Don't show supervised user as "already on this device" while they're being imported.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / third_party / polymer / components / core-pages / metadata.html
1 <!--
2 @license
3 Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
4 This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at
5 The complete set of authors may be found at
6 The complete set of contributors may be found at
7 Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also
8 subject to an additional IP rights grant found at
9 -->
10 <x-meta id="core-pages" label="Pages" group="Core" isContainer>
12 <template>
13 <core-pages style="width: 400px; height: 400px; border: 1px solid silver;">
14 <section>Page One</section>
15 <section>Page Two</section>
16 </core-pages>
17 </template>
19 <template id="imports">
20 <link rel="import" href="core-pages.html">
21 </template>
23 </x-meta>
25 <x-meta id="section" isContainer isHidden></x-meta>