Merge Chromium + Blink git repositories
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / third_party / WebKit / LayoutTests / css3 / blending / background-blend-mode-data-uri-svg-image.html
2 <html>
3 <head>
4 <style>
5 div {
6 border: 5px navy;
7 border-style: dotted double;
8 background: url(''), green;
9 width: 200px;
10 height: 200px;
12 </style>
13 <script>
14 if (window.internals)
15 window.internals.settings.setMockScrollbarsEnabled(true);
16 </script>
17 <!-- This file should contain an svg circle on top of a solid color green background, with every type of blending. The container should have a visible border. -->
18 <body>
19 <div style="background-blend-mode: normal, normal"></div>
20 <div style="background-blend-mode: multiply, normal"></div>
21 <div style="background-blend-mode: screen, normal"></div>
22 <div style="background-blend-mode: overlay, normal"></div>
23 <div style="background-blend-mode: darken, normal"></div>
24 <div style="background-blend-mode: lighten, normal"></div>
25 <div style="background-blend-mode: color-dodge, normal"></div>
26 <div style="background-blend-mode: color-burn, normal"></div>
27 <div style="background-blend-mode: hard-light, normal"></div>
28 <div style="background-blend-mode: soft-light, normal"></div>
29 <div style="background-blend-mode: difference, normal"></div>
30 <div style="background-blend-mode: exclusion, normal"></div>
31 <div style="background-blend-mode: hue, normal"></div>
32 <div style="background-blend-mode: saturation, normal"></div>
33 <div style="background-blend-mode: color, normal"></div>
34 <div style="background-blend-mode: luminosity, normal"></div>
35 </body>