Roll src/third_party/WebKit d9c6159:8139f33 (svn 201974:201975)
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / test / data / autofill / heuristics / input /
1 <html xmlns:rei="">
2 <!--Form Location:>
3 <head>
5 <meta name="reiShortcut_requestUri" content="/RegistrationView">
6 <meta name="reiShortcut_targetUrl" content="/|ultraTransform&amp;sectionClass=yourAccount&amp;navClass=noSidebar">
7 <meta name="reiServer_name" content="">
8 <meta name="reiParamXml" content="">
9 <meta name="reiParamXsl" content="http://localhost/xsl/user/registration.xsl|ultraTransform">
10 <title>REI Account Setup</title>
12 </head>
13 <body id="registrationCreateView" class="noSidebar rei yourAccount content showSiteWideMsg">
19 <form action="/CreateNewAccount" method="post" name="REG_FORM" target="_top" class="createAcct" >
20 <input type="hidden" name="langId" value="-1">
21 <input type="hidden" name="catalogId" value="40000008000">
22 <input type="hidden" name="storeId" value="8000">
23 <input type="hidden" name="toURL" value="/YourAccountInfoInView?storeId=8000">
24 <input type="hidden" name="URL" value="/YourAccountInfoInView?storeId=8000">
25 <input type="hidden" name="context" value="">
26 <input type="hidden" name="displayScreenName" value="">
27 <input type="hidden" name="pageId" value="">
28 <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="new">
29 <input type="hidden" name="pageFrom" value="registrationNew">
30 <input type="hidden" name="pageName" value="">
31 <input type="hidden" name="submit2" value="submit2">
32 <input type="hidden" name="formSubmitted" value="formSubmitted">
33 <input type="hidden" name="address1" value="">
34 <input type="hidden" name="address2" value="">
35 <input type="hidden" name="address3" value="">
36 <input type="hidden" name="city" value="">
37 <input type="hidden" name="state" value="">
38 <input type="hidden" name="country" value="">
39 <input type="hidden" name="phone1" value="">
40 <input type="hidden" name="reiMembershipNumber" value="">
41 <input type="hidden" name="krypto2" value="">
42 <input type="hidden" name="token" value="" id="token">
43 <input type="hidden" name="token_map" value="firstName=firstName;lastName=lastName;memberNumber=reiMembershipNumber;address1=address1;address2=address2;city=city;state=state;zipCode=zipCode;country=country;email=email1;phone=phone1">
44 <fieldset>
45 <ol>
46 <li>
47 <label for="firstName">
48 First Name:*</label>
49 <input type="text" name="firstName" id="firstName" value="" maxlength="30" class="field">
50 </li>
51 <li>
52 <label for="middleName">Middle Initial:</label>
53 <input type="text" name="middleName" id="middleName" value="" maxlength="1" class="field mInitial">
54 </li>
55 <li>
56 <label for="lastName">
57 Last Name:*</label>
58 <input type="text" name="lastName" id="lastName" value="" maxlength="30" class="field">
59 </li>
60 <li>
61 <label for="logonPassword">
62 Password:*</label>
63 <input type="password" name="logonPassword" id="logonPassword" value="" maxlength="20" class="field">
64 <span class="captionCol captionTxt">6-16 characters</span>
65 </li>
66 <li>
67 <label for="logonPasswordVerify">
68 Re-type Password:*</label>
69 <input type="password" name="logonPasswordVerify" id="logonPasswordVerify" value="" maxlength="20" class="field">
70 </li>
71 <li>
72 <label for="zipCode">
73 ZIP (Postal) Code:*</label>
74 <input type="text" name="zipCode" id="ZipCode" value="" maxlength="10" class="field">
75 <span class="captionCol captionTxt">International customers, if no postal code, specify N/A.</span>
76 </li>
77 <li>
78 <label for="email1">
79 E-mail Address:*</label>
80 <input type="text" name="email1" id="E-Mail" value="" maxlength="254" class="field">
81 </li>
82 <li>
83 <input type="checkbox" class="cbox" checked name="gearmail" value="y" id="gearmail">
84 Yes, I'd like to be notified of news, offers and events at REI via this email address.
85 </li>
86 <li class="submitBtn">
87 <div class="button" id="createAccntFormButton">
88 <input type="submit" value="submit">
89 </div>
90 <div class="button" id="createAccntCssButton" style="display: none;">
91 <a class="btnStyle1" href="#" >
92 <span>submit</span>
93 </a>
94 </div>
95 </li>
96 </ol>
97 </fieldset>
98 </form>
106 <form name="psearch" id="psearch" class="yui-skin-sam" action="/search" method="get" >
107 <span id="wrapSearchQuery">
108 <input type="text" size="19" maxlength="70" name="query" id="headerQuery" value="" title="Search" class="searchBox">
109 </span>
110 <input type="image" src="#" name="button" class="searchBtn" alt="Search" title="Search">
111 <div id="autocomplete">
112 </div>
113 </form>
120 <form action="/email/miniforms/quick.html" name="footerMiniform" class="footerForm">
121 <input type="hidden" name="formSrc" id="formSrc" value="quickReiFooter">
122 <input type="text" name="EmailAddress" id="footerGmQuery" value="Email Address" class="email" title="Enter email address to sign up for REI Gearmail" size="20" maxlength="70">
123 <input src="#" alt="submit" title="Submit" type="image" class="imgSignup">
124 </form>
131 </body>
132 </html>