NaCl: Update revision in DEPS, r12770 -> r12773
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / themes / theme_service.h
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <map>
9 #include <set>
10 #include <string>
11 #include <utility>
13 #include "base/compiler_specific.h"
14 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
15 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
16 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
17 #include "base/threading/non_thread_safe.h"
18 #include "components/browser_context_keyed_service/browser_context_keyed_service.h"
19 #include "content/public/browser/notification_observer.h"
20 #include "content/public/browser/notification_registrar.h"
21 #include "ui/base/theme_provider.h"
23 class CustomThemeSupplier;
24 class BrowserThemePack;
25 class ThemeSyncableService;
26 class Profile;
28 namespace base {
29 class FilePath;
32 namespace color_utils {
33 struct HSL;
36 namespace extensions {
37 class Extension;
40 namespace gfx {
41 class Image;
44 namespace theme_service_internal {
45 class ThemeServiceTest;
48 namespace ui {
49 class ResourceBundle;
52 #ifdef __OBJC__
53 @class NSString;
54 // Sent whenever the browser theme changes. Object => NSValue wrapping the
55 // ThemeService that changed.
56 extern "C" NSString* const kBrowserThemeDidChangeNotification;
57 #endif // __OBJC__
59 class ThemeService : public base::NonThreadSafe,
60 public content::NotificationObserver,
61 public BrowserContextKeyedService,
62 public ui::ThemeProvider {
63 public:
64 // Public constants used in ThemeService and its subclasses:
65 static const char* kDefaultThemeID;
67 ThemeService();
68 virtual ~ThemeService();
70 virtual void Init(Profile* profile);
72 // Returns a cross platform image for an id.
74 // TODO(erg): Make this part of the ui::ThemeProvider and the main way to get
75 // theme properties out of the theme provider since it's cross platform.
76 virtual gfx::Image GetImageNamed(int id) const;
78 // Overridden from ui::ThemeProvider:
79 virtual gfx::ImageSkia* GetImageSkiaNamed(int id) const OVERRIDE;
80 virtual SkColor GetColor(int id) const OVERRIDE;
81 virtual int GetDisplayProperty(int id) const OVERRIDE;
82 virtual bool ShouldUseNativeFrame() const OVERRIDE;
83 virtual bool HasCustomImage(int id) const OVERRIDE;
84 virtual base::RefCountedMemory* GetRawData(
85 int id,
86 ui::ScaleFactor scale_factor) const OVERRIDE;
87 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
88 virtual NSImage* GetNSImageNamed(int id) const OVERRIDE;
89 virtual NSColor* GetNSImageColorNamed(int id) const OVERRIDE;
90 virtual NSColor* GetNSColor(int id) const OVERRIDE;
91 virtual NSColor* GetNSColorTint(int id) const OVERRIDE;
92 virtual NSGradient* GetNSGradient(int id) const OVERRIDE;
93 #elif defined(OS_POSIX) && !defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS) && !defined(OS_ANDROID)
94 // This mismatch between what this class defines and whether or not it
95 // overrides ui::ThemeProvider is .
96 // GdkPixbufs returned by GetPixbufNamed and GetRTLEnabledPixbufNamed are
97 // shared instances owned by the theme provider and should not be freed.
98 virtual GdkPixbuf* GetRTLEnabledPixbufNamed(int id) const OVERRIDE;
99 #endif
101 // Overridden from content::NotificationObserver:
102 virtual void Observe(int type,
103 const content::NotificationSource& source,
104 const content::NotificationDetails& details) OVERRIDE;
106 // Set the current theme to the theme defined in |extension|.
107 // |extension| must already be added to this profile's
108 // ExtensionService.
109 virtual void SetTheme(const extensions::Extension* extension);
111 // Reset the theme to default.
112 virtual void UseDefaultTheme();
114 // Set the current theme to the native theme. On some platforms, the native
115 // theme is the default theme.
116 virtual void SetNativeTheme();
118 // Whether we're using the chrome default theme. Virtual so linux can check
119 // if we're using the GTK theme.
120 virtual bool UsingDefaultTheme() const;
122 // Whether we're using the native theme (which may or may not be the
123 // same as the default theme).
124 virtual bool UsingNativeTheme() const;
126 // Gets the id of the last installed theme. (The theme may have been further
127 // locally customized.)
128 virtual std::string GetThemeID() const;
130 // This class needs to keep track of the number of theme infobars so that we
131 // clean up unused themes.
132 void OnInfobarDisplayed();
134 // Decrements the number of theme infobars. If the last infobar has been
135 // destroyed, uninstalls all themes that aren't the currently selected.
136 void OnInfobarDestroyed();
138 // Uninstall theme extensions which are no longer in use. |ignore_infobars| is
139 // whether unused themes should be removed despite a theme infobar being
140 // visible.
141 void RemoveUnusedThemes(bool ignore_infobars);
143 // Returns the syncable service for syncing theme. The returned service is
144 // owned by |this| object.
145 virtual ThemeSyncableService* GetThemeSyncableService() const;
147 // Save the images to be written to disk, mapping file path to id.
148 typedef std::map<base::FilePath, int> ImagesDiskCache;
150 protected:
151 // Set a custom default theme instead of the normal default theme.
152 virtual void SetCustomDefaultTheme(
153 scoped_refptr<CustomThemeSupplier> theme_supplier);
155 // Returns true if the ThemeService should use the native theme on startup.
156 virtual bool ShouldInitWithNativeTheme() const;
158 // Get the specified tint - |id| is one of the TINT_* enum values.
159 color_utils::HSL GetTint(int id) const;
161 // Clears all the override fields and saves the dictionary.
162 virtual void ClearAllThemeData();
164 // Load theme data from preferences.
165 virtual void LoadThemePrefs();
167 // Let all the browser views know that themes have changed.
168 virtual void NotifyThemeChanged();
170 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
171 // Let all the browser views know that themes have changed in a platform way.
172 virtual void NotifyPlatformThemeChanged();
173 #endif // OS_MACOSX
175 // Clears the platform-specific caches. Do not call directly; it's called
176 // from ClearAllThemeData().
177 virtual void FreePlatformCaches();
179 Profile* profile() const { return profile_; }
181 void set_ready() { ready_ = true; }
183 const CustomThemeSupplier* get_theme_supplier() const {
184 return theme_supplier_.get();
187 // True if the theme service is ready to be used.
188 // TODO(pkotwicz): Add DCHECKS to the theme service's getters once
189 // ThemeSource no longer uses the ThemeService when it is not ready.
190 bool ready_;
192 private:
193 friend class theme_service_internal::ThemeServiceTest;
195 // Called when the extension service is ready.
196 void OnExtensionServiceReady();
198 // Migrate the theme to the new theme pack schema by recreating the data pack
199 // from the extension.
200 void MigrateTheme();
202 // Replaces the current theme supplier with a new one and calls
203 // StopUsingTheme() or StartUsingTheme() as appropriate.
204 void SwapThemeSupplier(scoped_refptr<CustomThemeSupplier> theme_supplier);
206 // Saves the filename of the cached theme pack.
207 void SavePackName(const base::FilePath& pack_path);
209 // Save the id of the last theme installed.
210 void SaveThemeID(const std::string& id);
212 // Implementation of SetTheme() (and the fallback from LoadThemePrefs() in
213 // case we don't have a theme pack).
214 void BuildFromExtension(const extensions::Extension* extension);
216 // Returns true if the profile belongs to a managed user.
217 bool IsManagedUser() const;
219 // Sets the current theme to the managed user theme. Should only be used for
220 // managed user profiles.
221 void SetManagedUserTheme();
223 // Sets the managed user theme if the user has no custom theme yet.
224 void OnManagedUserInitialized();
226 #if defined(TOOLKIT_GTK)
227 // Loads an image and flips it horizontally if |rtl_enabled| is true.
228 GdkPixbuf* GetPixbufImpl(int id, bool rtl_enabled) const;
229 #endif
231 #if defined(TOOLKIT_GTK)
232 typedef std::map<int, GdkPixbuf*> GdkPixbufMap;
233 mutable GdkPixbufMap gdk_pixbufs_;
234 #elif defined(OS_MACOSX)
235 // |nsimage_cache_| retains the images it has cached.
236 typedef std::map<int, NSImage*> NSImageMap;
237 mutable NSImageMap nsimage_cache_;
239 // |nscolor_cache_| retains the colors it has cached.
240 typedef std::map<int, NSColor*> NSColorMap;
241 mutable NSColorMap nscolor_cache_;
243 typedef std::map<int, NSGradient*> NSGradientMap;
244 mutable NSGradientMap nsgradient_cache_;
245 #endif
247 ui::ResourceBundle& rb_;
248 Profile* profile_;
250 scoped_refptr<CustomThemeSupplier> theme_supplier_;
252 // The id of the theme extension which has just been installed but has not
253 // been loaded yet. The theme extension with |installed_pending_load_id_| may
254 // never be loaded if the install is due to updating a disabled theme.
255 // |pending_install_id_| should be set to |kDefaultThemeID| if there are no
256 // recently installed theme extensions
257 std::string installed_pending_load_id_;
259 // The number of infobars currently displayed.
260 int number_of_infobars_;
262 content::NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
264 scoped_ptr<ThemeSyncableService> theme_syncable_service_;
266 base::WeakPtrFactory<ThemeService> weak_ptr_factory_;