1 This tests clicking on the left of RTL text puts the caret at the end of the line.
3 PASS: clicking on the left of the 1st line of ך לכ put the caret at 2
4 PASS: clicking on the left of the 2nd line of ך לכ put the caret at 4
5 PASS: clicking on the left of the 1st line of ככ ככככ כככ put the caret at 3
6 PASS: clicking on the left of the 2nd line of ככ ככככ כככ put the caret at 8
7 PASS: clicking on the left of the 3rd line of ככ ככככ כככ put the caret at 11
8 PASS: clicking on the left of the 1st line of גכ יגכ יגכ יגכ יגכ put the caret at 3
9 PASS: clicking on the left of the 2nd line of גכ יגכ יגכ יגכ יגכ put the caret at 7
10 PASS: clicking on the left of the 3rd line of גכ יגכ יגכ יגכ יגכ put the caret at 11
11 PASS: clicking on the left of the 4th line of גכ יגכ יגכ יגכ יגכ put the caret at 15
12 PASS: clicking on the left of the 5th line of גכ יגכ יגכ יגכ יגכ put the caret at 18