Add new certificateProvider extension API.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / common / extensions / docs / templates / private / api_reference.html
1 <div class="api-reference">
2 {{- This is a span not a header-tag so that it doesn't show up in the TOC. -}}
3 {{?api.types}}
4 <h2 id="types">Types</h2>
5 {{#t:api.types}}
6 {{+partials.type type:t/}}
7 {{/}}
8 {{/api.types}}
9 {{?}}
10 <h2 id="properties">Properties</h2>
11 <table>
12 {{}}
13 {{+partials.api_property api:api property:p/}}
14 {{/}}
15 </table>
16 {{/}}
17 {{?api.functions}}
18 <h2 id="methods">Methods</h2>
19 {{#f:api.functions}}
20 {{+partials.function function:f api:api parentName:false/}}
21 {{/}}
22 {{/api.functions}}
23 {{?}}
24 <h2 id="events">Events</h2>
25 {{}}
26 {{+partials.event event:e api:api/}}
27 {{/}}
28 {{/}}
29 {{?api.domEvents}}
30 <h2 id="dom_events">DOM Events</h2>
31 <dd>
32 Listeners can be added for these events using the standard HTML
33 <a href="">addEventListener</a>
34 API. Listeners receive a custom <code>Event</code> object which can have
35 additional properties as listed with each event.</dd>
36 {{#e:api.domEvents}}
37 {{+partials.dom_event event:e api:api/}}
38 {{/api.domEvents}}
39 {{/api.domEvents}}
40 </div>
41 {{?samplesForApi}}
42 <h2 id="samples">Sample {{platformTitle}}</h2>
43 <ul>
44 {{#sample:samplesForApi}}
45 <li><strong><a href="samples#search:{{}}">{{}}</a></strong>
46 {{?sample.description}}
47 &ndash; {{sample.description}}
48 {{/sample.description}}</li>
49 {{/samplesForApi}}
50 </ul>
51 {{/samplesForApi}}