2 URL: http://xmlsoft.org
5 License File: src/Copyright
10 libxml2 from libxml.org.
13 - Add helper classes in chromium/libxml_utils.cc and
14 chromium/include/libxml/libxml_utils.h.
15 - Import https://git.gnome.org/browse/libxml2/commit/?id=7580ce0a7f53891de520fed2c0e360266c286da6
17 - Self-assignment removed https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=751679.
20 To import a new snapshot:
22 On Linux, get the latest tar, untar, and replace src/ with libxml2-X.Y.Z/.
34 Generate config.h, include/libxml/xmlversion.h, and xml2-config:
37 ../src/configure --without-iconv --with-icu --without-ftp --without-http
39 Patch config.h to not define HAVE_RAND_R since we use this file on Android
40 and it does not have it.
42 On a Mac, do the same in the mac/ subdir for config.h and
43 include/libxml/xmlversion.h and copy those to the Linux box in mac/
46 cd libxml2-2.9.2\win32
47 cscript //E:jscript configure.js compiler=msvc iconv=no icu=yes ftp=no http=no
48 Then copy config.h and include/libxml/xmlversion.h to win32/ on Linux.
51 Update BUILD.gn and libxml.gyp as necessary to add/remove files, etc.