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"containerNode" data-dojo-attach-event=
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"FeedbackForm" lang=
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"https://www.lufthansa.com/online/portal/lh/de/help_contact/feedback/!ut/p/c5/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3hHg2B_U3d350DfMA9jA0czF5OgUFNLC9MAU6B8JE75gAADYnQb4ACOhHR76Uel5-QnAV0ZDnI3bne4mOKXB7kTJI_HJX4e-bmp-gW5oRGVwZ66AI5DSgQ!/dl3/d3/L0lJSklna2tra2tra25wQSEvb013d0FBQVlnQUNFSVFRaUtVUXhnb1lCem5KUUZnQSEvNEJuNHNvMFZnTGE5Mmd6a0xLQnl3ZyEhLzZfQTBTTzVHR0NRTVZIMzBBNkQ0UlU1OTg1UDUvN19BMFNPNUdHQ1FNVkgzMEE2RDRSVTU5MEkwMS9zYS5GZWVkYmFja0lucHV0QWN0aW9uL25vcm1hbC9EZWZhdWx0/?l=en&cid=18002&action=FeedbackInputAction&command=sumbitForm&p=LH&s=DE&l=en&cid=18002&action=FeedbackInputAction&command=sumbitForm&p=LH&s=DE" id=
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6 <input type=
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"isFlynet" value=
7 <input type=
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9 <div id=
"fb_mod_personal" class=
"lh_fbMargin clearfix">
10 <div class=
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11 <h1>Your personal data
13 <span class=
"overwriteMessage">Please note that any changes will not be saved to your profile.
16 <div class=
17 <label for=
"title" class=
18 <div id=
"title"><table class=
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"Χ " type=
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22 <div class=
"subtpl clear">
24 <div class=
25 <label for=
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26 <div id=
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"off" name=
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"text" tabindex=
"0" id=
"firstname" aria-required=
"true" maxlength=
"50" value=
"" aria-invalid=
31 <div class=
32 <label for=
"lastname" class=
"lastname">Last name
33 <div id=
"lastname"><div class=
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"off" name=
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"text" tabindex=
"0" id=
"lastname" aria-required=
"true" maxlength=
"50" value=
"" aria-invalid=
38 <div class=
"subtpl clear">
40 <div class=
41 <label for=
"email" class=
42 <div id=
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"0" id=
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47 <div class=
48 <label for=
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49 <div id=
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"rEmail_1" type=
"text" tabindex=
"0" id=
"r_email" aria-required=
"true" value=
"" aria-invalid=
55 <div class=
"subtpl clear">
57 <div class=
58 <label for=
"mam_number" class=
& More number
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"optional"><span> </span>optional
59 <div id=
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"text" tabindex=
"0" id=
"mam_number" maxlength=
"15" value=
"" aria-invalid=
64 <div id=
"fb_mod_catSelector" class=
"lh_fbMargin clearfix">
66 <div class=
"cl w50 firstColumn">
67 <h1>What can we do for you?
68 <table class=
"dijit dijitReset dijitInline dijitLeft dijitDownArrowButton fb_protect cat_select1 dijitSelectFixedWidth dijitValidationTextBoxFixedWidth dijitSelect dijitValidationTextBox dijitSelectIncomplete dijitValidationTextBoxIncomplete dijitIncomplete" data-dojo-attach-point=
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"containerNode,textDirNode" role=
"presentation"><span role=
"option" class=
"dijitReset dijitInline dijitSelectLabel dijitValidationTextBoxLabel ">Please select a category
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"dijitReset dijitValidationContainer"><input class=
"dijitReset dijitInputField dijitValidationIcon dijitValidationInner" value=
"Χ " type=
"text" tabindex=
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70 <div class=
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72 <iframe src=
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76 <div class=
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79 <div id=
"fb_mod_dynamicWrapper" class=
"lh_fbMargin x-hidden">
80 <h1>Please fill in more detailed information
83 <div id=
"fb_mod_cstm_wrp" class=
"fb_borderSeperator x-hidden">
84 <div id=
"fb_mod_address" class=
85 <div class=
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86 <h3 class=
"pi_containerSubline">Your address
90 <div class=
91 <label for=
"street_name" class=
"street_name">Street name
92 <div id=
97 <div class=
98 <label for=
"street_no" class=
99 <div id=
104 <div class=
"subtpl clear">
106 <div class=
107 <label for=
"zip" class=
113 <div class=
114 <label for=
"city" class=
115 <div id=
121 <div class=
122 <label for=
"address_details" class=
"addressDetails">Additional address line
<span class=
"optional"><span> </span>optional
123 <div id=
129 <div class=
130 <label for=
"country" class=
131 <div id=
135 <div class=
"fieldwrapper x-hidden">
136 <label for=
"regions" class=
"regions">State / Region
137 <div id=
"regions"> </div>
142 <div id=
"fb_mod_phone" class=
143 <div class=
"subtpl clear">
144 <label for=
"phone" class=
146 <div class=
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147 <div id=
151 <div class=
"fieldwrapper wide">
152 <div id=
156 <div class=
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157 <div id=
163 <div id=
"fb_mod_customer2" class=
"x-hidden fb_borderSeperator">
164 <div class=
"fieldwrapper wide">
165 <h3 class=
"pi_containerSubline">Personal data of customer
<a href=
"#" id=
"passenger2" class=
169 <div class=
170 <div id=
171 <label for=
"adressCheckbox2" class=
"customerChk">Copy address above
176 <div class=
"subtpl clear">
177 <div class=
178 <label for=
"title2" class=
179 <div id=
183 <div class=
"subtpl clear">
185 <div class=
186 <label for=
"firstname2" class=
"firstname">First name
187 <div id=
192 <div class=
193 <label for=
"lastname2" class=
"lastname">Last name
194 <div id=
200 <div class=
"subtpl clear">
202 <div class=
203 <label for=
"email2" class=
204 <div id=
208 <div class=
209 <label for=
"r_email2" class=
"email">Re-enter email
210 <div id=
215 <div class=
"subtpl clear">
217 <div class=
218 <label for=
"mam_number2" class=
& More number
219 <div id=
226 <div class=
227 <label for=
"street_name2" class=
"street_name">Street name
228 <div id=
233 <div class=
234 <label for=
"street_no2" class=
235 <div id=
240 <div class=
"subtpl clear">
242 <div class=
243 <label for=
"zip2" class=
244 <div id=
248 <div class=
249 <label for=
"city2" class=
250 <div id=
256 <div class=
257 <label for=
"address_details2" class=
"addressDetails">Additional address line
258 <div id=
264 <div class=
265 <label for=
"country2" class=
266 <div id=
270 <div class=
"fieldwrapper x-hidden">
271 <label for=
"regions2">State / Region
272 <div id=
"regions2"> </div>
277 <div class=
"subtpl clear">
278 <label for=
"phone2" class=
280 <div class=
281 <div id=
"phone_country2" class=
285 <div class=
286 <div id=
290 <div class=
291 <div id=
"phone_number2" class=
297 <div id=
"fb_mod_customer3" class=
"x-hidden fb_borderSeperator">
298 <div class=
"fieldwrapper wide">
299 <h3 class=
"pi_containerSubline">Personal data of customer
<a href=
"#" id=
"passenger3" class=
303 <div class=
304 <div id=
305 <label for=
"adressCheckbox3" class=
"customerChk">Copy address above
310 <div class=
"subtpl clear">
311 <div class=
312 <label for=
"title3" class=
313 <div id=
317 <div class=
"subtpl clear">
319 <div class=
320 <label for=
"firstname3" class=
"firstname">First name
321 <div id=
326 <div class=
327 <label for=
"lastname3" class=
"lastname">Last name
328 <div id=
334 <div class=
"subtpl clear">
336 <div class=
337 <label for=
"email3" class=
338 <div id=
342 <div class=
343 <label for=
"r_email3" class=
"email">Re-enter email
344 <div id=
349 <div class=
"subtpl clear">
351 <div class=
352 <label for=
"mam_number3" class=
& More number
353 <div id=
360 <div class=
361 <label for=
"street_name3" class=
"street_name">Street name
362 <div id=
367 <div class=
368 <label for=
"street_no3" class=
369 <div id=
374 <div class=
"subtpl clear">
376 <div class=
377 <label for=
"zip3" class=
378 <div id=
382 <div class=
383 <label for=
"city3" class=
384 <div id=
390 <div class=
391 <label for=
"address_details3" class=
"addressDetails">Additional address line
392 <div id=
398 <div class=
399 <label for=
"country3" class=
400 <div id=
404 <div class=
"fieldwrapper x-hidden">
405 <label for=
"regions3">State / Region
406 <div id=
"regions3"> </div>
411 <div class=
"subtpl clear">
412 <label for=
"phone3" class=
414 <div class=
415 <div id=
"phone_country3" class=
419 <div class=
420 <div id=
424 <div class=
425 <div id=
"phone_number3" class=
431 <div id=
435 <div id=
436 <div id=
"fb_mod_flightDetails" class=
"lh_fbMargin fb_borderSeperator x-hidden">
437 <div class=
"fieldwrapper wide">
438 <h3 class=
"pi_containerSubline">Flight information
443 <div class=
444 <label for=
"fd_file_key">File key
445 <div id=
450 <div class=
451 <label for=
"fd_flight_number" class=
"flight_number">Flight number
</label> <span class=
452 <div id=
457 <div class=
"subtpl clear">
459 <div class=
"fieldwrapper wide">
460 <label for=
"fd_flight_date">Flight date
461 <div id=
462 <input type=
"text" id=
"FlightDate2" name=
"FlightDate2" class=
"fb_protect datepicker" widgetid=
"FlightDate2" readonly=
463 <input type=
"hidden" id=
"FlightDateHidden2" name=
"FlightDateHidden2" disabled=
468 <div class=
"fieldwrapper wide">
469 <label for=
"fd_flight_time">Flight time
470 <div id=
475 <div id=
"fb_mod_assistanceType" class=
"lh_fbMargin fb_borderSeperator x-hidden">
476 <div class=
"fieldwrapper wide">
477 <h3 class=
"pi_containerSubline">Please choose the appropriate option
482 <div class=
483 <div id=
484 <label for=
"at_long_distances_radio" class=
"fb_radio">I cannot walk long distances, however, short distances and stairs are no problem
490 <div class=
491 <div id=
492 <label for=
"at_staircases_radio" class=
"fb_radio">I can walk short and long distances, but I have difficulties with stairs
498 <div class=
"fieldwrapper wide">
499 <div id=
500 <label for=
"at_walking_radio" class=
"fb_radio">I cannot walk at all
505 <div id=
"fb_mod_disabilityType" class=
"lh_fbMargin fb_borderSeperator x-hidden">
508 <div class=
509 <div id=
510 <label for=
"dt_blind_chkbox" class=
"fb_radio">I am blind or have a severe visual impairment.
516 <div class=
517 <div id=
518 <label for=
"dt_deaf_chkbox" class=
"fb_radio">I am deaf or have a severe hearing impairment
524 <div class=
"fieldwrapper wide">
525 <div id=
526 <label for=
"dt_dpna_chkbox" class=
"fb_radio">I need help finding my way around
531 <div id=
"fb_mod_companionReasons" class=
"lh_fbMargin fb_borderSeperator x-hidden">
534 <div class=
535 <div id=
536 <label for=
"cr_hc_radio" class=
"fb_radio">I have to travel with an especially trained dog due to my handicap
542 <div class=
"fieldwrapper wide">
543 <div id=
544 <label for=
"cr_pr_radio" class=
"fb_radio">I need to travel in companionship of a dog due to psychological reasons
551 <div id=
"fd_reset" class=
556 <div id=
"fb_mod_pir" class=
"lh_fbMargin fb_borderSeperator x-hidden">
557 <div class=
"fieldwrapper wide">
558 <h3 class=
"pi_containerSubline">Property Irregularity Report Number (PIR)
563 <div class=
"fieldwrapper wide">
564 <label for=
"pir">PIR number / File Reference (e.g. FRALH12345)
570 <div id=
"fb_mod_flight" class=
"lh_fbMargin fb_borderSeperator x-hidden">
571 <div class=
"fieldwrapper wide">
572 <h3 class=
"pi_containerSubline">Flight information
<span class=
"optional"><span> </span>optional
575 <div class=
576 <label for=
"FlightDate" class=
"flightDate">Flight date
577 <input type=
"text" id=
"FlightDate" name=
"FlightDate" class=
"fb_protect datepicker" widgetid=
"FlightDate" readonly=
578 <input type=
"hidden" id=
"FlightDateHidden" name=
"FlightDateHidden" disabled=
582 <div class=
"subtpl clear">
584 <div class=
585 <label for=
"airline" class=
586 <div id=
591 <div class=
592 <label for=
"flight_number" class=
"flight_number">Flight number
</label> <span class=
593 <div id=
599 <div class=
600 <label for=
"seat_number" class=
"seat_number">Seat number
601 <div id=
605 <div class=
"subtpl clear">
606 <div class=
"fieldwrapper wide aa-link">
607 <label for=
"f-originName0" class=
608 <input type=
"text" autocomplete=
"off" id=
"f-originName0" name=
609 <input type=
"hidden" id=
"f-originCode0" name=
610 <a href=
"#" id=
"lnk-origin" data-dojo-type=
"lh.widget.AirportAtlas" data-dojo-props=
"fieldId:'f-originName0',hiddenFieldId:'f-originCode0',url:'/dlvutils/AirportAtlasApplication?app=FB&selected=DE&lang=en',serviceUrl:'/dlvutils/AirportAtlasApplication', app:'FB', language:'en'">
611 <span class=
"airport-dir"> </span>
613 <div id=
"lh-typeahead-append-node-f-origin0" class=
"dijitMenu" tabindex=
"-1" style=
614 <div id=
"lh-typeahead-close-f-origin0" class=
615 <div id=
"lh-airport-f-origin0" style=
619 <div class=
"subtpl clear">
620 <div class=
"fieldwrapper wide aa-link">
621 <label for=
622 <input type=
"text" autocomplete=
"off" id=
"f-destinationName0" name=
623 <input type=
"hidden" id=
"f-destinationCode0" name=
624 <a href=
"#" id=
"lnk-destination" data-dojo-type=
"lh.widget.AirportAtlas" data-dojo-props=
"fieldId:'f-destinationName0',hiddenFieldId:'f-destinationCode0',url:'/dlvutils/AirportAtlasApplication?app=FB&lang=en',serviceUrl:'/dlvutils/AirportAtlasApplication', app:'FB', language:'en'">
625 <span class=
"airport-dir"> </span>
627 <div id=
"lh-typeahead-append-node-f-destination0" class=
"dijitMenu" tabindex=
"-1" style=
628 <div id=
"lh-typeahead-close-f-destination0" class=
629 <div id=
"lh-airport-f-destination" style=
633 <div id=
"fb_mod_ticket" class=
"lh_fbMargin fb_borderSeperator x-hidden">
634 <div class=
"fieldwrapper wide">
635 <h3 class=
"pi_containerSubline">Ticket / booking information
<a class=
"infoMessage" title=
"Information" id=
"ticket_toolTip1" href=
"javascript:void(0);"> </a></h3>
637 <div connectid=
"ticket_toolTip1" dojotype=
"dijit.Tooltip" showdelay=
"250" label=
"Please enter your ticketnumber (s. ticket) or the booking code / filekey from your booking confirmation" class=
"dijitTooltipData" id=
"dijit_Tooltip_3" lang=
"en" widgetid=
"dijit_Tooltip_3"> </div>
639 <div class=
640 <div class=
"fieldwrapper wide">
641 <label for=
"ticket_no" class=
"marginLeft">Ticket number
642 <div id=
646 <div class=
647 <div class=
"fieldwrapper wide">
648 <label for=
"file_key" class=
"marginLeft">File key
649 <div id=
653 <div id=
"fb_mod_refund" class=
"lh_fbMargin fb_borderSeperator x-hidden">
654 <div class=
"fieldwrapper wide">
655 <h3 class=
<a class=
"infoMessage" title=
"Information" id=
"ticket_toolTip1" href=
"javascript:void(0);"> </a></h3>
656 <div connectid=
"ticket_toolTip1" dojotype=
"dijit.Tooltip" showdelay=
"250" label=
"Please enter your details" class=
"dijitTooltipData" id=
"dijit_Tooltip_4" lang=
"en" widgetid=
"dijit_Tooltip_4"> </div>
661 <div class=
662 <div id=
663 <label for=
"refundTicketCheckbox" class=
"customerChk">Refund entire ticket
671 <div class=
672 <label for=
"refund_reason">Refund reason
673 <div id=
680 <div class=
"fieldwrapper wide">
681 <label for=
"refund_filey_key" class=
"refund_file_key">File key
<span class=
"optional"><span> </span>optional
682 <div id=
687 <div class=
"fieldwrapper wide">
688 <label for=
"ticket_no_lh" class=
"ticket_no_lh">Ticket number
689 <span class=
"ticket_number_prefix">220</span><div id=
694 <div class=
"subtpl x-hidden">
696 <div class=
"fieldwrapper wide">
697 <label for=
"refund_segment">Travel segments to be refunded
698 <div id=
703 <div id=
"fb_mod_bank" class=
"lh_fbMargin fb_borderSeperator x-hidden">
704 <div class=
"fieldwrapper wide">
705 <h3 class=
"pi_containerSubline">Bank account information
<a class=
"infoMessage" id=
"bank_toolTip1" href=
"javascript:void(0);"> </a></h3>
706 <div connectid=
"bank_toolTip1" dojotype=
"dijit.Tooltip" showdelay=
"250" label=
"Please enter your bank account information" class=
"dijitTooltipData" id=
"dijit_Tooltip_5" lang=
"en" widgetid=
"dijit_Tooltip_5"> </div>
711 <div class=
712 <label for=
"card_holder">Account holder
713 <div id=
717 <div class=
718 <label for=
"bank_name">Bank name
719 <div id=
726 <div class=
"fieldwrapper wide">
727 <label for=
"iban">IBAN Number
728 <div id=
733 <div class=
"fieldwrapper wide">
734 <label for=
"bic">SWIFT/BIC code
740 <div id=
"fb_mod_technial" class=
"lh_fbMargin fb_borderSeperator x-hidden">
741 <div class=
"fieldwrapper wide">
742 <h3 class=
"pi_containerSubline">Technical information
747 <div class=
"fieldwrapper wide">
748 <label for=
"browser">Browser name
749 <div id=
754 <div class=
"fieldwrapper wide">
755 <label for=
"os">Operating system
761 <div id=
"fb_mod_feedbackID" class=
"lh_fbMargin fb_borderSeperator x-hidden">
762 <div class=
"fieldwrapper wide">
763 <h3 class=
"pi_containerSubline">Feedback ID
767 <div class=
"fieldwrapper wide">
768 <label for=
"feedbackId">Please enter your feedback ID
769 <div id=
773 <div id=
"fb_mod_comment" class=
"lh_fbMargin fb_borderSeperator x-hidden">
774 <div class=
"fieldwrapper wide">
775 <h3 class=
"pi_containerSubline">Your feedback or question
777 <div class=
"fieldwrapper wide">
778 <div id=
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798 <input type=
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