Re-enable index-basics-workers test to see if still times
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / tools /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
3 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4 # found in the LICENSE file.
6 """Snapshot Build Bisect Tool
8 This script bisects a snapshot archive using binary search. It starts at
9 a bad revision (it will try to guess HEAD) and asks for a last known-good
10 revision. It will then binary search across this revision range by downloading,
11 unzipping, and opening Chromium for you. After testing the specific revision,
12 it will ask you whether it is good or bad before continuing the search.
13 """
15 # The root URL for storage.
16 BASE_URL = ''
18 # The root URL for official builds.
21 # Changelogs URL.
23 'perf/dashboard/ui/changelog.html?' \
24 'url=/trunk/src&range=%d%%3A%d'
26 # Official Changelogs URL.
28 'changelog?old_version=%s&new_version=%s'
30 # DEPS file URL.
31 DEPS_FILE= ''
32 # Blink Changelogs URL.
34 'perf/dashboard/ui/changelog_blink.html?' \
35 'url=/trunk&range=%d%%3A%d'
37 DONE_MESSAGE_GOOD_MIN = 'You are probably looking for a change made after %s ' \
38 '(known good), but no later than %s (first known bad).'
39 DONE_MESSAGE_GOOD_MAX = 'You are probably looking for a change made after %s ' \
40 '(known bad), but no later than %s (first known good).'
42 ###############################################################################
44 import math
45 import optparse
46 import os
47 import pipes
48 import re
49 import shutil
50 import subprocess
51 import sys
52 import tempfile
53 import threading
54 import urllib
55 from distutils.version import LooseVersion
56 from xml.etree import ElementTree
57 import zipfile
60 class PathContext(object):
61 """A PathContext is used to carry the information used to construct URLs and
62 paths when dealing with the storage server and archives."""
63 def __init__(self, platform, good_revision, bad_revision, is_official):
64 super(PathContext, self).__init__()
65 # Store off the input parameters.
66 self.platform = platform # What's passed in to the '-a/--archive' option.
67 self.good_revision = good_revision
68 self.bad_revision = bad_revision
69 self.is_official = is_official
71 # The name of the ZIP file in a revision directory on the server.
72 self.archive_name = None
74 # Set some internal members:
75 # _listing_platform_dir = Directory that holds revisions. Ends with a '/'.
76 # _archive_extract_dir = Uncompressed directory in the archive_name file.
77 # _binary_name = The name of the executable to run.
78 if self.platform in ('linux', 'linux64', 'linux-arm'):
79 self._binary_name = 'chrome'
80 elif self.platform == 'mac':
81 self.archive_name = ''
82 self._archive_extract_dir = 'chrome-mac'
83 elif self.platform == 'win':
84 self.archive_name = ''
85 self._archive_extract_dir = 'chrome-win32'
86 self._binary_name = 'chrome.exe'
87 else:
88 raise Exception('Invalid platform: %s' % self.platform)
90 if is_official:
91 if self.platform == 'linux':
92 self._listing_platform_dir = 'lucid32bit/'
93 self.archive_name = ''
94 self._archive_extract_dir = 'chrome-lucid32bit'
95 elif self.platform == 'linux64':
96 self._listing_platform_dir = 'lucid64bit/'
97 self.archive_name = ''
98 self._archive_extract_dir = 'chrome-lucid64bit'
99 elif self.platform == 'mac':
100 self._listing_platform_dir = 'mac/'
101 self._binary_name = 'Google Chrome'
102 elif self.platform == 'win':
103 self._listing_platform_dir = 'win/'
104 else:
105 if self.platform in ('linux', 'linux64', 'linux-arm'):
106 self.archive_name = ''
107 self._archive_extract_dir = 'chrome-linux'
108 if self.platform == 'linux':
109 self._listing_platform_dir = 'Linux/'
110 elif self.platform == 'linux64':
111 self._listing_platform_dir = 'Linux_x64/'
112 elif self.platform == 'linux-arm':
113 self._listing_platform_dir = 'Linux_ARM_Cross-Compile/'
114 elif self.platform == 'mac':
115 self._listing_platform_dir = 'Mac/'
116 self._binary_name = ''
117 elif self.platform == 'win':
118 self._listing_platform_dir = 'Win/'
120 def GetListingURL(self, marker=None):
121 """Returns the URL for a directory listing, with an optional marker."""
122 marker_param = ''
123 if marker:
124 marker_param = '&marker=' + str(marker)
125 return BASE_URL + '/?delimiter=/&prefix=' + self._listing_platform_dir + \
126 marker_param
128 def GetDownloadURL(self, revision):
129 """Gets the download URL for a build archive of a specific revision."""
130 if self.is_official:
131 return "%s/%s/%s%s" % (
132 OFFICIAL_BASE_URL, revision, self._listing_platform_dir,
133 self.archive_name)
134 else:
135 return "%s/%s%s/%s" % (
136 BASE_URL, self._listing_platform_dir, revision, self.archive_name)
138 def GetLastChangeURL(self):
139 """Returns a URL to the LAST_CHANGE file."""
140 return BASE_URL + '/' + self._listing_platform_dir + 'LAST_CHANGE'
142 def GetLaunchPath(self):
143 """Returns a relative path (presumably from the archive extraction location)
144 that is used to run the executable."""
145 return os.path.join(self._archive_extract_dir, self._binary_name)
147 def ParseDirectoryIndex(self):
148 """Parses the Google Storage directory listing into a list of revision
149 numbers."""
151 def _FetchAndParse(url):
152 """Fetches a URL and returns a 2-Tuple of ([revisions], next-marker). If
153 next-marker is not None, then the listing is a partial listing and another
154 fetch should be performed with next-marker being the marker= GET
155 parameter."""
156 handle = urllib.urlopen(url)
157 document = ElementTree.parse(handle)
159 # All nodes in the tree are namespaced. Get the root's tag name to extract
160 # the namespace. Etree does namespaces as |{namespace}tag|.
161 root_tag = document.getroot().tag
162 end_ns_pos = root_tag.find('}')
163 if end_ns_pos == -1:
164 raise Exception("Could not locate end namespace for directory index")
165 namespace = root_tag[:end_ns_pos + 1]
167 # Find the prefix (_listing_platform_dir) and whether or not the list is
168 # truncated.
169 prefix_len = len(document.find(namespace + 'Prefix').text)
170 next_marker = None
171 is_truncated = document.find(namespace + 'IsTruncated')
172 if is_truncated is not None and is_truncated.text.lower() == 'true':
173 next_marker = document.find(namespace + 'NextMarker').text
175 # Get a list of all the revisions.
176 all_prefixes = document.findall(namespace + 'CommonPrefixes/' +
177 namespace + 'Prefix')
178 # The <Prefix> nodes have content of the form of
179 # |_listing_platform_dir/revision/|. Strip off the platform dir and the
180 # trailing slash to just have a number.
181 revisions = []
182 for prefix in all_prefixes:
183 revnum = prefix.text[prefix_len:-1]
184 try:
185 revnum = int(revnum)
186 revisions.append(revnum)
187 except ValueError:
188 pass
189 return (revisions, next_marker)
191 # Fetch the first list of revisions.
192 (revisions, next_marker) = _FetchAndParse(self.GetListingURL())
194 # If the result list was truncated, refetch with the next marker. Do this
195 # until an entire directory listing is done.
196 while next_marker:
197 next_url = self.GetListingURL(next_marker)
198 (new_revisions, next_marker) = _FetchAndParse(next_url)
199 revisions.extend(new_revisions)
200 return revisions
202 def GetRevList(self):
203 """Gets the list of revision numbers between self.good_revision and
204 self.bad_revision."""
205 # Download the revlist and filter for just the range between good and bad.
206 minrev = min(self.good_revision, self.bad_revision)
207 maxrev = max(self.good_revision, self.bad_revision)
208 revlist = map(int, self.ParseDirectoryIndex())
209 revlist = [x for x in revlist if x >= int(minrev) and x <= int(maxrev)]
210 revlist.sort()
211 return revlist
213 def GetOfficialBuildsList(self):
214 """Gets the list of official build numbers between self.good_revision and
215 self.bad_revision."""
216 # Download the revlist and filter for just the range between good and bad.
217 minrev = min(self.good_revision, self.bad_revision)
218 maxrev = max(self.good_revision, self.bad_revision)
219 handle = urllib.urlopen(OFFICIAL_BASE_URL)
220 dirindex =
221 handle.close()
222 build_numbers = re.findall(r'<a href="([0-9][0-9].*)/">', dirindex)
223 final_list = []
224 i = 0
225 parsed_build_numbers = [LooseVersion(x) for x in build_numbers]
226 for build_number in sorted(parsed_build_numbers):
227 path = OFFICIAL_BASE_URL + '/' + str(build_number) + '/' + \
228 self._listing_platform_dir + self.archive_name
229 i = i + 1
230 try:
231 connection = urllib.urlopen(path)
232 connection.close()
233 if build_number > maxrev:
234 break
235 if build_number >= minrev:
236 final_list.append(str(build_number))
237 except urllib.HTTPError, e:
238 pass
239 return final_list
241 def UnzipFilenameToDir(filename, dir):
242 """Unzip |filename| to directory |dir|."""
243 cwd = os.getcwd()
244 if not os.path.isabs(filename):
245 filename = os.path.join(cwd, filename)
246 zf = zipfile.ZipFile(filename)
247 # Make base.
248 if not os.path.isdir(dir):
249 os.mkdir(dir)
250 os.chdir(dir)
251 # Extract files.
252 for info in zf.infolist():
253 name = info.filename
254 if name.endswith('/'): # dir
255 if not os.path.isdir(name):
256 os.makedirs(name)
257 else: # file
258 dir = os.path.dirname(name)
259 if not os.path.isdir(dir):
260 os.makedirs(dir)
261 out = open(name, 'wb')
262 out.write(
263 out.close()
264 # Set permissions. Permission info in external_attr is shifted 16 bits.
265 os.chmod(name, info.external_attr >> 16L)
266 os.chdir(cwd)
269 def FetchRevision(context, rev, filename, quit_event=None, progress_event=None):
270 """Downloads and unzips revision |rev|.
271 @param context A PathContext instance.
272 @param rev The Chromium revision number/tag to download.
273 @param filename The destination for the downloaded file.
274 @param quit_event A threading.Event which will be set by the master thread to
275 indicate that the download should be aborted.
276 @param progress_event A threading.Event which will be set by the master thread
277 to indicate that the progress of the download should be
278 displayed.
280 def ReportHook(blocknum, blocksize, totalsize):
281 if quit_event and quit_event.isSet():
282 raise RuntimeError("Aborting download of revision %s" % str(rev))
283 if progress_event and progress_event.isSet():
284 size = blocknum * blocksize
285 if totalsize == -1: # Total size not known.
286 progress = "Received %d bytes" % size
287 else:
288 size = min(totalsize, size)
289 progress = "Received %d of %d bytes, %.2f%%" % (
290 size, totalsize, 100.0 * size / totalsize)
291 # Send a \r to let all progress messages use just one line of output.
292 sys.stdout.write("\r" + progress)
293 sys.stdout.flush()
295 download_url = context.GetDownloadURL(rev)
296 try:
297 urllib.urlretrieve(download_url, filename, ReportHook)
298 if progress_event and progress_event.isSet():
299 print
300 except RuntimeError, e:
301 pass
304 def RunRevision(context, revision, zipfile, profile, num_runs, args):
305 """Given a zipped revision, unzip it and run the test."""
306 print "Trying revision %s..." % str(revision)
308 # Create a temp directory and unzip the revision into it.
309 cwd = os.getcwd()
310 tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='bisect_tmp')
311 UnzipFilenameToDir(zipfile, tempdir)
312 os.chdir(tempdir)
314 # Run the build as many times as specified.
315 testargs = [context.GetLaunchPath(), '--user-data-dir=%s' % profile] + args
316 # The sandbox must be run as root on Official Chrome, so bypass it.
317 if context.is_official and context.platform.startswith('linux'):
318 testargs.append('--no-sandbox')
320 for i in range(0, num_runs):
321 subproc = subprocess.Popen(testargs,
322 bufsize=-1,
323 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
324 stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
325 (stdout, stderr) = subproc.communicate()
327 os.chdir(cwd)
328 try:
329 shutil.rmtree(tempdir, True)
330 except Exception, e:
331 pass
333 return (subproc.returncode, stdout, stderr)
336 def AskIsGoodBuild(rev, official_builds, status, stdout, stderr):
337 """Ask the user whether build |rev| is good or bad."""
338 # Loop until we get a response that we can parse.
339 while True:
340 response = raw_input('Revision %s is [(g)ood/(b)ad/(u)nknown/(q)uit]: ' %
341 str(rev))
342 if response and response in ('g', 'b', 'u'):
343 return response
344 if response and response == 'q':
345 raise SystemExit()
348 class DownloadJob(object):
349 """DownloadJob represents a task to download a given Chromium revision."""
350 def __init__(self, context, name, rev, zipfile):
351 super(DownloadJob, self).__init__()
352 # Store off the input parameters.
353 self.context = context
354 = name
355 self.rev = rev
356 self.zipfile = zipfile
357 self.quit_event = threading.Event()
358 self.progress_event = threading.Event()
360 def Start(self):
361 """Starts the download."""
362 fetchargs = (self.context,
363 self.rev,
364 self.zipfile,
365 self.quit_event,
366 self.progress_event)
367 self.thread = threading.Thread(target=FetchRevision,
369 args=fetchargs)
370 self.thread.start()
372 def Stop(self):
373 """Stops the download which must have been started previously."""
374 self.quit_event.set()
375 self.thread.join()
376 os.unlink(self.zipfile)
378 def WaitFor(self):
379 """Prints a message and waits for the download to complete. The download
380 must have been started previously."""
381 print "Downloading revision %s..." % str(self.rev)
382 self.progress_event.set() # Display progress of download.
383 self.thread.join()
386 def Bisect(platform,
387 official_builds,
388 good_rev=0,
389 bad_rev=0,
390 num_runs=1,
391 try_args=(),
392 profile=None,
393 evaluate=AskIsGoodBuild):
394 """Given known good and known bad revisions, run a binary search on all
395 archived revisions to determine the last known good revision.
397 @param platform Which build to download/run ('mac', 'win', 'linux64', etc.).
398 @param official_builds Specify build type (Chromium or Official build).
399 @param good_rev Number/tag of the known good revision.
400 @param bad_rev Number/tag of the known bad revision.
401 @param num_runs Number of times to run each build for asking good/bad.
402 @param try_args A tuple of arguments to pass to the test application.
403 @param profile The name of the user profile to run with.
404 @param evaluate A function which returns 'g' if the argument build is good,
405 'b' if it's bad or 'u' if unknown.
407 Threading is used to fetch Chromium revisions in the background, speeding up
408 the user's experience. For example, suppose the bounds of the search are
409 good_rev=0, bad_rev=100. The first revision to be checked is 50. Depending on
410 whether revision 50 is good or bad, the next revision to check will be either
411 25 or 75. So, while revision 50 is being checked, the script will download
412 revisions 25 and 75 in the background. Once the good/bad verdict on rev 50 is
413 known:
415 - If rev 50 is good, the download of rev 25 is cancelled, and the next test
416 is run on rev 75.
418 - If rev 50 is bad, the download of rev 75 is cancelled, and the next test
419 is run on rev 25.
422 if not profile:
423 profile = 'profile'
425 context = PathContext(platform, good_rev, bad_rev, official_builds)
426 cwd = os.getcwd()
430 print "Downloading list of known revisions..."
431 _GetDownloadPath = lambda rev: os.path.join(cwd,
432 '%s-%s' % (str(rev), context.archive_name))
433 if official_builds:
434 revlist = context.GetOfficialBuildsList()
435 else:
436 revlist = context.GetRevList()
438 # Get a list of revisions to bisect across.
439 if len(revlist) < 2: # Don't have enough builds to bisect.
440 msg = 'We don\'t have enough builds to bisect. revlist: %s' % revlist
441 raise RuntimeError(msg)
443 # Figure out our bookends and first pivot point; fetch the pivot revision.
444 minrev = 0
445 maxrev = len(revlist) - 1
446 pivot = maxrev / 2
447 rev = revlist[pivot]
448 zipfile = _GetDownloadPath(rev)
449 fetch = DownloadJob(context, 'initial_fetch', rev, zipfile)
450 fetch.Start()
451 fetch.WaitFor()
453 # Binary search time!
454 while fetch and fetch.zipfile and maxrev - minrev > 1:
455 if bad_rev < good_rev:
456 min_str, max_str = "bad", "good"
457 else:
458 min_str, max_str = "good", "bad"
459 print 'Bisecting range [%s (%s), %s (%s)].' % (revlist[minrev], min_str, \
460 revlist[maxrev], max_str)
462 # Pre-fetch next two possible pivots
463 # - down_pivot is the next revision to check if the current revision turns
464 # out to be bad.
465 # - up_pivot is the next revision to check if the current revision turns
466 # out to be good.
467 down_pivot = int((pivot - minrev) / 2) + minrev
468 down_fetch = None
469 if down_pivot != pivot and down_pivot != minrev:
470 down_rev = revlist[down_pivot]
471 down_fetch = DownloadJob(context, 'down_fetch', down_rev,
472 _GetDownloadPath(down_rev))
473 down_fetch.Start()
475 up_pivot = int((maxrev - pivot) / 2) + pivot
476 up_fetch = None
477 if up_pivot != pivot and up_pivot != maxrev:
478 up_rev = revlist[up_pivot]
479 up_fetch = DownloadJob(context, 'up_fetch', up_rev,
480 _GetDownloadPath(up_rev))
481 up_fetch.Start()
483 # Run test on the pivot revision.
484 status = None
485 stdout = None
486 stderr = None
487 try:
488 (status, stdout, stderr) = RunRevision(context,
489 rev,
490 fetch.zipfile,
491 profile,
492 num_runs,
493 try_args)
494 except Exception, e:
495 print >>sys.stderr, e
496 fetch.Stop()
497 fetch = None
499 # Call the evaluate function to see if the current revision is good or bad.
500 # On that basis, kill one of the background downloads and complete the
501 # other, as described in the comments above.
502 try:
503 answer = evaluate(rev, official_builds, status, stdout, stderr)
504 if answer == 'g' and good_rev < bad_rev or \
505 answer == 'b' and bad_rev < good_rev:
506 minrev = pivot
507 if down_fetch:
508 down_fetch.Stop() # Kill the download of the older revision.
509 if up_fetch:
510 up_fetch.WaitFor()
511 pivot = up_pivot
512 fetch = up_fetch
513 elif answer == 'b' and good_rev < bad_rev or \
514 answer == 'g' and bad_rev < good_rev:
515 maxrev = pivot
516 if up_fetch:
517 up_fetch.Stop() # Kill the download of the newer revision.
518 if down_fetch:
519 down_fetch.WaitFor()
520 pivot = down_pivot
521 fetch = down_fetch
522 elif answer == 'u':
523 # Nuke the revision from the revlist and choose a new pivot.
524 revlist.pop(pivot)
525 maxrev -= 1 # Assumes maxrev >= pivot.
527 if maxrev - minrev > 1:
528 # Alternate between using down_pivot or up_pivot for the new pivot
529 # point, without affecting the range. Do this instead of setting the
530 # pivot to the midpoint of the new range because adjacent revisions
531 # are likely affected by the same issue that caused the (u)nknown
532 # response.
533 if up_fetch and down_fetch:
534 fetch = [up_fetch, down_fetch][len(revlist) % 2]
535 elif up_fetch:
536 fetch = up_fetch
537 else:
538 fetch = down_fetch
539 fetch.WaitFor()
540 if fetch == up_fetch:
541 pivot = up_pivot - 1 # Subtracts 1 because revlist was resized.
542 else:
543 pivot = down_pivot
544 zipfile = fetch.zipfile
546 if down_fetch and fetch != down_fetch:
547 down_fetch.Stop()
548 if up_fetch and fetch != up_fetch:
549 up_fetch.Stop()
550 else:
551 assert False, "Unexpected return value from evaluate(): " + answer
552 except SystemExit:
553 print "Cleaning up..."
554 for f in [_GetDownloadPath(revlist[down_pivot]),
555 _GetDownloadPath(revlist[up_pivot])]:
556 try:
557 os.unlink(f)
558 except OSError:
559 pass
560 sys.exit(0)
562 rev = revlist[pivot]
564 return (revlist[minrev], revlist[maxrev])
567 def GetBlinkRevisionForChromiumRevision(rev):
568 """Returns the blink revision that was in chromium's DEPS file at
569 chromium revision |rev|."""
570 # . doesn't match newlines without re.DOTALL, so this is safe.
571 blink_re = re.compile(r'webkit_revision.:\D*(\d+)')
572 url = urllib.urlopen(DEPS_FILE % rev)
573 m =
574 url.close()
575 if m:
576 return int(
577 else:
578 raise Exception('Could not get blink revision for cr rev %d' % rev)
581 def GetChromiumRevision(url):
582 """Returns the chromium revision read from given URL."""
583 try:
584 # Location of the latest build revision number
585 return int(urllib.urlopen(url).read())
586 except Exception, e:
587 print('Could not determine latest revision. This could be bad...')
588 return 999999999
591 def main():
592 usage = ('%prog [options] [-- chromium-options]\n'
593 'Perform binary search on the snapshot builds to find a minimal\n'
594 'range of revisions where a behavior change happened. The\n'
595 'behaviors are described as "good" and "bad".\n'
596 'It is NOT assumed that the behavior of the later revision is\n'
597 'the bad one.\n'
598 '\n'
599 'Revision numbers should use\n'
600 ' Official versions (e.g. 1.0.1000.0) for official builds. (-o)\n'
601 ' SVN revisions (e.g. 123456) for chromium builds, from trunk.\n'
602 ' Use base_trunk_revision from\n'
603 ' for earlier revs.\n'
604 ' Chrome\'s about: build number and omahaproxy branch_revision\n'
605 ' are incorrect, they are from branches.\n'
606 '\n'
607 'Tip: add "-- --no-first-run" to bypass the first run prompts.')
608 parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
609 # Strangely, the default help output doesn't include the choice list.
610 choices = ['mac', 'win', 'linux', 'linux64', 'linux-arm']
611 # linux-chromiumos lacks a continuous archive
612 parser.add_option('-a', '--archive',
613 choices = choices,
614 help = 'The buildbot archive to bisect [%s].' %
615 '|'.join(choices))
616 parser.add_option('-o', action="store_true", dest='official_builds',
617 help = 'Bisect across official ' +
618 'Chrome builds (internal only) instead of ' +
619 'Chromium archives.')
620 parser.add_option('-b', '--bad', type = 'str',
621 help = 'A bad revision to start bisection. ' +
622 'May be earlier or later than the good revision. ' +
623 'Default is HEAD.')
624 parser.add_option('-g', '--good', type = 'str',
625 help = 'A good revision to start bisection. ' +
626 'May be earlier or later than the bad revision. ' +
627 'Default is 0.')
628 parser.add_option('-p', '--profile', '--user-data-dir', type = 'str',
629 help = 'Profile to use; this will not reset every run. ' +
630 'Defaults to a clean profile.', default = 'profile')
631 parser.add_option('-t', '--times', type = 'int',
632 help = 'Number of times to run each build before asking ' +
633 'if it\'s good or bad. Temporary profiles are reused.',
634 default = 1)
635 (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
637 if opts.archive is None:
638 print 'Error: missing required parameter: --archive'
639 print
640 parser.print_help()
641 return 1
643 # Create the context. Initialize 0 for the revisions as they are set below.
644 context = PathContext(opts.archive, 0, 0, opts.official_builds)
645 # Pick a starting point, try to get HEAD for this.
646 if opts.bad:
647 bad_rev = opts.bad
648 else:
649 bad_rev = '999.0.0.0'
650 if not opts.official_builds:
651 bad_rev = GetChromiumRevision(context.GetLastChangeURL())
653 # Find out when we were good.
654 if opts.good:
655 good_rev = opts.good
656 else:
657 good_rev = '' if opts.official_builds else 0
659 if opts.official_builds:
660 good_rev = LooseVersion(good_rev)
661 bad_rev = LooseVersion(bad_rev)
662 else:
663 good_rev = int(good_rev)
664 bad_rev = int(bad_rev)
666 if opts.times < 1:
667 print('Number of times to run (%d) must be greater than or equal to 1.' %
668 opts.times)
669 parser.print_help()
670 return 1
672 (min_chromium_rev, max_chromium_rev) = Bisect(
673 opts.archive, opts.official_builds, good_rev, bad_rev, opts.times, args,
674 opts.profile)
676 # Get corresponding blink revisions.
677 try:
678 min_blink_rev = GetBlinkRevisionForChromiumRevision(min_chromium_rev)
679 max_blink_rev = GetBlinkRevisionForChromiumRevision(max_chromium_rev)
680 except Exception, e:
681 # Silently ignore the failure.
682 min_blink_rev, max_blink_rev = 0, 0
684 # We're done. Let the user know the results in an official manner.
685 if good_rev > bad_rev:
686 print DONE_MESSAGE_GOOD_MAX % (str(min_chromium_rev), str(max_chromium_rev))
687 else:
688 print DONE_MESSAGE_GOOD_MIN % (str(min_chromium_rev), str(max_chromium_rev))
690 if min_blink_rev != max_blink_rev:
692 print ' ' + BLINK_CHANGELOG_URL % (max_blink_rev, min_blink_rev)
693 print 'CHANGELOG URL:'
694 if opts.official_builds:
695 print OFFICIAL_CHANGELOG_URL % (min_chromium_rev, max_chromium_rev)
696 else:
697 print ' ' + CHANGELOG_URL % (min_chromium_rev, max_chromium_rev)
699 if __name__ == '__main__':
700 sys.exit(main())