1 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
3 <title>Multiple IDs</title>
4 <style type="text/css"><![CDATA[
5 .warning { color: navy; }
7 #Aone#Atwo, #Aone#Athree, #Atwo#Athree { color: green; }
9 #Bone#Btwo, #Bone#Bthree, #Btwo#Bthree { color: red; }
10 #Cone#Ctwo, #Cone#Cthree, #Ctwo#Cthree { color: red; }
11 #Done#Dtwo, #Done#Dthree, #Dtwo#Dthree { color: red; }
13 <link rel="first" href="css3-modsel-1.xml" title="Groups of selectors"/>
14 <link rel="prev" href="css3-modsel-15b.xml" title="Multiple ID selectors"/>
15 <link rel="next" href="css3-modsel-16.xml" title=":link pseudo-class"/>
16 <link rel="last" href="css3-modsel-d4.xml" title="Dynamic updating of :first-child and :last-child"/>
17 <link rel="up" href="./index.html"/>
18 <link rel="top" href="../../index.html"/>
21 <p class="warning">This test requires support for two or more of XHTML, xml:id, and DOM3 Core.</p>
22 <div id="Aone" xml:id="Atwo" title="Athree">This line should be green.</div>
23 <p id="Bone">This line should be green.</p>
24 <p xml:id="Ctwo">This line should be green.</p>
25 <p title="Dthree">This line should be green.</p>
26 <script type="text/javascript">
27 document.getElementsByTagNameNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', 'div')[0].setIdAttribute('title', true);
28 document.getElementsByTagNameNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', 'p')[3].setIdAttribute('title', true);
30 <!-- This test could also be done using a custom DOCTYPE with an internal subset, which would
31 then work in any XHTML UA. However, that requires massive changes to the generator scripts.
32 Better, if we need such a test, would be to special-case it and have 15d be a separate file. -->