1 # Remount /system/ as read-write.
2 adb root && adb wait-for-device
3 adb shell mount -o rw,remount /system
5 # Build an example customizations content provider APK.
6 android update project --path . --name PartnerCustomizationProviderExample --target 1
9 # Install the compiled APK.
10 adb shell mkdir -p /system/app
11 adb push bin/PartnerCustomizationProviderExample-debug.apk /system/app/ChromeCustomizations.apk
13 # Restart Java services to ensure dex caching.
14 adb shell stop && adb shell start
17 adb shell am start -S -n com.android.chrome/.Main
19 # If it worked correctly, Chrome should enable homepage button, disable incognito mode and partner bookmark editing mode.