Temporarily re-enabling SizeAfterPrefChange test with traces (this time for Linux...
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / extensions / script_executor.cc
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/script_executor.h"
7 #include "base/bind.h"
8 #include "base/callback.h"
9 #include "base/logging.h"
10 #include "base/pickle.h"
11 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/active_script_controller.h"
12 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/tab_helper.h"
13 #include "content/public/browser/navigation_controller.h"
14 #include "content/public/browser/navigation_entry.h"
15 #include "content/public/browser/render_view_host.h"
16 #include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
17 #include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
18 #include "extensions/browser/extension_registry.h"
19 #include "extensions/common/extension_messages.h"
20 #include "ipc/ipc_message.h"
21 #include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h"
23 namespace base {
24 class ListValue;
25 } // namespace base
27 namespace extensions {
29 namespace {
31 const char* kRendererDestroyed = "The tab was closed.";
33 // A handler for a single injection request. On creation this will send the
34 // injection request to the renderer, and it will be destroyed after either the
35 // corresponding response comes from the renderer, or the renderer is destroyed.
36 class Handler : public content::WebContentsObserver {
37 public:
38 Handler(ObserverList<TabHelper::ScriptExecutionObserver>* script_observers,
39 content::WebContents* web_contents,
40 const ExtensionMsg_ExecuteCode_Params& params,
41 const ScriptExecutor::ExecuteScriptCallback& callback)
42 : content::WebContentsObserver(web_contents),
43 script_observers_(AsWeakPtr(script_observers)),
44 extension_id_(params.extension_id),
45 request_id_(params.request_id),
46 callback_(callback) {
47 content::RenderViewHost* rvh = web_contents->GetRenderViewHost();
48 rvh->Send(new ExtensionMsg_ExecuteCode(rvh->GetRoutingID(), params));
51 virtual ~Handler() {}
53 virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) OVERRIDE {
54 // Unpack by hand to check the request_id, since there may be multiple
55 // requests in flight but only one is for this.
56 if (message.type() != ExtensionHostMsg_ExecuteCodeFinished::ID)
57 return false;
59 int message_request_id;
60 PickleIterator iter(message);
61 CHECK(message.ReadInt(&iter, &message_request_id));
63 if (message_request_id != request_id_)
64 return false;
66 IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(Handler, message)
67 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ExtensionHostMsg_ExecuteCodeFinished,
68 OnExecuteCodeFinished)
70 return true;
73 virtual void WebContentsDestroyed() OVERRIDE {
74 base::ListValue val;
75 callback_.Run(kRendererDestroyed, -1, GURL(std::string()), val);
76 delete this;
79 private:
80 void OnExecuteCodeFinished(int request_id,
81 const std::string& error,
82 int32 on_page_id,
83 const GURL& on_url,
84 const base::ListValue& script_result) {
85 if (script_observers_.get() && error.empty()) {
86 TabHelper::ScriptExecutionObserver::ExecutingScriptsMap id_map;
87 id_map[extension_id_] = std::set<std::string>();
88 FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(TabHelper::ScriptExecutionObserver, *script_observers_,
89 OnScriptsExecuted(web_contents(),
90 id_map,
91 on_page_id,
92 on_url));
95 callback_.Run(error, on_page_id, on_url, script_result);
96 delete this;
99 base::WeakPtr<ObserverList<TabHelper::ScriptExecutionObserver> >
100 script_observers_;
101 std::string extension_id_;
102 int request_id_;
103 ScriptExecutor::ExecuteScriptCallback callback_;
106 } // namespace
108 ScriptExecutor::ScriptExecutor(
109 content::WebContents* web_contents,
110 ObserverList<TabHelper::ScriptExecutionObserver>* script_observers)
111 : next_request_id_(0),
112 web_contents_(web_contents),
113 script_observers_(script_observers) {
114 CHECK(web_contents_);
117 ScriptExecutor::~ScriptExecutor() {}
119 void ScriptExecutor::ExecuteScript(const std::string& extension_id,
120 ScriptExecutor::ScriptType script_type,
121 const std::string& code,
122 ScriptExecutor::FrameScope frame_scope,
123 ScriptExecutor::MatchAboutBlank about_blank,
124 UserScript::RunLocation run_at,
125 ScriptExecutor::WorldType world_type,
126 ScriptExecutor::ProcessType process_type,
127 const GURL& webview_src,
128 const GURL& file_url,
129 bool user_gesture,
130 ScriptExecutor::ResultType result_type,
131 const ExecuteScriptCallback& callback) {
132 // Don't execute if the extension has been unloaded.
133 const Extension* extension =
134 ExtensionRegistry::Get(web_contents_->GetBrowserContext())
135 ->enabled_extensions().GetByID(extension_id);
136 if (!extension)
137 return;
139 // Don't execute if there's no visible entry. If this is the case, then our
140 // permissions checking is useless (because we can't evaluate the URL).
141 // TODO(rdevlin.cronin): This might be better somewhere higher up the
142 // callstack, but we know it's caught here.
143 content::NavigationEntry* visible_entry =
144 web_contents_->GetController().GetVisibleEntry();
145 if (!visible_entry)
146 return;
148 scoped_ptr<ExtensionMsg_ExecuteCode_Params> params(
149 new ExtensionMsg_ExecuteCode_Params());
150 params->request_id = next_request_id_++;
151 params->extension_id = extension_id;
152 params->is_javascript = (script_type == JAVASCRIPT);
153 params->code = code;
154 params->all_frames = (frame_scope == ALL_FRAMES);
155 params->match_about_blank = (about_blank == MATCH_ABOUT_BLANK);
156 params->run_at = static_cast<int>(run_at);
157 params->in_main_world = (world_type == MAIN_WORLD);
158 params->is_web_view = (process_type == WEB_VIEW_PROCESS);
159 params->webview_src = webview_src;
160 params->file_url = file_url;
161 params->wants_result = (result_type == JSON_SERIALIZED_RESULT);
162 params->user_gesture = user_gesture;
164 ActiveScriptController* active_script_controller =
165 ActiveScriptController::GetForWebContents(web_contents_);
166 if (active_script_controller &&
167 active_script_controller->RequiresUserConsentForScriptInjection(
168 extension)) {
169 // The base::Unretained(this) is safe, because this and the
170 // ActiveScriptController are both attached to the TabHelper. Thus, if the
171 // ActiveScriptController is still alive to invoke the callback, this is
172 // alive, too.
173 active_script_controller->RequestScriptInjection(
174 extension,
175 visible_entry->GetPageID(),
176 base::Closure(base::Bind(&ScriptExecutor::ExecuteScriptHelper,
177 base::Unretained(this),
178 base::Passed(params.Pass()),
179 callback)));
180 } else {
181 ExecuteScriptHelper(params.Pass(), callback);
185 void ScriptExecutor::ExecuteScriptHelper(
186 scoped_ptr<ExtensionMsg_ExecuteCode_Params> params,
187 const ExecuteScriptCallback& callback) {
188 // Handler handles IPCs and deletes itself on completion.
189 new Handler(script_observers_, web_contents_, *params, callback);
192 } // namespace extensions