Delete chrome.mediaGalleriesPrivate because the functionality unique to it has since...
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / tools / android / findbugs_plugin / build.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!--
3   Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
4   Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5   found in the LICENSE file.
6 -->
8 <project name="findbugs_plugin" basedir=".">
10   <description>
11     Build findbugs_plugin for Chromium Android
12   </description>
13   <property name="src.dir" location="src" />
14   <property name="lib.dir" location="../../../third_party/findbugs/lib" />
15   <property name="bin.dir" location="lib" />
16   <property name="intermediate.dir" location="intermediate" />
17   <property name="" value="chromiumPlugin.jar" />
19   <path id="">
20     <fileset dir="${lib.dir}">
21       <include name="**/*.jar" />
22     </fileset>
23   </path>
25   <target name="makedir">
26     <mkdir dir="${intermediate.dir}" />
27     <mkdir dir="${bin.dir}" />
28   </target>
30   <target name="findbugs_plugin_classes" depends="makedir">
31     <javac srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${intermediate.dir}"
32         classpathref="" includeantruntime="false" />
33   </target>
35   <target name="copy_xml_files" depends="makedir">
36     <copy file="messages.xml" todir="${intermediate.dir}" />
37     <copy file="findbugs.xml" todir="${intermediate.dir}" />
38   </target>
40   <target name="findbugs_plugin_jar" depends="findbugs_plugin_classes, copy_xml_files">
41     <jar destfile="${bin.dir}/${}" basedir="${intermediate.dir}">
42     </jar>
43   </target>
45   <target name="install" depends="findbugs_plugin_jar">
46     <delete dir="${intermediate.dir}" />
47   </target>
48 </project>