2 unclosed calc with garbage
12 70px+40px no whitespace around +
13 70px +40px no whitespace on right of +
14 70px+ 40px no whitespace on left of +
15 70px+-40px no whitespace around +
16 70px-40px no whitespace around -
17 70px -40px no whitespace on right of -
18 70px- 40px no whitespace on left of -
19 70px-+40px no whitespace around -
20 70px+/**/40px no whitespace around +
21 70px/**/+40px no whitespace around +
22 70px+/**/40px no whitespace around +
23 70px +/**/40px no whitespace on right of +
24 70px/**/+ 40px no whitespace on left of +
25 70px/**/+-40px no whitespace around +
26 70px+/**/-40px no whitespace around +
27 70px/**/+/**/-40px no whitespace around +
28 70px-/**/40px no whitespace around -
29 70px/**/-40px no whitespace around -
30 70px/**/-/**/40px no whitespace around -
31 70px -/**/40px no whitespace on right of -
32 70px/**/- 40px no whitespace on left of -
33 70px/**/-+40px no whitespace around -
34 70px-/**/+40px no whitespace around -
35 70px/**/-/**/+40px no whitespace around -
44 invalid operator 'flim'
46 invalid operator 'flim'
47 invalid operator 'flim' with parens
141 This is a testharness.js-based test.
142 PASS Tests invalid calc() expression handling.
143 Harness: the test ran to completion.