Delete chrome.mediaGalleriesPrivate because the functionality unique to it has since...
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / third_party / polymer / components / paper-button / paper-button.html
1 <!--
2 Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
3 This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at
4 The complete set of authors may be found at
5 The complete set of contributors may be found at
6 Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also
7 subject to an additional IP rights grant found at
8 -->
10 <!--
11 @group Paper Elements
13 Material Design: <a href="">Buttons</a>
15 `paper-button` is a button. When the user touches the button, a ripple effect emanates
16 from the point of contact. It may be flat or raised. A raised button is styled with a
17 shadow.
19 Example:
21 <paper-button>flat button</paper-button>
22 <paper-button raised>raised button</paper-button>
23 <paper-button noink>No ripple effect</paper-button>
25 You may use custom DOM in the button body to create a variety of buttons. For example, to
26 create a button with an icon and some text:
28 <paper-button>
29 <core-icon icon="favorite"></core-icon>
30 custom button content
31 </paper-button>
33 Styling
34 -------
36 Style the button with CSS as you would a normal DOM element.
38 /* make #my-button green with yellow text */
39 #my-button {
40 background: green;
41 color: yellow;
44 By default, the ripple is the same color as the foreground at 25% opacity. You may
45 customize the color using this selector:
47 /* make #my-button use a blue ripple instead of foreground color */
48 #my-button::shadow #ripple {
49 color: blue;
52 The opacity of the ripple is not customizable via CSS.
54 @element paper-button
55 @extends paper-button-base
56 @status unstable
57 -->
59 <link href="../polymer/polymer.html" rel="import">
60 <link href="../paper-shadow/paper-shadow.html" rel="import">
62 <link href="paper-button-base.html" rel="import">
64 <polymer-element name="paper-button" extends="paper-button-base" attributes="raised recenteringTouch fill"
65 role="button">
67 <template>
69 <style>
71 :host {
72 display: inline-block;
73 position: relative;
74 box-sizing: border-box;
75 min-width: 5.14em;
76 margin: 0 0.29em;
77 background: transparent;
78 text-align: center;
79 font: inherit;
80 text-transform: uppercase;
81 outline: none;
82 border-radius: 3px;
83 -moz-user-select: none;
84 -ms-user-select: none;
85 -webkit-user-select: none;
86 user-select: none;
87 cursor: pointer;
88 z-index: 0;
91 :host([disabled]) {
92 background: #eaeaea;
93 color: #a8a8a8;
94 cursor: auto;
95 pointer-events: none;
98 ::content * {
99 text-transform: inherit;
102 #shadow {
103 border-radius: inherit;
106 #ripple {
107 pointer-events: none;
108 z-index: -1;
111 .button-content {
112 padding: 0.7em 0.57em
115 polyfill-next-selector { content: '.button-content > a'; }
116 ::content > a {
117 height: 100%;
118 padding: 0.7em 0.57em;
119 /* flex */
120 -ms-flex: 1 1 0.000000001px;
121 -webkit-flex: 1;
122 flex: 1;
123 -webkit-flex-basis: 0.000000001px;
124 flex-basis: 0.000000001px;
127 </style>
129 <template if="{{raised}}">
130 <paper-shadow id="shadow" fit animated></paper-shadow>
131 </template>
133 <!-- this div is needed to position the ripple behind text content -->
134 <div class="button-content" relative layout horizontal center-center>
135 <content></content>
136 </div>
138 </template>
140 <script>
141 Polymer({
143 publish: {
146 * If true, the button will be styled with a shadow.
148 * @attribute raised
149 * @type boolean
150 * @default false
152 raised: false,
155 * By default the ripple emanates from where the user touched the button.
156 * Set this to true to always center the ripple.
158 * @attribute recenteringTouch
159 * @type boolean
160 * @default false
162 recenteringTouch: false,
165 * By default the ripple expands to fill the button. Set this to true to
166 * constrain the ripple to a circle within the button.
168 * @attribute fill
169 * @type boolean
170 * @default true
172 fill: true
177 </script>
178 </polymer-element>