Re-land: C++ readability review
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / third_party / cython / src / Cython / Build /
1 import cython
2 from Cython import __version__
4 import re, os, sys, time
5 try:
6 from glob import iglob
7 except ImportError:
8 # Py2.4
9 from glob import glob as iglob
11 try:
12 import gzip
13 gzip_open =
14 gzip_ext = '.gz'
15 except ImportError:
16 gzip_open = open
17 gzip_ext = ''
18 import shutil
19 import subprocess
21 try:
22 import hashlib
23 except ImportError:
24 import md5 as hashlib
26 try:
27 from io import open as io_open
28 except ImportError:
29 from codecs import open as io_open
31 try:
32 from os.path import relpath as _relpath
33 except ImportError:
34 # Py<2.6
35 def _relpath(path, start=os.path.curdir):
36 if not path:
37 raise ValueError("no path specified")
38 start_list = os.path.abspath(start).split(os.path.sep)
39 path_list = os.path.abspath(path).split(os.path.sep)
40 i = len(os.path.commonprefix([start_list, path_list]))
41 rel_list = [os.path.pardir] * (len(start_list)-i) + path_list[i:]
42 if not rel_list:
43 return os.path.curdir
44 return os.path.join(*rel_list)
47 from distutils.extension import Extension
49 from Cython import Utils
50 from Cython.Utils import cached_function, cached_method, path_exists, find_root_package_dir
51 from Cython.Compiler.Main import Context, CompilationOptions, default_options
53 join_path = cached_function(os.path.join)
55 if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
56 # stupid Py2 distutils enforces str type in list of sources
57 _fs_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
58 if _fs_encoding is None:
59 _fs_encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding()
60 def encode_filename_in_py2(filename):
61 if isinstance(filename, unicode):
62 return filename.encode(_fs_encoding)
63 return filename
64 else:
65 def encode_filename_in_py2(filename):
66 return filename
67 basestring = str
69 def extended_iglob(pattern):
70 if '**/' in pattern:
71 seen = set()
72 first, rest = pattern.split('**/', 1)
73 if first:
74 first = iglob(first+'/')
75 else:
76 first = ['']
77 for root in first:
78 for path in extended_iglob(join_path(root, rest)):
79 if path not in seen:
80 seen.add(path)
81 yield path
82 for path in extended_iglob(join_path(root, '*', '**/' + rest)):
83 if path not in seen:
84 seen.add(path)
85 yield path
86 else:
87 for path in iglob(pattern):
88 yield path
90 @cached_function
91 def file_hash(filename):
92 path = os.path.normpath(filename.encode("UTF-8"))
93 m = hashlib.md5(str(len(path)) + ":")
94 m.update(path)
95 f = open(filename, 'rb')
96 try:
97 data =
98 while data:
99 m.update(data)
100 data =
101 finally:
102 f.close()
103 return m.hexdigest()
105 def parse_list(s):
107 >>> parse_list("a b c")
108 ['a', 'b', 'c']
109 >>> parse_list("[a, b, c]")
110 ['a', 'b', 'c']
111 >>> parse_list('a " " b')
112 ['a', ' ', 'b']
113 >>> parse_list('[a, ",a", "a,", ",", ]')
114 ['a', ',a', 'a,', ',']
116 if s[0] == '[' and s[-1] == ']':
117 s = s[1:-1]
118 delimiter = ','
119 else:
120 delimiter = ' '
121 s, literals = strip_string_literals(s)
122 def unquote(literal):
123 literal = literal.strip()
124 if literal[0] in "'\"":
125 return literals[literal[1:-1]]
126 else:
127 return literal
128 return [unquote(item) for item in s.split(delimiter) if item.strip()]
130 transitive_str = object()
131 transitive_list = object()
133 distutils_settings = {
134 'name': str,
135 'sources': list,
136 'define_macros': list,
137 'undef_macros': list,
138 'libraries': transitive_list,
139 'library_dirs': transitive_list,
140 'runtime_library_dirs': transitive_list,
141 'include_dirs': transitive_list,
142 'extra_objects': list,
143 'extra_compile_args': transitive_list,
144 'extra_link_args': transitive_list,
145 'export_symbols': list,
146 'depends': transitive_list,
147 'language': transitive_str,
150 @cython.locals(start=long, end=long)
151 def line_iter(source):
152 if isinstance(source, basestring):
153 start = 0
154 while True:
155 end = source.find('\n', start)
156 if end == -1:
157 yield source[start:]
158 return
159 yield source[start:end]
160 start = end+1
161 else:
162 for line in source:
163 yield line
165 class DistutilsInfo(object):
167 def __init__(self, source=None, exn=None):
168 self.values = {}
169 if source is not None:
170 for line in line_iter(source):
171 line = line.strip()
172 if line != '' and line[0] != '#':
173 break
174 line = line[1:].strip()
175 if line[:10] == 'distutils:':
176 line = line[10:]
177 ix = line.index('=')
178 key = str(line[:ix].strip())
179 value = line[ix+1:].strip()
180 type = distutils_settings[key]
181 if type in (list, transitive_list):
182 value = parse_list(value)
183 if key == 'define_macros':
184 value = [tuple(macro.split('=')) for macro in value]
185 self.values[key] = value
186 elif exn is not None:
187 for key in distutils_settings:
188 if key in ('name', 'sources'):
189 continue
190 value = getattr(exn, key, None)
191 if value:
192 self.values[key] = value
194 def merge(self, other):
195 if other is None:
196 return self
197 for key, value in other.values.items():
198 type = distutils_settings[key]
199 if type is transitive_str and key not in self.values:
200 self.values[key] = value
201 elif type is transitive_list:
202 if key in self.values:
203 all = self.values[key]
204 for v in value:
205 if v not in all:
206 all.append(v)
207 else:
208 self.values[key] = value
209 return self
211 def subs(self, aliases):
212 if aliases is None:
213 return self
214 resolved = DistutilsInfo()
215 for key, value in self.values.items():
216 type = distutils_settings[key]
217 if type in [list, transitive_list]:
218 new_value_list = []
219 for v in value:
220 if v in aliases:
221 v = aliases[v]
222 if isinstance(v, list):
223 new_value_list += v
224 else:
225 new_value_list.append(v)
226 value = new_value_list
227 else:
228 if value in aliases:
229 value = aliases[value]
230 resolved.values[key] = value
231 return resolved
233 def apply(self, extension):
234 for key, value in self.values.items():
235 type = distutils_settings[key]
236 if type in [list, transitive_list]:
237 getattr(extension, key).extend(value)
238 else:
239 setattr(extension, key, value)
241 @cython.locals(start=long, q=long, single_q=long, double_q=long, hash_mark=long,
242 end=long, k=long, counter=long, quote_len=long)
243 def strip_string_literals(code, prefix='__Pyx_L'):
245 Normalizes every string literal to be of the form '__Pyx_Lxxx',
246 returning the normalized code and a mapping of labels to
247 string literals.
249 new_code = []
250 literals = {}
251 counter = 0
252 start = q = 0
253 in_quote = False
254 hash_mark = single_q = double_q = -1
255 code_len = len(code)
257 while True:
258 if hash_mark < q:
259 hash_mark = code.find('#', q)
260 if single_q < q:
261 single_q = code.find("'", q)
262 if double_q < q:
263 double_q = code.find('"', q)
264 q = min(single_q, double_q)
265 if q == -1: q = max(single_q, double_q)
267 # We're done.
268 if q == -1 and hash_mark == -1:
269 new_code.append(code[start:])
270 break
272 # Try to close the quote.
273 elif in_quote:
274 if code[q-1] == u'\\':
275 k = 2
276 while q >= k and code[q-k] == u'\\':
277 k += 1
278 if k % 2 == 0:
279 q += 1
280 continue
281 if code[q] == quote_type and (quote_len == 1 or (code_len > q + 2 and quote_type == code[q+1] == code[q+2])):
282 counter += 1
283 label = "%s%s_" % (prefix, counter)
284 literals[label] = code[start+quote_len:q]
285 full_quote = code[q:q+quote_len]
286 new_code.append(full_quote)
287 new_code.append(label)
288 new_code.append(full_quote)
289 q += quote_len
290 in_quote = False
291 start = q
292 else:
293 q += 1
295 # Process comment.
296 elif -1 != hash_mark and (hash_mark < q or q == -1):
297 new_code.append(code[start:hash_mark+1])
298 end = code.find('\n', hash_mark)
299 counter += 1
300 label = "%s%s_" % (prefix, counter)
301 if end == -1:
302 end_or_none = None
303 else:
304 end_or_none = end
305 literals[label] = code[hash_mark+1:end_or_none]
306 new_code.append(label)
307 if end == -1:
308 break
309 start = q = end
311 # Open the quote.
312 else:
313 if code_len >= q+3 and (code[q] == code[q+1] == code[q+2]):
314 quote_len = 3
315 else:
316 quote_len = 1
317 in_quote = True
318 quote_type = code[q]
319 new_code.append(code[start:q])
320 start = q
321 q += quote_len
323 return "".join(new_code), literals
326 dependancy_regex = re.compile(r"(?:^from +([0-9a-zA-Z_.]+) +cimport)|"
327 r"(?:^cimport +([0-9a-zA-Z_.]+)\b)|"
328 r"(?:^cdef +extern +from +['\"]([^'\"]+)['\"])|"
329 r"(?:^include +['\"]([^'\"]+)['\"])", re.M)
331 def normalize_existing(base_path, rel_paths):
332 return normalize_existing0(os.path.dirname(base_path), tuple(set(rel_paths)))
334 @cached_function
335 def normalize_existing0(base_dir, rel_paths):
336 normalized = []
337 for rel in rel_paths:
338 path = join_path(base_dir, rel)
339 if path_exists(path):
340 normalized.append(os.path.normpath(path))
341 else:
342 normalized.append(rel)
343 return normalized
345 def resolve_depends(depends, include_dirs):
346 include_dirs = tuple(include_dirs)
347 resolved = []
348 for depend in depends:
349 path = resolve_depend(depend, include_dirs)
350 if path is not None:
351 resolved.append(path)
352 return resolved
354 @cached_function
355 def resolve_depend(depend, include_dirs):
356 if depend[0] == '<' and depend[-1] == '>':
357 return None
358 for dir in include_dirs:
359 path = join_path(dir, depend)
360 if path_exists(path):
361 return os.path.normpath(path)
362 return None
364 @cached_function
365 def package(filename):
366 dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(str(filename)))
367 if dir != filename and path_exists(join_path(dir, '')):
368 return package(dir) + (os.path.basename(dir),)
369 else:
370 return ()
372 @cached_function
373 def fully_qualified_name(filename):
374 module = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
375 return '.'.join(package(filename) + (module,))
378 @cached_function
379 def parse_dependencies(source_filename):
380 # Actual parsing is way to slow, so we use regular expressions.
381 # The only catch is that we must strip comments and string
382 # literals ahead of time.
383 fh = Utils.open_source_file(source_filename, "rU", error_handling='ignore')
384 try:
385 source =
386 finally:
387 fh.close()
388 distutils_info = DistutilsInfo(source)
389 source, literals = strip_string_literals(source)
390 source = source.replace('\\\n', ' ').replace('\t', ' ')
392 # TODO: pure mode
393 cimports = []
394 includes = []
395 externs = []
396 for m in dependancy_regex.finditer(source):
397 cimport_from, cimport, extern, include = m.groups()
398 if cimport_from:
399 cimports.append(cimport_from)
400 elif cimport:
401 cimports.append(cimport)
402 elif extern:
403 externs.append(literals[extern])
404 else:
405 includes.append(literals[include])
406 return cimports, includes, externs, distutils_info
409 class DependencyTree(object):
411 def __init__(self, context, quiet=False):
412 self.context = context
413 self.quiet = quiet
414 self._transitive_cache = {}
416 def parse_dependencies(self, source_filename):
417 return parse_dependencies(source_filename)
419 @cached_method
420 def included_files(self, filename):
421 # This is messy because included files are textually included, resolving
422 # cimports (but not includes) relative to the including file.
423 all = set()
424 for include in self.parse_dependencies(filename)[1]:
425 include_path = join_path(os.path.dirname(filename), include)
426 if not path_exists(include_path):
427 include_path = self.context.find_include_file(include, None)
428 if include_path:
429 if '.' + os.path.sep in include_path:
430 include_path = os.path.normpath(include_path)
431 all.add(include_path)
432 all.update(self.included_files(include_path))
433 elif not self.quiet:
434 print("Unable to locate '%s' referenced from '%s'" % (filename, include))
435 return all
437 @cached_method
438 def cimports_and_externs(self, filename):
439 # This is really ugly. Nested cimports are resolved with respect to the
440 # includer, but includes are resolved with respect to the includee.
441 cimports, includes, externs = self.parse_dependencies(filename)[:3]
442 cimports = set(cimports)
443 externs = set(externs)
444 for include in self.included_files(filename):
445 included_cimports, included_externs = self.cimports_and_externs(include)
446 cimports.update(included_cimports)
447 externs.update(included_externs)
448 return tuple(cimports), normalize_existing(filename, externs)
450 def cimports(self, filename):
451 return self.cimports_and_externs(filename)[0]
453 def package(self, filename):
454 return package(filename)
456 def fully_qualified_name(self, filename):
457 return fully_qualified_name(filename)
459 @cached_method
460 def find_pxd(self, module, filename=None):
461 is_relative = module[0] == '.'
462 if is_relative and not filename:
463 raise NotImplementedError("New relative imports.")
464 if filename is not None:
465 module_path = module.split('.')
466 if is_relative:
467 module_path.pop(0) # just explicitly relative
468 package_path = list(self.package(filename))
469 while module_path and not module_path[0]:
470 try:
471 package_path.pop()
472 except IndexError:
473 return None # FIXME: error?
474 module_path.pop(0)
475 relative = '.'.join(package_path + module_path)
476 pxd = self.context.find_pxd_file(relative, None)
477 if pxd:
478 return pxd
479 if is_relative:
480 return None # FIXME: error?
481 return self.context.find_pxd_file(module, None)
483 @cached_method
484 def cimported_files(self, filename):
485 if filename[-4:] == '.pyx' and path_exists(filename[:-4] + '.pxd'):
486 pxd_list = [filename[:-4] + '.pxd']
487 else:
488 pxd_list = []
489 for module in self.cimports(filename):
490 if module[:7] == 'cython.' or module == 'cython':
491 continue
492 pxd_file = self.find_pxd(module, filename)
493 if pxd_file is not None:
494 pxd_list.append(pxd_file)
495 elif not self.quiet:
496 print("missing cimport in module '%s': %s" % (module, filename))
497 return tuple(pxd_list)
499 @cached_method
500 def immediate_dependencies(self, filename):
501 all = set([filename])
502 all.update(self.cimported_files(filename))
503 all.update(self.included_files(filename))
504 return all
506 def all_dependencies(self, filename):
507 return self.transitive_merge(filename, self.immediate_dependencies, set.union)
509 @cached_method
510 def timestamp(self, filename):
511 return os.path.getmtime(filename)
513 def extract_timestamp(self, filename):
514 return self.timestamp(filename), filename
516 def newest_dependency(self, filename):
517 return max([self.extract_timestamp(f) for f in self.all_dependencies(filename)])
519 def transitive_fingerprint(self, filename, extra=None):
520 try:
521 m = hashlib.md5(__version__)
522 m.update(file_hash(filename))
523 for x in sorted(self.all_dependencies(filename)):
524 if os.path.splitext(x)[1] not in ('.c', '.cpp', '.h'):
525 m.update(file_hash(x))
526 if extra is not None:
527 m.update(str(extra))
528 return m.hexdigest()
529 except IOError:
530 return None
532 def distutils_info0(self, filename):
533 info = self.parse_dependencies(filename)[3]
534 externs = self.cimports_and_externs(filename)[1]
535 if externs:
536 if 'depends' in info.values:
537 info.values['depends'] = list(set(info.values['depends']).union(externs))
538 else:
539 info.values['depends'] = list(externs)
540 return info
542 def distutils_info(self, filename, aliases=None, base=None):
543 return (self.transitive_merge(filename, self.distutils_info0, DistutilsInfo.merge)
544 .subs(aliases)
545 .merge(base))
547 def transitive_merge(self, node, extract, merge):
548 try:
549 seen = self._transitive_cache[extract, merge]
550 except KeyError:
551 seen = self._transitive_cache[extract, merge] = {}
552 return self.transitive_merge_helper(
553 node, extract, merge, seen, {}, self.cimported_files)[0]
555 def transitive_merge_helper(self, node, extract, merge, seen, stack, outgoing):
556 if node in seen:
557 return seen[node], None
558 deps = extract(node)
559 if node in stack:
560 return deps, node
561 try:
562 stack[node] = len(stack)
563 loop = None
564 for next in outgoing(node):
565 sub_deps, sub_loop = self.transitive_merge_helper(next, extract, merge, seen, stack, outgoing)
566 if sub_loop is not None:
567 if loop is not None and stack[loop] < stack[sub_loop]:
568 pass
569 else:
570 loop = sub_loop
571 deps = merge(deps, sub_deps)
572 if loop == node:
573 loop = None
574 if loop is None:
575 seen[node] = deps
576 return deps, loop
577 finally:
578 del stack[node]
580 _dep_tree = None
581 def create_dependency_tree(ctx=None, quiet=False):
582 global _dep_tree
583 if _dep_tree is None:
584 if ctx is None:
585 ctx = Context(["."], CompilationOptions(default_options))
586 _dep_tree = DependencyTree(ctx, quiet=quiet)
587 return _dep_tree
589 # This may be useful for advanced users?
590 def create_extension_list(patterns, exclude=[], ctx=None, aliases=None, quiet=False, exclude_failures=False):
591 if not isinstance(patterns, (list, tuple)):
592 patterns = [patterns]
593 explicit_modules = set([ for m in patterns if isinstance(m, Extension)])
594 seen = set()
595 deps = create_dependency_tree(ctx, quiet=quiet)
596 to_exclude = set()
597 if not isinstance(exclude, list):
598 exclude = [exclude]
599 for pattern in exclude:
600 to_exclude.update(map(os.path.abspath, extended_iglob(pattern)))
601 module_list = []
602 for pattern in patterns:
603 if isinstance(pattern, str):
604 filepattern = pattern
605 template = None
606 name = '*'
607 base = None
608 exn_type = Extension
609 elif isinstance(pattern, Extension):
610 filepattern = pattern.sources[0]
611 if os.path.splitext(filepattern)[1] not in ('.py', '.pyx'):
612 # ignore non-cython modules
613 module_list.append(pattern)
614 continue
615 template = pattern
616 name =
617 base = DistutilsInfo(exn=template)
618 exn_type = template.__class__
619 else:
620 raise TypeError(pattern)
621 for file in extended_iglob(filepattern):
622 if os.path.abspath(file) in to_exclude:
623 continue
624 pkg = deps.package(file)
625 if '*' in name:
626 module_name = deps.fully_qualified_name(file)
627 if module_name in explicit_modules:
628 continue
629 else:
630 module_name = name
631 if module_name not in seen:
632 try:
633 kwds = deps.distutils_info(file, aliases, base).values
634 except Exception:
635 if exclude_failures:
636 continue
637 raise
638 if base is not None:
639 for key, value in base.values.items():
640 if key not in kwds:
641 kwds[key] = value
642 sources = [file]
643 if template is not None:
644 sources += template.sources[1:]
645 if 'sources' in kwds:
646 # allow users to add .c files etc.
647 for source in kwds['sources']:
648 source = encode_filename_in_py2(source)
649 if source not in sources:
650 sources.append(source)
651 del kwds['sources']
652 if 'depends' in kwds:
653 depends = resolve_depends(kwds['depends'], (kwds.get('include_dirs') or []) + [find_root_package_dir(file)])
654 if template is not None:
655 # Always include everything from the template.
656 depends = list(set(template.depends).union(set(depends)))
657 kwds['depends'] = depends
658 module_list.append(exn_type(
659 name=module_name,
660 sources=sources,
661 **kwds))
662 m = module_list[-1]
663 seen.add(name)
664 return module_list
666 # This is the user-exposed entry point.
667 def cythonize(module_list, exclude=[], nthreads=0, aliases=None, quiet=False, force=False,
668 exclude_failures=False, **options):
670 Compile a set of source modules into C/C++ files and return a list of distutils
671 Extension objects for them.
673 As module list, pass either a glob pattern, a list of glob patterns or a list of
674 Extension objects. The latter allows you to configure the extensions separately
675 through the normal distutils options.
677 When using glob patterns, you can exclude certain module names explicitly
678 by passing them into the 'exclude' option.
680 For parallel compilation, set the 'nthreads' option to the number of
681 concurrent builds.
683 For a broad 'try to compile' mode that ignores compilation failures and
684 simply excludes the failed extensions, pass 'exclude_failures=True'. Note
685 that this only really makes sense for compiling .py files which can also
686 be used without compilation.
688 Additional compilation options can be passed as keyword arguments.
690 if 'include_path' not in options:
691 options['include_path'] = ['.']
692 if 'common_utility_include_dir' in options:
693 if options.get('cache'):
694 raise NotImplementedError("common_utility_include_dir does not yet work with caching")
695 if not os.path.exists(options['common_utility_include_dir']):
696 os.makedirs(options['common_utility_include_dir'])
697 c_options = CompilationOptions(**options)
698 cpp_options = CompilationOptions(**options); cpp_options.cplus = True
699 ctx = c_options.create_context()
700 options = c_options
701 module_list = create_extension_list(
702 module_list,
703 exclude=exclude,
704 ctx=ctx,
705 quiet=quiet,
706 exclude_failures=exclude_failures,
707 aliases=aliases)
708 deps = create_dependency_tree(ctx, quiet=quiet)
709 build_dir = getattr(options, 'build_dir', None)
710 modules_by_cfile = {}
711 to_compile = []
712 for m in module_list:
713 if build_dir:
714 root = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(find_root_package_dir(m.sources[0])))
715 def copy_to_build_dir(filepath, root=root):
716 filepath_abs = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(filepath))
717 if os.path.isabs(filepath):
718 filepath = filepath_abs
719 if filepath_abs.startswith(root):
720 mod_dir = os.path.join(build_dir,
721 os.path.dirname(_relpath(filepath, root)))
722 if not os.path.isdir(mod_dir):
723 os.makedirs(mod_dir)
724 shutil.copy(filepath, mod_dir)
725 for dep in m.depends:
726 copy_to_build_dir(dep)
728 new_sources = []
729 for source in m.sources:
730 base, ext = os.path.splitext(source)
731 if ext in ('.pyx', '.py'):
732 if m.language == 'c++':
733 c_file = base + '.cpp'
734 options = cpp_options
735 else:
736 c_file = base + '.c'
737 options = c_options
739 # setup for out of place build directory if enabled
740 if build_dir:
741 c_file = os.path.join(build_dir, c_file)
742 dir = os.path.dirname(c_file)
743 if not os.path.isdir(dir):
744 os.makedirs(dir)
746 if os.path.exists(c_file):
747 c_timestamp = os.path.getmtime(c_file)
748 else:
749 c_timestamp = -1
751 # Priority goes first to modified files, second to direct
752 # dependents, and finally to indirect dependents.
753 if c_timestamp < deps.timestamp(source):
754 dep_timestamp, dep = deps.timestamp(source), source
755 priority = 0
756 else:
757 dep_timestamp, dep = deps.newest_dependency(source)
758 priority = 2 - (dep in deps.immediate_dependencies(source))
759 if force or c_timestamp < dep_timestamp:
760 if not quiet:
761 if source == dep:
762 print("Compiling %s because it changed." % source)
763 else:
764 print("Compiling %s because it depends on %s." % (source, dep))
765 if not force and hasattr(options, 'cache'):
766 extra = m.language
767 fingerprint = deps.transitive_fingerprint(source, extra)
768 else:
769 fingerprint = None
770 to_compile.append((priority, source, c_file, fingerprint, quiet,
771 options, not exclude_failures))
772 new_sources.append(c_file)
773 if c_file not in modules_by_cfile:
774 modules_by_cfile[c_file] = [m]
775 else:
776 modules_by_cfile[c_file].append(m)
777 else:
778 new_sources.append(source)
779 if build_dir:
780 copy_to_build_dir(source)
781 m.sources = new_sources
782 if hasattr(options, 'cache'):
783 if not os.path.exists(options.cache):
784 os.makedirs(options.cache)
785 to_compile.sort()
786 if nthreads:
787 # Requires multiprocessing (or Python >= 2.6)
788 try:
789 import multiprocessing
790 pool = multiprocessing.Pool(nthreads)
791 except (ImportError, OSError):
792 print("multiprocessing required for parallel cythonization")
793 nthreads = 0
794 else:
795, to_compile)
796 if not nthreads:
797 for args in to_compile:
798 cythonize_one(*args[1:])
799 if exclude_failures:
800 failed_modules = set()
801 for c_file, modules in modules_by_cfile.iteritems():
802 if not os.path.exists(c_file):
803 failed_modules.update(modules)
804 elif os.path.getsize(c_file) < 200:
805 f = io_open(c_file, 'r', encoding='iso8859-1')
806 try:
807 if'#error ')) == '#error ':
808 # dead compilation result
809 failed_modules.update(modules)
810 finally:
811 f.close()
812 if failed_modules:
813 for module in failed_modules:
814 module_list.remove(module)
815 print("Failed compilations: %s" % ', '.join(sorted([
816 for module in failed_modules])))
817 if hasattr(options, 'cache'):
818 cleanup_cache(options.cache, getattr(options, 'cache_size', 1024 * 1024 * 100))
819 # cythonize() is often followed by the (non-Python-buffered)
820 # compiler output, flush now to avoid interleaving output.
821 sys.stdout.flush()
822 return module_list
825 if os.environ.get('XML_RESULTS'):
826 compile_result_dir = os.environ['XML_RESULTS']
827 def record_results(func):
828 def with_record(*args):
829 t = time.time()
830 success = True
831 try:
832 try:
833 func(*args)
834 except:
835 success = False
836 finally:
837 t = time.time() - t
838 module = fully_qualified_name(args[0])
839 name = "cythonize." + module
840 failures = 1 - success
841 if success:
842 failure_item = ""
843 else:
844 failure_item = "failure"
845 output = open(os.path.join(compile_result_dir, name + ".xml"), "w")
846 output.write("""
847 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
848 <testsuite name="%(name)s" errors="0" failures="%(failures)s" tests="1" time="%(t)s">
849 <testcase classname="%(name)s" name="cythonize">
850 %(failure_item)s
851 </testcase>
852 </testsuite>
853 """.strip() % locals())
854 output.close()
855 return with_record
856 else:
857 record_results = lambda x: x
859 # TODO: Share context? Issue: pyx processing leaks into pxd module
860 @record_results
861 def cythonize_one(pyx_file, c_file, fingerprint, quiet, options=None, raise_on_failure=True):
862 from Cython.Compiler.Main import compile, default_options
863 from Cython.Compiler.Errors import CompileError, PyrexError
865 if fingerprint:
866 if not os.path.exists(options.cache):
867 try:
868 os.mkdir(options.cache)
869 except:
870 if not os.path.exists(options.cache):
871 raise
872 # Cython-generated c files are highly compressible.
873 # (E.g. a compression ratio of about 10 for Sage).
874 fingerprint_file = join_path(
875 options.cache, "%s-%s%s" % (os.path.basename(c_file), fingerprint, gzip_ext))
876 if os.path.exists(fingerprint_file):
877 if not quiet:
878 print("Found compiled %s in cache" % pyx_file)
879 os.utime(fingerprint_file, None)
880 g = gzip_open(fingerprint_file, 'rb')
881 try:
882 f = open(c_file, 'wb')
883 try:
884 shutil.copyfileobj(g, f)
885 finally:
886 f.close()
887 finally:
888 g.close()
889 return
890 if not quiet:
891 print("Cythonizing %s" % pyx_file)
892 if options is None:
893 options = CompilationOptions(default_options)
894 options.output_file = c_file
896 any_failures = 0
897 try:
898 result = compile([pyx_file], options)
899 if result.num_errors > 0:
900 any_failures = 1
901 except (EnvironmentError, PyrexError), e:
902 sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % e)
903 any_failures = 1
904 # XXX
905 import traceback
906 traceback.print_exc()
907 except Exception:
908 if raise_on_failure:
909 raise
910 import traceback
911 traceback.print_exc()
912 any_failures = 1
913 if any_failures:
914 if raise_on_failure:
915 raise CompileError(None, pyx_file)
916 elif os.path.exists(c_file):
917 os.remove(c_file)
918 elif fingerprint:
919 f = open(c_file, 'rb')
920 try:
921 g = gzip_open(fingerprint_file, 'wb')
922 try:
923 shutil.copyfileobj(f, g)
924 finally:
925 g.close()
926 finally:
927 f.close()
929 def cythonize_one_helper(m):
930 import traceback
931 try:
932 return cythonize_one(*m[1:])
933 except Exception:
934 traceback.print_exc()
935 raise
937 def cleanup_cache(cache, target_size, ratio=.85):
938 try:
939 p = subprocess.Popen(['du', '-s', '-k', os.path.abspath(cache)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
940 res = p.wait()
941 if res == 0:
942 total_size = 1024 * int([0])
943 if total_size < target_size:
944 return
945 except (OSError, ValueError):
946 pass
947 total_size = 0
948 all = []
949 for file in os.listdir(cache):
950 path = join_path(cache, file)
951 s = os.stat(path)
952 total_size += s.st_size
953 all.append((s.st_atime, s.st_size, path))
954 if total_size > target_size:
955 for time, size, file in reversed(sorted(all)):
956 os.unlink(file)
957 total_size -= size
958 if total_size < target_size * ratio:
959 break