2 Tests that glActiveTexture and glBindTexture work as expected
3 Specifically texture targets are per active texture unit.
5 PASS gl.getError() is gl.NO_ERROR
6 PASS gl.getError() is gl.NO_ERROR
7 PASS gl.getError() is gl.NO_ERROR
8 PASS gl.getError() is gl.NO_ERROR
9 PASS gl.getError() is gl.NO_ERROR
10 PASS expected:0, 192, 128, 255 found: 0, 192, 128, 255
11 PASS expected:128, 64, 255, 255 found: 128, 64, 255, 255
12 PASS expected:192, 255, 64, 255 found: 192, 255, 64, 255
13 PASS expected:200, 0, 255, 255 found: 200, 0, 255, 255
14 PASS successfullyParsed is true