1 This test checks that webkitMaskBoxImageWidth is correctly parsed and returned from getComputedStyle().
3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
6 PASS getComputedStyle(testElm).webkitMaskBoxImageWidth is "auto"
7 PASS getComputedStyle(testElm).webkitMaskBoxImageWidth is "auto"
8 PASS getComputedStyle(testElm).webkitMaskBoxImageWidth is "1"
9 PASS getComputedStyle(testElm).webkitMaskBoxImageWidth is "0px"
10 PASS getComputedStyle(testElm).webkitMaskBoxImageWidth is "97%"
11 PASS getComputedStyle(testElm).webkitMaskBoxImageWidth is "auto"
12 PASS getComputedStyle(testElm).webkitMaskBoxImageWidth is "auto"
13 PASS successfullyParsed is true