1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
9 // Chrome requires this.
10 option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
12 // Information about a cacheable resource to be precached.
13 message PrecacheResource {
14 // The URL of the resource. This field must always be present.
15 optional string url = 1;
18 // A manifest of cacheable resources to be precached for a specific host.
19 message PrecacheManifest {
20 // List of resources that we predict that the user will need if they are
21 // likely to fetch the host.
22 repeated PrecacheResource resource = 1;
25 message PrecacheConfigurationSettings {
26 // The maximum rank of the user's most visited hosts to consider precaching
27 // resources for, starting from 1. For example, a value of 10 means that only
28 // hosts that are in the user's top 10 most visited hosts will be considered
29 // as starting URLs for resource precaching. This is specified by the server
30 // for testing purposes, so that it's easy to adjust how aggressively
31 // resources are precached.
32 // Values that are zero or lower indicate that none of the user's top sites
33 // will be used for precaching.
34 optional int64 top_sites_count = 1 [default = 100];
36 // List of additional hosts that resources will be precached for.
37 // These are hosts that the server predicts that the user will visit, as a
38 // result of server-side analytics.
39 repeated string forced_site = 2;