
227 NSWindow* window, NSPoint* target_origin, NSPoint* start_origin) {
228 gfx::Screen* const screen = gfx::Screen::GetScreenFor([window contentView]);
229 // Ensure y coordinates are flipped back into AppKit's coordinate system.
230 bool cursor_is_visible = CGCursorIsVisible();
231 gfx::Display display;
233 if (!cursor_is_visible) {
234 // If Chrome is the active application, display on the same display as
235 // Chrome's keyWindow since this will catch activations triggered, e.g, via
236 // WebStore install. If another application is active, OSX doesn't provide a
237 // reliable way to get the display in use. Fall back to the primary display
238 // since it has the menu bar and is likely to be correct, e.g., for
239 // activations from Spotlight.
240 const gfx::NativeView key_view = [[NSApp keyWindow] contentView];
241 display = key_view && [NSApp isActive] ?
242 screen->GetDisplayNearestWindow(key_view) :
243 screen->GetPrimaryDisplay();
245 cursor = screen->GetCursorScreenPoint();
246 display = screen->GetDisplayNearestPoint(cursor);
249 const NSSize ns_window_size = [window frame].size;
250 gfx::Size window_size(ns_window_size.width, ns_window_size.height);
251 int primary_display_height =
252 NSMaxY([[[NSScreen screens] objectAtIndex:0] frame]);
253 AppListServiceMac::FindAnchorPoint(window_size,
255 primary_display_height,
262 AppListServiceMac* GetActiveInstance() {
263 if (app_list::switches::IsMacViewsAppListListEnabled()) {
264 #if defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS)
265 // TODO(tapted): Return AppListServiceViewsMac instance.
270 return AppListServiceCocoaMac::GetInstance();
275 AppListServiceMac::AppListServiceMac() {
276 animation_controller_.reset([[AppListAnimationController alloc] init]);
279 AppListServiceMac::~AppListServiceMac() {}
282 void AppListServiceMac::FindAnchorPoint(const gfx::Size& window_size,
283 const gfx::Display& display,
284 int primary_display_height,
285 bool cursor_is_visible,
286 const gfx::Point& cursor,
287 NSPoint* target_origin,
288 NSPoint* start_origin) {
289 AppListPositioner positioner(display, window_size, 0);
290 AppListPositioner::ScreenEdge dock_location = DockLocationInDisplay(display);
293 // Snap to the dock edge. If the cursor is greater than the window
294 // width/height away or not visible, anchor to the center of the dock.
295 // Otherwise, anchor to the cursor position.
296 if (dock_location == AppListPositioner::SCREEN_EDGE_UNKNOWN) {
297 anchor = positioner.GetAnchorPointForScreenCorner(
298 AppListPositioner::SCREEN_CORNER_BOTTOM_LEFT);
301 dock_location == AppListPositioner::SCREEN_EDGE_BOTTOM ||
302 dock_location == AppListPositioner::SCREEN_EDGE_TOP ?
303 window_size.height() :
305 // Subtract the dock area since the display's default work_area will not
306 // subtract it if the dock is set to auto-hide, and the app list should
307 // never overlap the dock.
308 AdjustWorkAreaForDock(display, &positioner, dock_location);
309 if (!cursor_is_visible || positioner.GetCursorDistanceFromShelf(
310 dock_location, cursor) > snap_distance) {
311 anchor = positioner.GetAnchorPointForShelfCenter(dock_location);
313 anchor = positioner.GetAnchorPointForShelfCursor(dock_location, cursor);
317 *target_origin = NSMakePoint(
318 anchor.x() - window_size.width() / 2,
319 primary_display_height - anchor.y() - window_size.height() / 2);
320 *start_origin = *target_origin;
322 // If the launcher is anchored to the dock (regardless of whether the cursor
323 // is visible), animate in inwards from the edge of screen
324 switch (dock_location) {
325 case AppListPositioner::SCREEN_EDGE_UNKNOWN:
327 case AppListPositioner::SCREEN_EDGE_LEFT:
328 start_origin->x -= kDistanceMovedOnShow;
330 case AppListPositioner::SCREEN_EDGE_RIGHT:
331 start_origin->x += kDistanceMovedOnShow;
333 case AppListPositioner::SCREEN_EDGE_TOP:
336 case AppListPositioner::SCREEN_EDGE_BOTTOM:
337 start_origin->y -= kDistanceMovedOnShow;
342 void AppListServiceMac::Init(Profile* initial_profile) {
343 InitWithProfilePath(initial_profile, initial_profile->GetPath());
346 void AppListServiceMac::InitWithProfilePath(
347 Profile* initial_profile,
348 const base::FilePath& profile_path) {
349 // App list profiles should not be off-the-record. It is currently possible to
350 // get here in an off-the-record profile via the Web Store
351 // (http://crbug.com/416380).
352 // TODO(mgiuca): DCHECK that requested_profile->IsOffTheRecord() and
353 // requested_profile->IsGuestSession() are false, once that is resolved.
355 // On Mac, Init() is called multiple times for a process: any time there is no
356 // browser window open and a new window is opened, and during process startup
357 // to handle the silent launch case (e.g. for app shims). In the startup case,
358 // a profile has not yet been determined so |initial_profile| will be NULL.
359 static bool init_called_with_profile = false;
360 if (initial_profile && !init_called_with_profile) {
361 init_called_with_profile = true;
362 PerformStartupChecks(initial_profile);
363 PrefService* local_state = g_browser_process->local_state();
364 if (!IsAppLauncherEnabled()) {
365 local_state->SetInteger(prefs::kAppLauncherShortcutVersion, 0);
367 int installed_shortcut_version =
368 local_state->GetInteger(prefs::kAppLauncherShortcutVersion);
370 if (kShortcutVersion > installed_shortcut_version)
375 static bool init_called = false;
380 apps::AppShimHandler::RegisterHandler(app_mode::kAppListModeId, this);
382 // Handle the case where Chrome was not running and was started with the app
383 // launcher shim. The profile has not yet been loaded. To improve response
384 // times, start animating an empty window which will be populated via
385 // OnShimLaunch(). Note that if --silent-launch is not also passed, the window
386 // will instead populate via StartupBrowserCreator::Launch(). Shim-initiated
387 // launches will always have --silent-launch.
388 if (base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->
389 HasSwitch(switches::kShowAppList)) {
390 // Do not show the launcher window when the profile is locked, or if it
391 // can't be displayed unpopulated. In the latter case, the Show will occur
392 // in OnShimLaunch() or AppListService::HandleLaunchCommandLine().
393 const ProfileInfoCache& profile_info_cache =
394 g_browser_process->profile_manager()->GetProfileInfoCache();
395 size_t profile_index = profile_info_cache.
396 GetIndexOfProfileWithPath(profile_path);
397 if (profile_index != std::string::npos &&
398 !profile_info_cache.ProfileIsSigninRequiredAtIndex(profile_index) &&
400 ShowWindowNearDock();
404 void AppListServiceMac::DismissAppList() {
405 if (!IsAppListVisible())
408 NSWindow* app_list_window = GetNativeWindow();
409 // If the app list is currently the main window, it will activate the next
410 // Chrome window when dismissed. But if a different application was active
411 // when the app list was shown, activate that instead.
412 base::scoped_nsobject<NSRunningApplication> prior_app;
413 if ([app_list_window isMainWindow])
414 prior_app.swap(previously_active_application_);
416 previously_active_application_.reset();
418 // If activation is successful, the app list will lose main status and try to
419 // close itself again. It can't be closed in this runloop iteration without
420 // OSX deciding to raise the next Chrome window, and _then_ activating the
421 // application on top. This also occurs if no activation option is given.
422 if ([prior_app activateWithOptions:NSApplicationActivateIgnoringOtherApps])
425 [animation_controller_ animateWindow:app_list_window
426 targetOrigin:last_start_origin_
430 void AppListServiceMac::ShowForCustomLauncherPage(Profile* profile) {
434 void AppListServiceMac::HideCustomLauncherPage() {
438 bool AppListServiceMac::IsAppListVisible() const {
439 return [GetNativeWindow() isVisible] &&
440 ![animation_controller_ isClosing];
443 void AppListServiceMac::EnableAppList(Profile* initial_profile,
444 AppListEnableSource enable_source) {
445 AppListServiceImpl::EnableAppList(initial_profile, enable_source);
446 AppController* controller = [NSApp delegate];
447 [controller initAppShimMenuController];
450 void AppListServiceMac::CreateShortcut() {
451 CreateAppListShim(GetProfilePath(
452 g_browser_process->profile_manager()->user_data_dir()));
455 NSWindow* AppListServiceMac::GetAppListWindow() {
456 return GetNativeWindow();
459 void AppListServiceMac::OnShimLaunch(apps::AppShimHandler::Host* host,
460 apps::AppShimLaunchType launch_type,
461 const std::vector<base::FilePath>& files) {
462 if (GetCurrentAppListProfile() && IsAppListVisible()) {
465 // Start by showing a possibly empty window to handle the case where Chrome
466 // is running, but hasn't yet loaded the app launcher profile.
468 ShowWindowNearDock();
472 // Always close the shim process immediately.
473 host->OnAppLaunchComplete(apps::APP_SHIM_LAUNCH_DUPLICATE_HOST);
476 void AppListServiceMac::OnShimClose(apps::AppShimHandler::Host* host) {}
478 void AppListServiceMac::OnShimFocus(apps::AppShimHandler::Host* host,
479 apps::AppShimFocusType focus_type,
480 const std::vector<base::FilePath>& files) {}
482 void AppListServiceMac::OnShimSetHidden(apps::AppShimHandler::Host* host,
485 void AppListServiceMac::OnShimQuit(apps::AppShimHandler::Host* host) {}
487 void AppListServiceMac::ShowWindowNearDock() {
488 if (IsAppListVisible())
491 NSWindow* window = GetAppListWindow();
493 NSPoint target_origin;
494 GetAppListWindowOrigins(window, &target_origin, &last_start_origin_);
495 [window setFrameOrigin:last_start_origin_];
497 // Before activating, see if an application other than Chrome is currently the
498 // active application, so that it can be reactivated when dismissing.
499 previously_active_application_.reset([ActiveApplicationNotChrome() retain]);
501 [animation_controller_ animateWindow:window
502 targetOrigin:target_origin
504 [window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
505 [NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];
506 RecordAppListLaunch();
509 void AppListServiceMac::WindowAnimationDidEnd() {
510 [animation_controller_ cleanupOnUIThread];
514 AppListService* AppListService::Get(chrome::HostDesktopType desktop_type) {
515 return GetActiveInstance();
519 void AppListService::InitAll(Profile* initial_profile,
520 const base::FilePath& profile_path) {
521 GetActiveInstance()->InitWithProfilePath(initial_profile, profile_path);
524 @implementation AppListAnimationController
530 - (void)animateWindow:(NSWindow*)window
531 targetOrigin:(NSPoint)targetOrigin
532 closing:(BOOL)closing {
533 // First, stop the existing animation, if there is one.
534 [animation_ stopAnimation];
536 NSRect targetFrame = [window frame];
537 targetFrame.origin = targetOrigin;
539 // NSViewAnimation has a quirk when setting the curve to NSAnimationEaseOut
540 // where it attempts to auto-reverse the animation. FadeOut becomes FadeIn
541 // (good), but FrameKey is also switched (bad). So |targetFrame| needs to be
542 // put on the StartFrameKey when using NSAnimationEaseOut for showing.
543 NSArray* animationArray = @[
545 NSViewAnimationTargetKey : window,
546 NSViewAnimationEffectKey : NSViewAnimationFadeOutEffect,
547 (closing ? NSViewAnimationEndFrameKey : NSViewAnimationStartFrameKey) :
548 [NSValue valueWithRect:targetFrame]
552 [[NSViewAnimation alloc] initWithViewAnimations:animationArray]);
553 [animation_ setDuration:kAnimationDuration];
554 [animation_ setDelegate:self];
557 [animation_ setAnimationCurve:NSAnimationEaseIn];
558 window_.reset([window retain]);
560 [window setAlphaValue:0.0f];
561 [animation_ setAnimationCurve:NSAnimationEaseOut];
564 // This once used a threaded animation, but AppKit would too often ignore
565 // -[NSView canDrawConcurrently:] and just redraw whole view hierarchies on
566 // the animation thread anyway, creating a minefield of race conditions.
567 // Non-threaded means the animation isn't as smooth and doesn't begin unless
568 // the UI runloop has spun up (after profile loading).
569 [animation_ setAnimationBlockingMode:NSAnimationNonblocking];
571 [animation_ startAnimation];
574 - (void)cleanupOnUIThread {
575 bool closing = [self isClosing];
581 apps::AppShimHandler::MaybeTerminate();
584 - (void)animationDidEnd:(NSAnimation*)animation {
585 content::BrowserThread::PostTask(
586 content::BrowserThread::UI,
588 base::Bind(&AppListServiceMac::WindowAnimationDidEnd,
589 base::Unretained(GetActiveInstance())));