1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "ios/chrome/browser/pref_names.h"
10 // Preferences in ios::prefs:: must have the same value as the corresponding
11 // preference on desktop.
12 // These preferences must not be registered by //ios code.
13 // See chrome/common/pref_names.cc for a detailed description of each
16 const char kAcceptLanguages
[] = "intl.accept_languages";
17 const char kHomePage
[] = "homepage";
18 const char kSavingBrowserHistoryDisabled
[] = "history.saving_disabled";
19 const char kSearchSuggestEnabled
[] = "search.suggest_enabled";
26 // *************** CHROME BROWSER STATE PREFS ***************
27 // These are attached to the user Chrome browser state.
29 // String indicating the Contextual Search enabled state.
30 // "false" - opt-out (disabled)
31 // "" (empty string) - undecided
32 // "true" - opt-in (enabled)
33 const char kContextualSearchEnabled
[] = "search.contextual_search_enabled";
35 // Preference that keep information about where to create a new bookmark.
36 const char kIosBookmarkFolderDefault
[] = "ios.bookmark.default_folder";
38 // Preference that hold a boolean indicating if the user has already dismissed
39 // the bookmark promo dialog.
40 const char kIosBookmarkPromoAlreadySeen
[] = "ios.bookmark.promo_already_seen";
42 // Boolean which indicates if the user has already set a "do not backup" bit to
43 // the OTR Profiles's state stash path to ensure that the folder is not
44 // automatically synced to iCloud/iTunes.
45 const char kOTRStashStatePathSystemBackupExcluded
[] =
46 "ios.otr_stash_state_path_system_backup_excluded";
48 // Whether Chrome should attempt to hand off the current URL to other Apple
49 // devices that share an iCloud account.
50 const char kIosHandoffToOtherDevices
[] = "ios.handoff_to_other_devices";
52 // True if the previous session exited cleanly.
53 // This can be different from kStabilityExitedCleanly, because the last run of
54 // the program may not have included a browsing session, and thus the last run
55 // of the program may have happened after the run that included the last
57 const char kLastSessionExitedCleanly
[] =
58 "ios.user_experience_metrics.last_session_exited_cleanly";
60 // Preference that hold a boolean indicating whether metrics reporting should
61 // be limited to wifi (when enabled).
62 const char kMetricsReportingWifiOnly
[] =
63 "ios.user_experience_metrics.wifi_only";
65 // Preference that hold a boolean indicating whether network prediction should
66 // be limited to wifi (when enabled).
67 const char kNetworkPredictionWifiOnly
[] = "ios.dns_prefetching.wifi_only";
69 // Which bookmarks folder should be visible on the new tab page v4.
70 const char kNtpShownBookmarksFolder
[] = "ntp.shown_bookmarks_folder";
72 // True if the memory debugging tools should be visible.
73 extern const char kShowMemoryDebuggingTools
[] =
74 "ios.memory.show_debugging_tools";
76 // User preferred speech input language for voice search.
77 const char kVoiceSearchLocale
[] = "ios.speechinput.voicesearch_locale";
79 // Boolean which indicates if TTS after voice search is enabled.
80 extern const char kVoiceSearchTTS
[] = "ios.speechinput.voicesearch_tts";
82 // List which contains the last known list of accounts.
83 extern const char kSigninLastAccounts
[] = "ios.signin.last_accounts";
85 // String which contains the user id of the user signed in with shared
87 extern const char kSigninSharedAuthenticationUserId
[] =
88 "ios.signin.shared_authentication_user_id";
90 // Boolean which indicates if user should be prompted to sign in again
91 // when a new tab is created.
92 extern const char kSigninShouldPromptForSigninAgain
[] =
93 "ios.signin.should_prompt_for_signin_again";
95 // Integer which indicates whether the user has authorized using geolocation
96 // for Omnibox queries or the progress towards soliciting the user's
98 extern const char kOmniboxGeolocationAuthorizationState
[] =
99 "ios.omnibox.geolocation_authorization_state";
101 // String which contains the application version when we last showed the
102 // authorization alert.
103 extern const char kOmniboxGeolocationLastAuthorizationAlertVersion
[] =
104 "ios.omnibox.geolocation_last_authorization_alert_version";