1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/options/chromeos/internet_options_handler.h"
13 #include "ash/system/chromeos/network/network_connect.h"
14 #include "ash/system/chromeos/network/network_icon.h"
15 #include "base/basictypes.h"
16 #include "base/bind.h"
17 #include "base/bind_helpers.h"
18 #include "base/command_line.h"
19 #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
20 #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
21 #include "base/values.h"
22 #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h"
23 #include "chrome/browser/chrome_notification_types.h"
24 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/user.h"
25 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/user_manager.h"
26 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/mobile_config.h"
27 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/net/onc_utils.h"
28 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/options/network_config_view.h"
29 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/options/network_property_ui_data.h"
30 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/settings/cros_settings.h"
31 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/sim_dialog_delegate.h"
32 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/ui/choose_mobile_network_dialog.h"
33 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/ui/mobile_config_ui.h"
34 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/ui_proxy_config_service.h"
35 #include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/options/chromeos/core_chromeos_options_handler.h"
36 #include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/options/chromeos/internet_options_handler_strings.h"
37 #include "chromeos/chromeos_switches.h"
38 #include "chromeos/network/device_state.h"
39 #include "chromeos/network/favorite_state.h"
40 #include "chromeos/network/managed_network_configuration_handler.h"
41 #include "chromeos/network/network_configuration_handler.h"
42 #include "chromeos/network/network_connection_handler.h"
43 #include "chromeos/network/network_device_handler.h"
44 #include "chromeos/network/network_event_log.h"
45 #include "chromeos/network/network_ip_config.h"
46 #include "chromeos/network/network_profile.h"
47 #include "chromeos/network/network_profile_handler.h"
48 #include "chromeos/network/network_state.h"
49 #include "chromeos/network/network_state_handler.h"
50 #include "chromeos/network/network_ui_data.h"
51 #include "chromeos/network/network_util.h"
52 #include "chromeos/network/shill_property_util.h"
53 #include "components/onc/onc_constants.h"
54 #include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h"
55 #include "content/public/browser/user_metrics.h"
56 #include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
57 #include "content/public/browser/web_ui.h"
58 #include "grit/ash_resources.h"
59 #include "grit/locale_settings.h"
60 #include "grit/theme_resources.h"
61 #include "third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/service_constants.h"
62 #include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
63 #include "ui/base/layout.h"
64 #include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h"
65 #include "ui/base/webui/web_ui_util.h"
66 #include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia.h"
73 // Keys for the network description dictionary passed to the web ui. Make sure
74 // to keep the strings in sync with what the JavaScript side uses.
75 const char kNetworkInfoKeyConnectable
[] = "connectable";
76 const char kNetworkInfoKeyConnected
[] = "connected";
77 const char kNetworkInfoKeyConnecting
[] = "connecting";
78 const char kNetworkInfoKeyIconURL
[] = "iconURL";
79 const char kNetworkInfoKeyNetworkName
[] = "networkName";
80 const char kNetworkInfoKeyNetworkType
[] = "networkType";
81 const char kNetworkInfoKeyServicePath
[] = "servicePath";
82 const char kNetworkInfoKeyPolicyManaged
[] = "policyManaged";
84 // These are keys for getting IP information from the web ui.
85 const char kIpConfigAddress
[] = "address";
86 const char kIpConfigPrefixLength
[] = "prefixLength";
87 const char kIpConfigNetmask
[] = "netmask";
88 const char kIpConfigGateway
[] = "gateway";
89 const char kIpConfigNameServers
[] = "nameServers";
90 const char kIpConfigAutoConfig
[] = "ipAutoConfig";
91 const char kIpConfigWebProxyAutoDiscoveryUrl
[] = "webProxyAutoDiscoveryUrl";
93 // These are types of name server selections from the web ui.
94 const char kNameServerTypeAutomatic
[] = "automatic";
95 const char kNameServerTypeGoogle
[] = "google";
96 const char kNameServerTypeUser
[] = "user";
98 // These are dictionary names used to send data to the web ui.
99 const char kDictionaryIpConfig
[] = "ipconfig";
100 const char kDictionaryStaticIp
[] = "staticIP";
101 const char kDictionarySavedIp
[] = "savedIP";
103 // Google public name servers (DNS).
104 const char kGoogleNameServers
[] = ",";
106 // Functions we call in JavaScript.
107 const char kRefreshNetworkDataFunction
[] =
108 "options.network.NetworkList.refreshNetworkData";
109 const char kSetDefaultNetworkIconsFunction
[] =
110 "options.network.NetworkList.setDefaultNetworkIcons";
111 const char kShowDetailedInfoFunction
[] =
112 "options.internet.DetailsInternetPage.showDetailedInfo";
113 const char kUpdateConnectionDataFunction
[] =
114 "options.internet.DetailsInternetPage.updateConnectionData";
115 const char kUpdateCarrierFunction
[] =
116 "options.internet.DetailsInternetPage.updateCarrier";
117 const char kUpdateLoggedInUserTypeFunction
[] =
118 "options.network.NetworkList.updateLoggedInUserType";
119 const char kUpdateSecurityTabFunction
[] =
120 "options.internet.DetailsInternetPage.updateSecurityTab";
122 // These are used to register message handlers with JavaScript.
123 const char kBuyDataPlanMessage
[] = "buyDataPlan";
124 const char kChangePinMessage
[] = "changePin";
125 const char kDisableCellularMessage
[] = "disableCellular";
126 const char kDisableWifiMessage
[] = "disableWifi";
127 const char kDisableWimaxMessage
[] = "disableWimax";
128 const char kEnableCellularMessage
[] = "enableCellular";
129 const char kEnableWifiMessage
[] = "enableWifi";
130 const char kEnableWimaxMessage
[] = "enableWimax";
131 const char kNetworkCommandMessage
[] = "networkCommand";
132 const char kRefreshNetworksMessage
[] = "refreshNetworks";
133 const char kSetApnMessage
[] = "setApn";
134 const char kSetAutoConnectMessage
[] = "setAutoConnect";
135 const char kSetCarrierMessage
[] = "setCarrier";
136 const char kSetIPConfigMessage
[] = "setIPConfig";
137 const char kSetPreferNetworkMessage
[] = "setPreferNetwork";
138 const char kSetServerHostname
[] = "setServerHostname";
139 const char kSetSimCardLockMessage
[] = "setSimCardLock";
140 const char kShowMorePlanInfoMessage
[] = "showMorePlanInfo";
142 // These are strings used to communicate with JavaScript.
143 const char kTagActivate
[] = "activate";
144 const char kTagActivationState
[] = "activationState";
145 const char kTagAddConnection
[] = "add";
146 const char kTagApn
[] = "apn";
147 const char kTagAutoConnect
[] = "autoConnect";
148 const char kTagBssid
[] = "bssid";
149 const char kTagCarrierSelectFlag
[] = "showCarrierSelect";
150 const char kTagCarrierUrl
[] = "carrierUrl";
151 const char kTagCellular
[] = "cellular";
152 const char kTagCellularAvailable
[] = "cellularAvailable";
153 const char kTagCellularEnabled
[] = "cellularEnabled";
154 const char kTagCellularSupportsScan
[] = "cellularSupportsScan";
155 const char kTagConfigure
[] = "configure";
156 const char kTagConnect
[] = "connect";
157 const char kTagConnected
[] = "connected";
158 const char kTagConnecting
[] = "connecting";
159 const char kTagConnectionState
[] = "connectionState";
160 const char kTagControlledBy
[] = "controlledBy";
161 const char kTagDeviceConnected
[] = "deviceConnected";
162 const char kTagDisableConnectButton
[] = "disableConnectButton";
163 const char kTagDisconnect
[] = "disconnect";
164 const char kTagEncryption
[] = "encryption";
165 const char kTagErrorState
[] = "errorState";
166 const char kTagEsn
[] = "esn";
167 const char kTagFirmwareRevision
[] = "firmwareRevision";
168 const char kTagForget
[] = "forget";
169 const char kTagFrequency
[] = "frequency";
170 const char kTagGsm
[] = "gsm";
171 const char kTagHardwareAddress
[] = "hardwareAddress";
172 const char kTagHardwareRevision
[] = "hardwareRevision";
173 const char kTagIdentity
[] = "identity";
174 const char kTagIccid
[] = "iccid";
175 const char kTagImei
[] = "imei";
176 const char kTagImsi
[] = "imsi";
177 const char kTagLanguage
[] = "language";
178 const char kTagLastGoodApn
[] = "lastGoodApn";
179 const char kTagLocalizedName
[] = "localizedName";
180 const char kTagCellularManufacturer
[] = "cellularManufacturer";
181 const char kTagMdn
[] = "mdn";
182 const char kTagMeid
[] = "meid";
183 const char kTagMin
[] = "min";
184 const char kTagModelId
[] = "modelId";
185 const char kTagName
[] = "name";
186 const char kTagNameServersGoogle
[] = "nameServersGoogle";
187 const char kTagNameServerType
[] = "nameServerType";
188 const char kTagNetworkId
[] = "networkId";
189 const char kTagNetworkName
[] = "networkName";
190 const char kTagNetworkTechnology
[] = "networkTechnology";
191 const char kTagOperatorCode
[] = "operatorCode";
192 const char kTagOperatorName
[] = "operatorName";
193 const char kTagOptions
[] = "options";
194 const char kTagPassword
[] = "password";
195 const char kTagPolicy
[] = "policy";
196 const char kTagPreferred
[] = "preferred";
197 const char kTagPrlVersion
[] = "prlVersion";
198 const char kTagProviderType
[] = "providerType";
199 const char kTagProviderApnList
[] = "providerApnList";
200 const char kTagRecommended
[] = "recommended";
201 const char kTagRecommendedValue
[] = "recommendedValue";
202 const char kTagRemembered
[] = "remembered";
203 const char kTagRememberedList
[] = "rememberedList";
204 const char kTagRestrictedPool
[] = "restrictedPool";
205 const char kTagRoamingState
[] = "roamingState";
206 const char kTagServerHostname
[] = "serverHostname";
207 const char kTagCarriers
[] = "carriers";
208 const char kTagCurrentCarrierIndex
[] = "currentCarrierIndex";
209 const char kTagServiceName
[] = "serviceName";
210 const char kTagServicePath
[] = "servicePath";
211 const char kTagShared
[] = "shared";
212 const char kTagShowActivateButton
[] = "showActivateButton";
213 const char kTagShowPreferred
[] = "showPreferred";
214 const char kTagShowProxy
[] = "showProxy";
215 const char kTagShowStaticIPConfig
[] = "showStaticIPConfig";
216 const char kTagShowViewAccountButton
[] = "showViewAccountButton";
217 const char kTagSimCardLockEnabled
[] = "simCardLockEnabled";
218 const char kTagSsid
[] = "ssid";
219 const char kTagStrength
[] = "strength";
220 const char kTagSupportUrl
[] = "supportUrl";
221 const char kTagTrue
[] = "true";
222 const char kTagType
[] = "type";
223 const char kTagUsername
[] = "username";
224 const char kTagValue
[] = "value";
225 const char kTagVpn
[] = "vpn";
226 const char kTagVpnList
[] = "vpnList";
227 const char kTagWifi
[] = "wifi";
228 const char kTagWifiAvailable
[] = "wifiAvailable";
229 const char kTagWifiEnabled
[] = "wifiEnabled";
230 const char kTagWimaxAvailable
[] = "wimaxAvailable";
231 const char kTagWimaxEnabled
[] = "wimaxEnabled";
232 const char kTagWiredList
[] = "wiredList";
233 const char kTagWirelessList
[] = "wirelessList";
234 const char kTagLoggedInUserNone
[] = "none";
235 const char kTagLoggedInUserRegular
[] = "regular";
236 const char kTagLoggedInUserOwner
[] = "owner";
237 const char kTagLoggedInUserGuest
[] = "guest";
238 const char kTagLoggedInUserRetailMode
[] = "retail-mode";
239 const char kTagLoggedInUserPublicAccount
[] = "public-account";
240 const char kTagLoggedInUserLocallyManaged
[] = "locally-managed";
241 const char kTagLoggedInUserKioskApp
[] = "kiosk-app";
243 const int kPreferredPriority
= 1;
245 void ShillError(const std::string
& function
246 const std::string
& error_name
247 scoped_ptr
> error_data
) {
248 // UpdateConnectionData may send requests for stale services; ignore
250 if (function
== "UpdateConnectionData" &&
251 error_name
== network_handler::kDBusFailedError
253 NET_LOG_ERROR("Shill Error from InternetOptionsHandler: " + error_name
257 const NetworkState
* GetNetworkState(const std::string
& service_path
) {
258 return NetworkHandler::Get()->network_state_handler()->
259 GetNetworkState(service_path
262 void SetNetworkProperty(const std::string
& service_path
263 const std::string
& property
264 base::Value
* value
) {
265 NET_LOG_EVENT("SetNetworkProperty: " + property
, service_path
266 base::DictionaryValue properties
267 properties
, value
268 NetworkHandler::Get()->network_configuration_handler()->SetProperties(
269 service_path
, properties
270 base::Bind(&base::DoNothing
271 base::Bind(&ShillError
, "SetNetworkProperty"));
274 std::string
LoggedInUserTypeToJSString(LoginState::LoggedInUserType type
) {
276 case LoginState::LOGGED_IN_USER_NONE
277 return kTagLoggedInUserNone
278 case LoginState::LOGGED_IN_USER_REGULAR
279 return kTagLoggedInUserRegular
280 case LoginState::LOGGED_IN_USER_OWNER
281 return kTagLoggedInUserOwner
282 case LoginState::LOGGED_IN_USER_GUEST
283 return kTagLoggedInUserGuest
285 return kTagLoggedInUserRetailMode
287 return kTagLoggedInUserPublicAccount
289 return kTagLoggedInUserLocallyManaged
290 case LoginState::LOGGED_IN_USER_KIOSK_APP
291 return kTagLoggedInUserKioskApp
294 return std::string();
297 bool HasPolicyForFavorite(const FavoriteState
* favorite
298 const PrefService
* profile_prefs
) {
299 return onc::HasPolicyForFavoriteNetwork(
300 profile_prefs
, g_browser_process
->local_state(), *favorite
303 bool HasPolicyForNetwork(const NetworkState
* network
304 const PrefService
* profile_prefs
) {
305 const FavoriteState
* favorite
306 NetworkHandler::Get()->network_state_handler()->GetFavoriteState(
310 return HasPolicyForFavorite(favorite
, profile_prefs
313 void SetCommonNetworkInfo(const ManagedState
* state
314 const gfx::ImageSkia
& icon
315 ui::ScaleFactor icon_scale_factor
316 base::DictionaryValue
* network_info
) {
317 gfx::ImageSkiaRep image_rep
318 icon
319 std::string icon_url
320 icon
.isNull() ? "" : webui::GetBitmapDataUrl(image_rep
321 network_info
, icon_url
323 std::string name
= state
324 if (state
->Matches(NetworkTypePattern::Ethernet())) {
325 name
= internet_options_strings::NetworkDeviceTypeString(
326 shill::kTypeEthernet
328 network_info
, name
329 network_info
, state
330 network_info
, state
333 // Builds a dictionary with network information and an icon used for the
334 // NetworkList on the settings page. Ownership of the returned pointer is
335 // transferred to the caller.
336 base::DictionaryValue
* BuildNetworkDictionary(
337 const NetworkState
* network
338 ui::ScaleFactor icon_scale_factor
339 const PrefService
* profile_prefs
) {
340 scoped_ptr
> network_info(new base::DictionaryValue());
341 network_info
, network
342 network_info
343 network
344 network_info
345 network
346 network_info
347 HasPolicyForNetwork(network
, profile_prefs
349 gfx::ImageSkia icon
= ash::network_icon::GetImageForNetwork(
350 network
, ash::network_icon::ICON_TYPE_LIST
351 SetCommonNetworkInfo(network
, icon
, icon_scale_factor
, network_info
352 return network_info
355 base::DictionaryValue
* BuildFavoriteDictionary(
356 const FavoriteState
* favorite
357 ui::ScaleFactor icon_scale_factor
358 const PrefService
* profile_prefs
) {
359 scoped_ptr
> network_info(new base::DictionaryValue());
360 network_info
, false);
361 network_info
, false);
362 network_info
, false);
363 network_info
364 HasPolicyForFavorite(favorite
, profile_prefs
366 gfx::ImageSkia icon
= ash::network_icon::GetImageForDisconnectedNetwork(
367 ash::network_icon::ICON_TYPE_LIST
, favorite
368 SetCommonNetworkInfo(favorite
, icon
, icon_scale_factor
, network_info
369 return network_info
372 // Pulls IP information out of a shill service properties dictionary. If
373 // |static_ip| is true, then it fetches "StaticIP.*" properties. If not, then it
374 // fetches "SavedIP.*" properties. Caller must take ownership of returned
375 // dictionary. If non-NULL, |ip_parameters_set| returns a count of the number
376 // of IP routing parameters that get set.
377 base::DictionaryValue
* BuildIPInfoDictionary(
378 const base::DictionaryValue
& shill_properties
380 int* routing_parameters_set
) {
381 std::string address_key
382 std::string prefix_len_key
383 std::string gateway_key
384 std::string name_servers_key
386 address_key
= shill::kStaticIPAddressProperty
387 prefix_len_key
= shill::kStaticIPPrefixlenProperty
388 gateway_key
= shill::kStaticIPGatewayProperty
389 name_servers_key
= shill::kStaticIPNameServersProperty
391 address_key
= shill::kSavedIPAddressProperty
392 prefix_len_key
= shill::kSavedIPPrefixlenProperty
393 gateway_key
= shill::kSavedIPGatewayProperty
394 name_servers_key
= shill::kSavedIPNameServersProperty
397 scoped_ptr
> ip_info_dict(new base::DictionaryValue
399 int routing_parameters
= 0;
400 if (shill_properties
, &address
)) {
401 ip_info_dict
, address
402 VLOG(2) << "Found " << address_key
<< ": " << address
403 routing_parameters
406 if (shill_properties
407 prefix_len_key
, &prefix_len
)) {
408 ip_info_dict
, prefix_len
409 std::string netmask
= network_util::PrefixLengthToNetmask(prefix_len
410 ip_info_dict
, netmask
411 VLOG(2) << "Found " << prefix_len_key
<< ": "
412 << prefix_len
<< " (" << netmask
<< ")";
413 routing_parameters
416 if (shill_properties
, &gateway
)) {
417 ip_info_dict
, gateway
418 VLOG(2) << "Found " << gateway_key
<< ": " << gateway
419 routing_parameters
421 if (routing_parameters_set
422 *routing_parameters_set
= routing_parameters
424 std::string name_servers
425 if (shill_properties
426 name_servers_key
, &name_servers
)) {
427 ip_info_dict
, name_servers
428 VLOG(2) << "Found " << name_servers_key
<< ": " << name_servers
431 return ip_info_dict
434 bool CanForgetNetworkType(const std::string
& type
) {
435 return type
== shill::kTypeWifi
436 type
== shill::kTypeWimax
437 type
== shill::kTypeVPN
440 bool CanAddNetworkType(const std::string
& type
) {
441 return type
== shill::kTypeWifi
442 type
== shill::kTypeVPN
443 type
== shill::kTypeCellular
446 // Decorate dictionary |value_dict| with policy information from |ui_data|.
447 void DecorateValueDictionary(const NetworkPropertyUIData
& ui_data
448 const base::Value
& value
449 base::DictionaryValue
* value_dict
) {
450 const base::Value
* recommended_value
= ui_data
451 if (ui_data
452 value_dict
, kTagPolicy
453 else if (recommended_value
&& recommended_value
454 value_dict
, kTagRecommended
456 if (recommended_value
457 value_dict
, recommended_value
460 // Decorate pref value as CoreOptionsHandler::CreateValueForPref() does and
461 // store it under |key| in |settings|. Takes ownership of |value|.
462 void SetValueDictionary(base::DictionaryValue
* settings
465 const NetworkPropertyUIData
& ui_data
) {
466 base::DictionaryValue
* dict
= new base::DictionaryValue();
467 // DictionaryValue::Set() takes ownership of |value|.
468 dict
, value
469 settings
, dict
470 DecorateValueDictionary(ui_data
, *value
, dict
473 // Creates a decorated dictionary like SetValueDictionary does, but extended for
474 // the Autoconnect property, which respects additionally global network policy.
475 void SetAutoconnectValueDictionary(bool network_is_private
476 ::onc::ONCSource onc_source
477 bool current_autoconnect
478 const NetworkPropertyUIData
& ui_data
479 base::DictionaryValue
* settings
) {
480 base::DictionaryValue
* dict
= new base::DictionaryValue();
481 base::Value
* value
= new base::FundamentalValue(current_autoconnect
482 // DictionaryValue::Set() takes ownership of |value|.
483 dict
, value
484 settings
, dict
485 if (onc_source
486 onc_source
) {
487 // Autoconnect can be controlled by the GlobalNetworkConfiguration of the
489 bool only_policy_autoconnect
490 onc::PolicyAllowsOnlyPolicyNetworksToAutoconnect(network_is_private
491 if (only_policy_autoconnect
) {
492 dict
, kTagPolicy
496 DecorateValueDictionary(ui_data
, *value
, dict
499 std::string
CopyStringFromDictionary(const base::DictionaryValue
& source
500 const std::string
& src_key
501 const std::string
& dest_key
502 base::DictionaryValue
* dest
) {
503 std::string string_value
504 if (source
, &string_value
505 dest
, string_value
509 void CopyIntegerFromDictionary(const base::DictionaryValue
& source
510 const std::string
& src_key
511 const std::string
& dest_key
513 base::DictionaryValue
* dest
) {
515 if (!source
, &int_value
518 dest
, base::IntToString(int_value
520 dest
, int_value
524 // Fills |dictionary| with the configuration details of |vpn|. |onc| is required
525 // for augmenting the policy-managed information.
526 void PopulateVPNDetails(const NetworkState
* vpn
527 const base::DictionaryValue
& shill_properties
528 base::DictionaryValue
* dictionary
) {
529 // Name and Remembered are set in PopulateConnectionDetails().
530 // Provider properties are stored in the "Provider" dictionary.
531 const base::DictionaryValue
* provider_properties
532 if (!shill_properties
533 shill::kProviderProperty
, &provider_properties
)) {
) << "No provider properties for VPN: " << vpn
537 std::string provider_type
538 provider_properties
539 shill::kTypeProperty
, &provider_type
540 dictionary
541 internet_options_strings::ProviderTypeString(
543 *provider_properties
545 std::string username
546 if (provider_type
== shill::kProviderOpenVpn
) {
547 provider_properties
548 shill::kOpenVPNUserProperty
, &username
550 provider_properties
551 shill::kL2tpIpsecUserProperty
, &username
553 dictionary
, username
555 ::onc::ONCSource onc_source
556 const base::DictionaryValue
* onc
557 onc::FindPolicyForActiveUser(vpn
->guid(), &onc_source
559 NetworkPropertyUIData hostname_ui_data
560 hostname_ui_data
563 ::onc::network_config::VpnProperty(::onc::vpn::kHost
564 std::string provider_host
565 provider_properties
566 shill::kHostProperty
, &provider_host
567 SetValueDictionary(dictionary
, kTagServerHostname
568 new base::StringValue(provider_host
571 // Disable 'Connect' for VPN unless connected to a non-VPN network.
572 const NetworkState
* connected_network
573 NetworkHandler::Get()->network_state_handler()->ConnectedNetworkByType(
574 NetworkTypePattern::NonVirtual());
575 dictionary
, !connected_network
578 // Given a list of supported carrier's by the device, return the index of
579 // the carrier the device is currently using.
580 int FindCurrentCarrierIndex(const base::ListValue
* carriers
581 const DeviceState
* device
) {
584 bool gsm
= (device
->technology_family() == shill::kTechnologyFamilyGsm
586 for (base::ListValue::const_iterator it
= carriers
587 it
!= carriers
->end(); ++it
, ++index
) {
589 if (!(*it
591 // For GSM devices the device name will be empty, so simply select
592 // the Generic UMTS carrier option if present.
593 if (gsm
&& (value
== shill::kCarrierGenericUMTS
595 // For other carriers, the service name will match the carrier name.
596 if (value
== device
602 void PopulateWifiDetails(const NetworkState
* wifi
603 const base::DictionaryValue
& shill_properties
604 base::DictionaryValue
* dictionary
) {
605 dictionary
, wifi
606 dictionary
, wifi
607 dictionary
608 internet_options_strings::EncryptionString(
609 wifi
->security(), wifi
610 CopyStringFromDictionary(
611 shill_properties
, shill::kWifiBSsid
, kTagBssid
, dictionary
612 CopyIntegerFromDictionary(shill_properties
613 shill::kWifiFrequency
619 void PopulateWimaxDetails(const NetworkState
* wimax
620 const base::DictionaryValue
& shill_properties
621 base::DictionaryValue
* dictionary
) {
622 dictionary
, wimax
623 CopyStringFromDictionary(
624 shill_properties
, shill::kEapIdentityProperty
, kTagIdentity
, dictionary
627 void CreateDictionaryFromCellularApn(const base::DictionaryValue
* apn
628 base::DictionaryValue
* dictionary
) {
629 CopyStringFromDictionary(*apn
, shill::kApnProperty
, kTagApn
, dictionary
630 CopyStringFromDictionary(
631 *apn
, shill::kApnNetworkIdProperty
, kTagNetworkId
, dictionary
632 CopyStringFromDictionary(
633 *apn
, shill::kApnUsernameProperty
, kTagUsername
, dictionary
634 CopyStringFromDictionary(
635 *apn
, shill::kApnPasswordProperty
, kTagPassword
, dictionary
636 CopyStringFromDictionary(*apn
, shill::kApnNameProperty
, kTagName
, dictionary
637 CopyStringFromDictionary(
638 *apn
, shill::kApnLocalizedNameProperty
, kTagLocalizedName
, dictionary
639 CopyStringFromDictionary(
640 *apn
, shill::kApnLanguageProperty
, kTagLanguage
, dictionary
643 void PopulateCellularDetails(const NetworkState
* cellular
644 const base::DictionaryValue
& shill_properties
645 base::DictionaryValue
* dictionary
) {
646 dictionary
647 CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
648 chromeos::switches::kEnableCarrierSwitching
649 // Cellular network / connection settings.
650 dictionary
, cellular
651 dictionary
652 internet_options_strings::ActivationStateString(
653 cellular
654 dictionary
655 internet_options_strings::RoamingStateString(
656 cellular
657 dictionary
659 internet_options_strings::RestrictedStateString(
660 cellular
662 const base::DictionaryValue
* serving_operator
663 if (shill_properties
664 shill::kServingOperatorProperty
, &serving_operator
)) {
665 CopyStringFromDictionary(*serving_operator
666 shill::kOperatorNameKey
669 CopyStringFromDictionary(*serving_operator
670 shill::kOperatorCodeKey
675 const base::DictionaryValue
* olp
676 if (shill_properties
677 shill::kPaymentPortalProperty
, &olp
)) {
679 olp
, &url
680 dictionary
, url
683 base::DictionaryValue
* apn
= new base::DictionaryValue
684 const base::DictionaryValue
* source_apn
685 if (shill_properties
686 shill::kCellularApnProperty
, &source_apn
)) {
687 CreateDictionaryFromCellularApn(source_apn
, apn
689 dictionary
, apn
691 base::DictionaryValue
* last_good_apn
= new base::DictionaryValue
692 if (shill_properties
693 shill::kCellularLastGoodApnProperty
, &source_apn
)) {
694 CreateDictionaryFromCellularApn(source_apn
, last_good_apn
696 dictionary
, last_good_apn
698 // These default to empty and are only set if device != NULL.
699 std::string carrier_id
703 const DeviceState
* device
704 NetworkHandler::Get()->network_state_handler()->GetDeviceState(
705 cellular
707 // TODO(stevenjb): Add NetworkDeviceHandler::GetProperties() and use that
708 // to retrieve the complete dictionary of device properties, instead of
709 // caching them (will be done for the new UI).
710 const base::DictionaryValue
& device_properties
= device
711 const NetworkPropertyUIData
712 cellular
713 CopyStringFromDictionary(device_properties
714 shill::kManufacturerProperty
715 kTagCellularManufacturer
717 CopyStringFromDictionary(
718 device_properties
, shill::kModelIDProperty
, kTagModelId
, dictionary
719 CopyStringFromDictionary(device_properties
720 shill::kFirmwareRevisionProperty
721 kTagFirmwareRevision
723 CopyStringFromDictionary(device_properties
724 shill::kHardwareRevisionProperty
725 kTagHardwareRevision
727 CopyIntegerFromDictionary(device_properties
728 shill::kPRLVersionProperty
732 CopyStringFromDictionary(
733 device_properties
, shill::kMeidProperty
, kTagMeid
, dictionary
734 CopyStringFromDictionary(
735 device_properties
, shill::kIccidProperty
, kTagIccid
, dictionary
736 CopyStringFromDictionary(
737 device_properties
, shill::kImeiProperty
, kTagImei
, dictionary
738 mdn
= CopyStringFromDictionary(
739 device_properties
, shill::kMdnProperty
, kTagMdn
, dictionary
740 CopyStringFromDictionary(
741 device_properties
, shill::kImsiProperty
, kTagImsi
, dictionary
742 CopyStringFromDictionary(
743 device_properties
, shill::kEsnProperty
, kTagEsn
, dictionary
744 CopyStringFromDictionary(
745 device_properties
, shill::kMinProperty
, kTagMin
, dictionary
747 device_properties
748 shill::kTechnologyFamilyProperty
, &family
749 dictionary
, family
== shill::kNetworkTechnologyGsm
751 SetValueDictionary(dictionary
752 kTagSimCardLockEnabled
753 new base::FundamentalValue(device
754 cellular_property_ui_data
756 carrier_id
= device
758 MobileConfig
* config
= MobileConfig::GetInstance();
759 if (config
->IsReady()) {
760 const MobileConfig::Carrier
* carrier
= config
761 if (carrier
&& !carrier
762 dictionary
, carrier
765 base::ListValue
* apn_list_value
= new base::ListValue();
766 const base::ListValue
* apn_list
767 if (device_properties
768 shill::kCellularApnListProperty
, &apn_list
)) {
769 for (base::ListValue::const_iterator iter
= apn_list
770 iter
!= apn_list
772 const base::DictionaryValue
* dict
773 if ((*iter
)) {
774 base::DictionaryValue
* apn
= new base::DictionaryValue
775 CreateDictionaryFromCellularApn(dict
, apn
776 apn_list_value
780 SetValueDictionary(dictionary
783 cellular_property_ui_data
784 if (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
785 chromeos::switches::kEnableCarrierSwitching
)) {
786 const base::ListValue
* supported_carriers
787 if (device_properties
788 shill::kSupportedCarriersProperty
, &supported_carriers
)) {
789 dictionary
, supported_carriers
790 dictionary
791 kTagCurrentCarrierIndex
792 FindCurrentCarrierIndex(supported_carriers
, device
794 // In case of any error, set the current carrier tag to -1 indicating
795 // to the JS code to fallback to a single carrier.
796 dictionary
, -1);
801 // Set Cellular Buttons Visibility
802 dictionary
803 kTagDisableConnectButton
804 cellular
->activation_state() == shill::kActivationStateActivating
805 cellular
807 // Don't show any account management related buttons if the activation
808 // state is unknown or no payment portal URL is available.
809 std::string support_url
810 if (cellular
->activation_state() == shill::kActivationStateUnknown
811 !dictionary
, &support_url
) ||
812 support_url
.empty()) {
813 VLOG(2) << "No support URL is available. Don't display buttons.";
817 if (cellular
->activation_state() != shill::kActivationStateActivating
818 cellular
->activation_state() != shill::kActivationStateActivated
) {
819 dictionary
, true);
821 bool may_show_portal_button
= false;
823 // If an online payment URL was provided by shill, then this means that the
824 // "View Account" button should be shown for the current carrier.
827 olp
, &url
828 may_show_portal_button
= !url
830 // If no online payment URL was provided by shill, fall back to
831 // MobileConfig to determine if the "View Account" should be shown.
832 if (!may_show_portal_button
&& MobileConfig::GetInstance()->IsReady()) {
833 const MobileConfig::Carrier
* carrier
834 MobileConfig::GetInstance()->GetCarrier(carrier_id
835 may_show_portal_button
= carrier
&& carrier
837 if (may_show_portal_button
) {
838 // The button should be shown for a LTE network even when the LTE network
839 // is not connected, but CrOS is online. This is done to enable users to
840 // update their plan even if they are out of credits.
841 // The button should not be shown when the device's mdn is not set,
842 // because the network's proper portal url cannot be generated without it
843 const NetworkState
* default_network
844 NetworkHandler::Get()->network_state_handler()->DefaultNetwork();
845 const std::string
& technology
= cellular
846 bool force_show_view_account_button
847 (technology
== shill::kNetworkTechnologyLte
848 technology
== shill::kNetworkTechnologyLteAdvanced
) &&
849 default_network
&& !mdn
851 // The button will trigger ShowMorePlanInfoCallback() which will open
852 // carrier specific portal.
853 if (cellular
->IsConnectedState() || force_show_view_account_button
854 dictionary
, true);
859 void PopulateConnectionDetails(const NetworkState
* network
860 const base::DictionaryValue
& shill_properties
861 base::DictionaryValue
* dictionary
) {
862 dictionary
, network
863 dictionary
, network
864 dictionary
, network
865 dictionary
, network
866 dictionary
867 internet_options_strings::ConnectionStateString(
868 network
869 dictionary
, network
870 dictionary
872 ash::network_connect::ErrorString(network
->error(), network
874 dictionary
, !network
875 bool shared
= !network
876 dictionary
, shared
878 const std::string
& type
= network
879 const NetworkState
* connected_network
880 NetworkHandler::Get()->network_state_handler()->ConnectedNetworkByType(
881 NetworkTypePattern::Primitive(type
883 dictionary
, connected_network
885 if (type
== shill::kTypeWifi
886 PopulateWifiDetails(network
, shill_properties
, dictionary
887 else if (type
== shill::kTypeWimax
888 PopulateWimaxDetails(network
, shill_properties
, dictionary
889 else if (type
== shill::kTypeCellular
890 PopulateCellularDetails(network
, shill_properties
, dictionary
891 else if (type
== shill::kTypeVPN
892 PopulateVPNDetails(network
, shill_properties
, dictionary
895 // Helper methods for SetIPConfigProperties
896 bool AppendPropertyKeyIfPresent(const std::string
& key
897 const base::DictionaryValue
& old_properties
898 std::vector
>* property_keys
) {
899 if (old_properties
)) {
900 property_keys
906 bool AddStringPropertyIfChanged(const std::string
& key
907 const std::string
& new_value
908 const base::DictionaryValue
& old_properties
909 base::DictionaryValue
* new_properties
) {
910 std::string old_value
911 if (!old_properties
, &old_value
) ||
912 new_value
!= old_value
) {
913 new_properties
, new_value
919 bool AddIntegerPropertyIfChanged(const std::string
& key
921 const base::DictionaryValue
& old_properties
922 base::DictionaryValue
* new_properties
) {
924 if (!old_properties
, &old_value
) ||
925 new_value
!= old_value
) {
926 new_properties
, new_value
932 void RequestReconnect(const std::string
& service_path
933 gfx::NativeWindow owning_window
) {
934 NetworkHandler::Get()->network_connection_handler()->DisconnectNetwork(
936 base::Bind(&ash::network_connect::ConnectToNetwork
937 service_path
, owning_window
938 base::Bind(&ShillError
, "RequestReconnect"));
943 InternetOptionsHandler::InternetOptionsHandler()
944 : weak_factory_(this) {
945 registrar_
946 content::NotificationService::AllSources());
947 registrar_
948 content::NotificationService::AllSources());
949 NetworkHandler::Get()->network_state_handler()->AddObserver(this, FROM_HERE
950 LoginState::Get()->AddObserver(this);
953 InternetOptionsHandler::~InternetOptionsHandler() {
954 if (NetworkHandler::IsInitialized()) {
955 NetworkHandler::Get()->network_state_handler()->RemoveObserver(
958 if (LoginState::Get()->IsInitialized())
959 LoginState::Get()->RemoveObserver(this);
962 void InternetOptionsHandler::GetLocalizedValues(
963 base::DictionaryValue
* localized_strings
) {
964 DCHECK(localized_strings
965 internet_options_strings::RegisterLocalizedStrings(localized_strings
968 chromeos::CrosSettings::Get()->GetString(chromeos::kDeviceOwner
, &owner
969 localized_strings
->SetString("ownerUserId", base::UTF8ToUTF16(owner
971 base::DictionaryValue
* network_dictionary
= new base::DictionaryValue
972 FillNetworkInfo(network_dictionary
973 localized_strings
->Set("networkData", network_dictionary
976 void InternetOptionsHandler::InitializePage() {
977 base::DictionaryValue dictionary
978 dictionary
980 dictionary
982 dictionary
984 web_ui()->CallJavascriptFunction(kSetDefaultNetworkIconsFunction
986 NetworkHandler::Get()->network_state_handler()->RequestScan();
987 RefreshNetworkData();
988 UpdateLoggedInUserType();
991 void InternetOptionsHandler::RegisterMessages() {
992 // Setup handlers specific to this panel.
993 web_ui()->RegisterMessageCallback(kNetworkCommandMessage
994 base::Bind(&InternetOptionsHandler::NetworkCommandCallback
995 base::Unretained(this)));
996 web_ui()->RegisterMessageCallback(kRefreshNetworksMessage
997 base::Bind(&InternetOptionsHandler::RefreshNetworksCallback
998 base::Unretained(this)));
999 web_ui()->RegisterMessageCallback(kSetPreferNetworkMessage
1000 base::Bind(&InternetOptionsHandler::SetPreferNetworkCallback
1001 base::Unretained(this)));
1002 web_ui()->RegisterMessageCallback(kSetAutoConnectMessage
1003 base::Bind(&InternetOptionsHandler::SetAutoConnectCallback
1004 base::Unretained(this)));
1005 web_ui()->RegisterMessageCallback(kSetIPConfigMessage
1006 base::Bind(&InternetOptionsHandler::SetIPConfigCallback
1007 base::Unretained(this)));
1008 web_ui()->RegisterMessageCallback(kEnableWifiMessage
1009 base::Bind(&InternetOptionsHandler::EnableWifiCallback
1010 base::Unretained(this)));
1011 web_ui()->RegisterMessageCallback(kDisableWifiMessage
1012 base::Bind(&InternetOptionsHandler::DisableWifiCallback
1013 base::Unretained(this)));
1014 web_ui()->RegisterMessageCallback(kEnableCellularMessage
1015 base::Bind(&InternetOptionsHandler::EnableCellularCallback
1016 base::Unretained(this)));
1017 web_ui()->RegisterMessageCallback(kDisableCellularMessage
1018 base::Bind(&InternetOptionsHandler::DisableCellularCallback
1019 base::Unretained(this)));
1020 web_ui()->RegisterMessageCallback(kEnableWimaxMessage
1021 base::Bind(&InternetOptionsHandler::EnableWimaxCallback
1022 base::Unretained(this)));
1023 web_ui()->RegisterMessageCallback(kDisableWimaxMessage
1024 base::Bind(&InternetOptionsHandler::DisableWimaxCallback
1025 base::Unretained(this)));
1026 web_ui()->RegisterMessageCallback(kBuyDataPlanMessage
1027 base::Bind(&InternetOptionsHandler::BuyDataPlanCallback
1028 base::Unretained(this)));
1029 web_ui()->RegisterMessageCallback(kShowMorePlanInfoMessage
1030 base::Bind(&InternetOptionsHandler::ShowMorePlanInfoCallback
1031 base::Unretained(this)));
1032 web_ui()->RegisterMessageCallback(kSetApnMessage
1033 base::Bind(&InternetOptionsHandler::SetApnCallback
1034 base::Unretained(this)));
1035 web_ui()->RegisterMessageCallback(kSetCarrierMessage
1036 base::Bind(&InternetOptionsHandler::SetCarrierCallback
1037 base::Unretained(this)));
1038 web_ui()->RegisterMessageCallback(kSetSimCardLockMessage
1039 base::Bind(&InternetOptionsHandler::SetSimCardLockCallback
1040 base::Unretained(this)));
1041 web_ui()->RegisterMessageCallback(kChangePinMessage
1042 base::Bind(&InternetOptionsHandler::ChangePinCallback
1043 base::Unretained(this)));
1044 web_ui()->RegisterMessageCallback(kSetServerHostname
1045 base::Bind(&InternetOptionsHandler::SetServerHostnameCallback
1046 base::Unretained(this)));
1049 void InternetOptionsHandler::EnableWifiCallback(const base::ListValue
* args
) {
1050 content::RecordAction(base::UserMetricsAction("Options_NetworkWifiToggle"));
1051 NetworkHandler::Get()->network_state_handler()->SetTechnologyEnabled(
1052 NetworkTypePattern::WiFi(), true,
1053 base::Bind(&ShillError
, "EnableWifiCallback"));
1056 void InternetOptionsHandler::DisableWifiCallback(const base::ListValue
* args
) {
1057 content::RecordAction(base::UserMetricsAction("Options_NetworkWifiToggle"));
1058 NetworkHandler::Get()->network_state_handler()->SetTechnologyEnabled(
1059 NetworkTypePattern::WiFi(), false,
1060 base::Bind(&ShillError
, "DisableWifiCallback"));
1063 void InternetOptionsHandler::EnableCellularCallback(
1064 const base::ListValue
* args
) {
1065 NetworkStateHandler
* handler
= NetworkHandler::Get()->network_state_handler();
1066 const DeviceState
* device
1067 handler
) << "Mobile device not found.";
1072 if (!device
->sim_lock_type().empty()) {
1073 SimDialogDelegate::ShowDialog(GetNativeWindow(),
1074 SimDialogDelegate::SIM_DIALOG_UNLOCK
1077 if (!handler
->IsTechnologyEnabled(NetworkTypePattern::Cellular())) {
1078 handler
1079 NetworkTypePattern::Cellular(), true,
1080 base::Bind(&ShillError
, "EnableCellularCallback"));
1083 if (device
->IsSimAbsent()) {
1084 mobile_config_ui::DisplayConfigDialog();
) << "EnableCellularCallback called for enabled mobile device";
1090 void InternetOptionsHandler::DisableCellularCallback(
1091 const base::ListValue
* args
) {
1092 NetworkHandler::Get()->network_state_handler()->SetTechnologyEnabled(
1093 NetworkTypePattern::Mobile(), false,
1094 base::Bind(&ShillError
, "DisableCellularCallback"));
1097 void InternetOptionsHandler::EnableWimaxCallback(const base::ListValue
* args
) {
1098 NetworkHandler::Get()->network_state_handler()->SetTechnologyEnabled(
1099 NetworkTypePattern::Wimax(), true,
1100 base::Bind(&ShillError
, "EnableWimaxCallback"));
1103 void InternetOptionsHandler::DisableWimaxCallback(const base::ListValue
* args
) {
1104 NetworkHandler::Get()->network_state_handler()->SetTechnologyEnabled(
1105 NetworkTypePattern::Wimax(), false,
1106 base::Bind(&ShillError
, "DisableWimaxCallback"));
1109 void InternetOptionsHandler::ShowMorePlanInfoCallback(
1110 const base::ListValue
* args
) {
1113 std::string service_path
1114 if (args
->GetSize() != 1 || !args
->GetString(0, &service_path
)) {
1118 ash::network_connect::ShowMobileSetup(service_path
1121 void InternetOptionsHandler::BuyDataPlanCallback(const base::ListValue
* args
) {
1124 std::string service_path
1125 if (args
->GetSize() != 1 || !args
->GetString(0, &service_path
)) {
1129 ash::network_connect::ShowMobileSetup(service_path
1132 void InternetOptionsHandler::SetApnCallback(const base::ListValue
* args
) {
1133 std::string service_path
1134 if (!args
->GetString(0, &service_path
)) {
1138 NetworkHandler::Get()->network_configuration_handler()->GetProperties(
1140 base::Bind(&InternetOptionsHandler::SetApnProperties
1141 weak_factory_
.GetWeakPtr(), base::Owned(args
1142 base::Bind(&ShillError
, "SetApnCallback"));
1145 void InternetOptionsHandler::SetApnProperties(
1146 const base::ListValue
* args
1147 const std::string
& service_path
1148 const base::DictionaryValue
& shill_properties
) {
1149 std::string apn
, username
, password
1150 if (!args
->GetString(1, &apn
) ||
1151 !args
->GetString(2, &username
) ||
1152 !args
->GetString(3, &password
)) {
1156 NET_LOG_EVENT("SetApnCallback", service_path
1159 std::vector
> properties_to_clear
1160 properties_to_clear
1161 NetworkHandler::Get()->network_configuration_handler()->ClearProperties(
1162 service_path
, properties_to_clear
1163 base::Bind(&base::DoNothing
1164 base::Bind(&ShillError
, "ClearCellularApnProperties"));
1168 const base::DictionaryValue
* shill_apn_dict
1169 std::string network_id
1170 if (shill_properties
1171 shill::kCellularApnProperty
, &shill_apn_dict
)) {
1172 shill_apn_dict
1173 shill::kApnNetworkIdProperty
, &network_id
1175 base::DictionaryValue properties
1176 base::DictionaryValue
* apn_dict
= new base::DictionaryValue
1177 apn_dict
, apn
1178 apn_dict
1180 apn_dict
1182 apn_dict
1184 properties
, apn_dict
1185 NetworkHandler::Get()->network_configuration_handler()->SetProperties(
1186 service_path
, properties
1187 base::Bind(&base::DoNothing
1188 base::Bind(&ShillError
, "SetApnProperties"));
1191 void InternetOptionsHandler::CarrierStatusCallback() {
1192 NetworkStateHandler
* handler
= NetworkHandler::Get()->network_state_handler();
1193 const DeviceState
* device
1194 handler
1195 if (device
&& (device
->carrier() == shill::kCarrierSprint
)) {
1196 const NetworkState
* network
1197 handler
1199 ash::network_connect::ActivateCellular(network
1200 UpdateConnectionData(network
1206 void InternetOptionsHandler::SetCarrierCallback(const base::ListValue
* args
) {
1207 std::string service_path
1208 std::string carrier
1209 if (args
->GetSize() != 2 ||
1210 !args
->GetString(0, &service_path
) ||
1211 !args
->GetString(1, &carrier
)) {
1215 const DeviceState
* device
= NetworkHandler::Get()->network_state_handler()->
1216 GetDeviceStateByType(NetworkTypePattern::Cellular());
) << "SetCarrierCallback with no cellular device.";
1221 NetworkHandler::Get()->network_device_handler()->SetCarrier(
1224 base::Bind(&InternetOptionsHandler::CarrierStatusCallback
1225 weak_factory_
1226 base::Bind(&ShillError
, "SetCarrierCallback"));
1229 void InternetOptionsHandler::SetSimCardLockCallback(
1230 const base::ListValue
* args
) {
1231 bool require_pin_new_value
1232 if (!args
->GetBoolean(0, &require_pin_new_value
)) {
1236 // 1. Bring up SIM unlock dialog, pass new RequirePin setting in URL.
1237 // 2. Dialog will ask for current PIN in any case.
1238 // 3. If card is locked it will first call PIN unlock operation
1239 // 4. Then it will call Set RequirePin, passing the same PIN.
1240 // 5. We'll get notified by REQUIRE_PIN_SETTING_CHANGE_ENDED notification.
1241 SimDialogDelegate::SimDialogMode mode
1242 if (require_pin_new_value
1243 mode
= SimDialogDelegate::SIM_DIALOG_SET_LOCK_ON
1245 mode
= SimDialogDelegate::SIM_DIALOG_SET_LOCK_OFF
1246 SimDialogDelegate::ShowDialog(GetNativeWindow(), mode
1249 void InternetOptionsHandler::ChangePinCallback(const base::ListValue
* args
) {
1250 SimDialogDelegate::ShowDialog(GetNativeWindow(),
1251 SimDialogDelegate::SIM_DIALOG_CHANGE_PIN
1254 void InternetOptionsHandler::RefreshNetworksCallback(
1255 const base::ListValue
* args
) {
1256 NetworkHandler::Get()->network_state_handler()->RequestScan();
1259 std::string
InternetOptionsHandler::GetIconDataUrl(int resource_id
) const {
1260 gfx::ImageSkia
* icon
1261 ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetImageSkiaNamed(resource_id
1262 gfx::ImageSkiaRep image_rep
= icon
1263 ui::GetImageScale(web_ui()->GetDeviceScaleFactor()));
1264 return webui::GetBitmapDataUrl(image_rep
1267 void InternetOptionsHandler::RefreshNetworkData() {
1268 base::DictionaryValue dictionary
1269 FillNetworkInfo(&dictionary
1270 web_ui()->CallJavascriptFunction(
1271 kRefreshNetworkDataFunction
, dictionary
1274 void InternetOptionsHandler::UpdateConnectionData(
1275 const std::string
& service_path
) {
1276 NetworkHandler::Get()->network_configuration_handler()->GetProperties(
1278 base::Bind(&InternetOptionsHandler::UpdateConnectionDataCallback
1279 weak_factory_
1280 base::Bind(&ShillError
, "UpdateConnectionData"));
1283 void InternetOptionsHandler::UpdateConnectionDataCallback(
1284 const std::string
& service_path
1285 const base::DictionaryValue
& shill_properties
) {
1286 const NetworkState
* network
= GetNetworkState(service_path
1289 base::DictionaryValue dictionary
1290 PopulateConnectionDetails(network
, shill_properties
, &dictionary
1291 web_ui()->CallJavascriptFunction(kUpdateConnectionDataFunction
, dictionary
1294 void InternetOptionsHandler::UpdateCarrier() {
1295 web_ui()->CallJavascriptFunction(kUpdateCarrierFunction
1298 void InternetOptionsHandler::DeviceListChanged() {
1301 RefreshNetworkData();
1304 void InternetOptionsHandler::NetworkListChanged() {
1307 RefreshNetworkData();
1310 void InternetOptionsHandler::NetworkConnectionStateChanged(
1311 const NetworkState
* network
) {
1314 // Update the connection data for the detailed view when the connection state
1315 // of any network changes.
1316 if (!details_path_
1317 UpdateConnectionData(details_path_
1320 void InternetOptionsHandler::NetworkPropertiesUpdated(
1321 const NetworkState
* network
) {
1324 RefreshNetworkData();
1325 UpdateConnectionData(network
1328 void InternetOptionsHandler::LoggedInStateChanged() {
1329 UpdateLoggedInUserType();
1332 void InternetOptionsHandler::UpdateLoggedInUserType() {
1335 base::StringValue
1336 LoggedInUserTypeToJSString(LoginState::Get()->GetLoggedInUserType()));
1337 web_ui()->CallJavascriptFunction(kUpdateLoggedInUserTypeFunction
, login_type
1340 void InternetOptionsHandler::Observe(
1342 const content::NotificationSource
& source
1343 const content::NotificationDetails
& details
) {
1344 if (type
) {
1345 base::FundamentalValue
1346 web_ui()->CallJavascriptFunction(
1347 kUpdateSecurityTabFunction
, require_pin
1348 } else if (type
) {
1349 // We make an assumption (which is valid for now) that the SIM
1350 // unlock dialog is put up only when the user is trying to enable
1352 bool cancelled
= *content::Details
1354 RefreshNetworkData();
1355 // The case in which the correct PIN was entered and the SIM is
1356 // now unlocked is handled in NetworkMenuButton.
1360 void InternetOptionsHandler::SetServerHostnameCallback(
1361 const base::ListValue
* args
) {
1362 std::string service_path
, server_hostname
1363 if (args
->GetSize() < 2 ||
1364 !args
->GetString(0, &service_path
) ||
1365 !args
->GetString(1, &server_hostname
)) {
1369 SetNetworkProperty(service_path
, shill::kProviderHostProperty
1370 base::Value::CreateStringValue(server_hostname
1373 void InternetOptionsHandler::SetPreferNetworkCallback(
1374 const base::ListValue
* args
) {
1375 std::string service_path
, prefer_network_str
1376 if (args
->GetSize() < 2 ||
1377 !args
->GetString(0, &service_path
) ||
1378 !args
->GetString(1, &prefer_network_str
)) {
1382 content::RecordAction(base::UserMetricsAction("Options_NetworkSetPrefer"));
1383 int priority
= (prefer_network_str
== kTagTrue
) ? kPreferredPriority
: 0;
1384 SetNetworkProperty(service_path
, shill::kPriorityProperty
1385 base::Value::CreateIntegerValue(priority
1388 void InternetOptionsHandler::SetAutoConnectCallback(
1389 const base::ListValue
* args
) {
1390 std::string service_path
, auto_connect_str
1391 if (args
->GetSize() < 2 ||
1392 !args
->GetString(0, &service_path
) ||
1393 !args
->GetString(1, &auto_connect_str
)) {
1397 content::RecordAction(base::UserMetricsAction("Options_NetworkAutoConnect"));
1398 bool auto_connect
= auto_connect_str
== kTagTrue
1399 SetNetworkProperty(service_path
, shill::kAutoConnectProperty
1400 base::Value::CreateBooleanValue(auto_connect
1403 void InternetOptionsHandler::SetIPConfigCallback(const base::ListValue
* args
) {
1404 std::string service_path
1405 if (!args
->GetString(0, &service_path
)) {
1409 NetworkHandler::Get()->network_configuration_handler()->GetProperties(
1411 base::Bind(&InternetOptionsHandler::SetIPConfigProperties
1412 weak_factory_
.GetWeakPtr(), base::Owned(args
1413 base::Bind(&ShillError
, "SetIPConfigCallback"));
1416 void InternetOptionsHandler::SetIPConfigProperties(
1417 const base::ListValue
* args
1418 const std::string
& service_path
1419 const base::DictionaryValue
& shill_properties
) {
1420 std::string address
, netmask
, gateway
, name_server_type
, name_servers
1422 if (!args
->GetBoolean(1, &dhcp_for_ip
) ||
1423 !args
->GetString(2, &address
) ||
1424 !args
->GetString(3, &netmask
) ||
1425 !args
->GetString(4, &gateway
) ||
1426 !args
->GetString(5, &name_server_type
) ||
1427 !args
->GetString(6, &name_servers
)) {
1431 NET_LOG_USER("SetIPConfigProperties", service_path
1433 bool request_reconnect
= false;
1434 std::vector
> properties_to_clear
1435 base::DictionaryValue properties_to_set
1438 request_reconnect
|= AppendPropertyKeyIfPresent(
1439 shill::kStaticIPAddressProperty
1440 shill_properties
, &properties_to_clear
1441 request_reconnect
|= AppendPropertyKeyIfPresent(
1442 shill::kStaticIPPrefixlenProperty
1443 shill_properties
, &properties_to_clear
1444 request_reconnect
|= AppendPropertyKeyIfPresent(
1445 shill::kStaticIPGatewayProperty
1446 shill_properties
, &properties_to_clear
1448 request_reconnect
|= AddStringPropertyIfChanged(
1449 shill::kStaticIPAddressProperty
1450 address
, shill_properties
, &properties_to_set
1451 int prefixlen
= network_util::NetmaskToPrefixLength(netmask
1452 if (prefixlen
< 0) {
) << "Invalid prefix length for: " << service_path
1454 << " with netmask " << netmask
1457 request_reconnect
|= AddIntegerPropertyIfChanged(
1458 shill::kStaticIPPrefixlenProperty
1459 prefixlen
, shill_properties
, &properties_to_set
1460 request_reconnect
|= AddStringPropertyIfChanged(
1461 shill::kStaticIPGatewayProperty
1462 gateway
, shill_properties
, &properties_to_set
1465 if (name_server_type
== kNameServerTypeAutomatic
) {
1466 AppendPropertyKeyIfPresent(shill::kStaticIPNameServersProperty
1467 shill_properties
, &properties_to_clear
1469 if (name_server_type
== kNameServerTypeGoogle
1470 name_servers
= kGoogleNameServers
1471 AddStringPropertyIfChanged(
1472 shill::kStaticIPNameServersProperty
1473 name_servers
, shill_properties
, &properties_to_set
1476 if (!properties_to_clear
.empty()) {
1477 NetworkHandler::Get()->network_configuration_handler()->ClearProperties(
1478 service_path
, properties_to_clear
1479 base::Bind(&base::DoNothing
1480 base::Bind(&ShillError
, "ClearIPConfigProperties"));
1482 if (!properties_to_set
.empty()) {
1483 NetworkHandler::Get()->network_configuration_handler()->SetProperties(
1484 service_path
, properties_to_set
1485 base::Bind(&base::DoNothing
1486 base::Bind(&ShillError
, "SetIPConfigProperties"));
1488 std::string device_path
1489 shill_properties
1490 shill::kDeviceProperty
, &device_path
1491 if (!device_path
.empty()) {
1492 base::Closure callback
= base::Bind(&base::DoNothing
1493 // If auto config or a static IP property changed, we need to reconnect
1495 if (request_reconnect
1496 callback
= base::Bind(&RequestReconnect
, service_path
, GetNativeWindow());
1497 NetworkHandler::Get()->network_device_handler()->RequestRefreshIPConfigs(
1500 base::Bind(&ShillError
, "RequestRefreshIPConfigs"));
1504 void InternetOptionsHandler::PopulateDictionaryDetailsCallback(
1505 const std::string
& service_path
1506 const base::DictionaryValue
& shill_properties
) {
1507 const NetworkState
* network
= GetNetworkState(service_path
) << "Network properties not found: " << service_path
1513 details_path_
= service_path
1515 ::onc::ONCSource onc_source
1516 const base::DictionaryValue
* onc
1517 onc::FindPolicyForActiveUser(network
->guid(), &onc_source
1518 const NetworkPropertyUIData
1520 base::DictionaryValue dictionary
1522 // Device hardware address
1523 const DeviceState
* device
= NetworkHandler::Get()->network_state_handler()->
1524 GetDeviceState(network
1526 dictionary
, device
1529 scoped_ptr
> ipconfig_dhcp(new base::DictionaryValue
1530 ipconfig_dhcp
, network
1531 ipconfig_dhcp
, network
1532 ipconfig_dhcp
, network
1533 std::string ipconfig_name_servers
= network
1534 ipconfig_dhcp
, ipconfig_name_servers
1535 ipconfig_dhcp
1536 network
1537 SetValueDictionary(&dictionary
1538 kDictionaryIpConfig
1539 ipconfig_dhcp
1542 std::string name_server_type
= kNameServerTypeAutomatic
1543 int automatic_ip_config
= 0;
1544 scoped_ptr
> static_ip_dict(
1545 BuildIPInfoDictionary(shill_properties
, true, &automatic_ip_config
1546 dictionary
, automatic_ip_config
== 0);
1547 DCHECK(automatic_ip_config
== 3 || automatic_ip_config
== 0)
1548 << "UI doesn't support automatic specification of individual "
1549 << "static IP parameters.";
1550 scoped_ptr
> saved_ip_dict(
1551 BuildIPInfoDictionary(shill_properties
, false, NULL
1552 dictionary
, saved_ip_dict
1554 // Determine what kind of name server setting we have by comparing the
1555 // StaticIP and Google values with the ipconfig values.
1556 std::string static_ip_nameservers
1557 static_ip_dict
, &static_ip_nameservers
1558 if (!static_ip_nameservers
.empty() &&
1559 static_ip_nameservers
== ipconfig_name_servers
) {
1560 name_server_type
= kNameServerTypeUser
1562 if (ipconfig_name_servers
== kGoogleNameServers
) {
1563 name_server_type
= kNameServerTypeGoogle
1565 SetValueDictionary(&dictionary
1566 kDictionaryStaticIp
1567 static_ip_dict
1570 std::string type
= network
1571 dictionary
, type
1572 dictionary
, network
1573 dictionary
, name_server_type
1574 dictionary
, kGoogleNameServers
1576 // Only show proxy for remembered networks.
1577 dictionary
, !network
1579 // Enable static ip config for Ethernet or WiFi.
1580 bool staticIPConfig
= network
->Matches(NetworkTypePattern::Ethernet()) ||
1581 type
== shill::kTypeWifi
1582 dictionary
, staticIPConfig
1584 dictionary
, !network
1586 shill_properties
1587 shill::kPriorityProperty
, &priority
1588 bool preferred
= priority
> 0;
1589 SetValueDictionary(&dictionary
, kTagPreferred
1590 new base::FundamentalValue(preferred
1593 NetworkPropertyUIData
1594 std::string onc_path_to_auto_connect
1595 if (type
== shill::kTypeWifi
) {
1596 content::RecordAction(
1597 base::UserMetricsAction("Options_NetworkShowDetailsWifi"));
1598 if (network
->IsConnectedState()) {
1599 content::RecordAction(
1600 base::UserMetricsAction("Options_NetworkShowDetailsWifiConnected"));
1602 onc_path_to_auto_connect
1603 ::onc::network_config::WifiProperty(::onc::wifi::kAutoConnect
1604 } else if (type
== shill::kTypeVPN
) {
1605 content::RecordAction(
1606 base::UserMetricsAction("Options_NetworkShowDetailsVPN"));
1607 if (network
->IsConnectedState()) {
1608 content::RecordAction(
1609 base::UserMetricsAction("Options_NetworkShowDetailsVPNConnected"));
1611 onc_path_to_auto_connect
= ::onc::network_config::VpnProperty(
1612 ::onc::vpn::kAutoConnect
1613 } else if (type
== shill::kTypeCellular
) {
1614 content::RecordAction(
1615 base::UserMetricsAction("Options_NetworkShowDetailsCellular"));
1616 if (network
->IsConnectedState()) {
1617 content::RecordAction(base::UserMetricsAction(
1618 "Options_NetworkShowDetailsCellularConnected"));
1621 if (!onc_path_to_auto_connect
.empty()) {
1622 auto_connect_ui_data
1623 onc_source
, onc
, onc_path_to_auto_connect
1625 bool auto_connect
= false;
1626 shill_properties
1627 shill::kAutoConnectProperty
, &auto_connect
1628 SetAutoconnectValueDictionary(network
1631 auto_connect_ui_data
1634 PopulateConnectionDetails(network
, shill_properties
, &dictionary
1636 // Show details dialog
1637 web_ui()->CallJavascriptFunction(kShowDetailedInfoFunction
, dictionary
1640 gfx::NativeWindow
InternetOptionsHandler::GetNativeWindow() const {
1641 return web_ui()->GetWebContents()->GetTopLevelNativeWindow();
1644 void InternetOptionsHandler::NetworkCommandCallback(
1645 const base::ListValue
* args
) {
1647 std::string service_path
1648 std::string command
1649 if (args
->GetSize() != 3 ||
1650 !args
->GetString(0, &type
) ||
1651 !args
->GetString(1, &service_path
) ||
1652 !args
->GetString(2, &command
)) {
1657 // Process commands that do not require an existing network.
1658 if (command
== kTagAddConnection
) {
1659 if (CanAddNetworkType(type
1660 AddConnection(type
1661 } else if (command
== kTagForget
) {
1662 if (CanForgetNetworkType(type
)) {
1663 NetworkHandler::Get()->network_configuration_handler()->
1664 RemoveConfiguration(
1666 base::Bind(&base::DoNothing
1667 base::Bind(&ShillError
, "NetworkCommand: " + command
1669 } else if (command
== kTagOptions
) {
1670 NetworkHandler::Get()->network_configuration_handler()->GetProperties(
1672 base::Bind(&InternetOptionsHandler::PopulateDictionaryDetailsCallback
1673 weak_factory_
1674 base::Bind(&ShillError
, "NetworkCommand: " + command
1675 } else if (command
== kTagConnect
) {
1676 const NetworkState
* network
= GetNetworkState(service_path
1677 if (network
&& network
->type() == shill::kTypeWifi
1678 content::RecordAction(
1679 base::UserMetricsAction("Options_NetworkConnectToWifi"));
1680 else if (network
&& network
->type() == shill::kTypeVPN
1681 content::RecordAction(
1682 base::UserMetricsAction("Options_NetworkConnectToVPN"));
1683 ash::network_connect::ConnectToNetwork(service_path
, GetNativeWindow());
1684 } else if (command
== kTagDisconnect
) {
1685 const NetworkState
* network
= GetNetworkState(service_path
1686 if (network
&& network
->type() == shill::kTypeWifi
1687 content::RecordAction(
1688 base::UserMetricsAction("Options_NetworkDisconnectWifi"));
1689 else if (network
&& network
->type() == shill::kTypeVPN
1690 content::RecordAction(
1691 base::UserMetricsAction("Options_NetworkDisconnectVPN"));
1692 NetworkHandler::Get()->network_connection_handler()->DisconnectNetwork(
1694 base::Bind(&base::DoNothing
1695 base::Bind(&ShillError
, "NetworkCommand: " + command
1696 } else if (command
== kTagConfigure
) {
1697 NetworkConfigView::Show(service_path
, GetNativeWindow());
1698 } else if (command
== kTagActivate
&& type
== shill::kTypeCellular
) {
1699 ash::network_connect::ActivateCellular(service_path
1700 // Activation may update network properties (e.g. ActivationState), so
1701 // request them here in case they change.
1702 UpdateConnectionData(service_path
1704 VLOG(1) << "Unknown command: " << command
1709 void InternetOptionsHandler::AddConnection(const std::string
& type
) {
1710 if (type
== shill::kTypeWifi
) {
1711 content::RecordAction(
1712 base::UserMetricsAction("Options_NetworkJoinOtherWifi"));
1713 NetworkConfigView::ShowForType(shill::kTypeWifi
, GetNativeWindow());
1714 } else if (type
== shill::kTypeVPN
) {
1715 content::RecordAction(
1716 base::UserMetricsAction("Options_NetworkJoinOtherVPN"));
1717 NetworkConfigView::ShowForType(shill::kTypeVPN
, GetNativeWindow());
1718 } else if (type
== shill::kTypeCellular
) {
1719 ChooseMobileNetworkDialog::ShowDialog(GetNativeWindow());
1725 base::ListValue
* InternetOptionsHandler::GetWiredList() {
1726 base::ListValue
* list
= new base::ListValue();
1727 const NetworkState
* network
= NetworkHandler::Get()->network_state_handler()->
1728 FirstNetworkByType(NetworkTypePattern::Ethernet());
1732 BuildNetworkDictionary(network
1733 web_ui()->GetDeviceScaleFactor(),
1734 Profile::FromWebUI(web_ui())->GetPrefs()));
1738 base::ListValue
* InternetOptionsHandler::GetWirelessList() {
1739 base::ListValue
* list
= new base::ListValue();
1741 NetworkStateHandler::NetworkStateList networks
1742 NetworkHandler::Get()->network_state_handler()->GetNetworkListByType(
1743 NetworkTypePattern::Wireless(), &networks
1744 for (NetworkStateHandler::NetworkStateList::const_iterator iter
1745 networks
.begin(); iter
!= networks
.end(); ++iter
) {
1747 BuildNetworkDictionary(*iter
1748 web_ui()->GetDeviceScaleFactor(),
1749 Profile::FromWebUI(web_ui())->GetPrefs()));
1755 base::ListValue
* InternetOptionsHandler::GetVPNList() {
1756 base::ListValue
* list
= new base::ListValue();
1758 NetworkStateHandler::NetworkStateList networks
1759 NetworkHandler::Get()->network_state_handler()->GetNetworkListByType(
1760 NetworkTypePattern::VPN(), &networks
1761 for (NetworkStateHandler::NetworkStateList::const_iterator iter
1762 networks
.begin(); iter
!= networks
.end(); ++iter
) {
1764 BuildNetworkDictionary(*iter
1765 web_ui()->GetDeviceScaleFactor(),
1766 Profile::FromWebUI(web_ui())->GetPrefs()));
1772 base::ListValue
* InternetOptionsHandler::GetRememberedList() {
1773 base::ListValue
* list
= new base::ListValue();
1775 NetworkStateHandler::FavoriteStateList favorites
1776 NetworkHandler::Get()->network_state_handler()->GetFavoriteList(&favorites
1777 for (NetworkStateHandler::FavoriteStateList::const_iterator iter
1778 favorites
.begin(); iter
!= favorites
.end(); ++iter
) {
1779 const FavoriteState
* favorite
= *iter
1780 if (favorite
->type() != shill::kTypeWifi
1781 favorite
->type() != shill::kTypeVPN
1784 BuildFavoriteDictionary(favorite
1785 web_ui()->GetDeviceScaleFactor(),
1786 Profile::FromWebUI(web_ui())->GetPrefs()));
1792 void InternetOptionsHandler::FillNetworkInfo(
1793 base::DictionaryValue
* dictionary
) {
1794 NetworkStateHandler
* handler
= NetworkHandler::Get()->network_state_handler();
1795 dictionary
, GetWiredList());
1796 dictionary
, GetWirelessList());
1797 dictionary
, GetVPNList());
1798 dictionary
, GetRememberedList());
1800 dictionary
1802 handler
1803 dictionary
1805 handler
1807 dictionary
1808 kTagCellularAvailable
1809 handler
1810 dictionary
1811 kTagCellularEnabled
1812 handler
1813 const DeviceState
* cellular
1814 handler
1815 dictionary
1816 kTagCellularSupportsScan
1817 cellular
&& cellular
1819 dictionary
1821 handler
1822 dictionary
1824 handler
1827 } // namespace options
1828 } // namespace chromeos