1 Checks that the DOMImplementation api arguments are correctly validated
3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
7 DocumentType createDocumentType(DOMString qualifiedName, DOMString publicId, DOMString systemId);
8 PASS document.implementation.createDocumentType() threw exception TypeError: Failed to execute 'createDocumentType' on 'DOMImplementation': 3 arguments required, but only 0 present..
9 PASS document.implementation.createDocumentType("qualifiedName") threw exception TypeError: Failed to execute 'createDocumentType' on 'DOMImplementation': 3 arguments required, but only 1 present..
10 PASS document.implementation.createDocumentType("qualifiedName", "publicId") threw exception TypeError: Failed to execute 'createDocumentType' on 'DOMImplementation': 3 arguments required, but only 2 present..
11 PASS docType = document.implementation.createDocumentType("qualifiedName", "publicId", "systemId") did not throw exception.
12 PASS docType.__proto__ is DocumentType.prototype
13 PASS docType.name is "qualifiedName"
14 PASS docType.publicId is "publicId"
15 PASS docType.systemId is "systemId"
17 XMLDocument createDocument(DOMString? namespace, [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] DOMString qualifiedName, DocumentType? doctype);
18 PASS document.implementation.createDocument() threw exception TypeError: Failed to execute 'createDocument' on 'DOMImplementation': 2 arguments required, but only 0 present..
19 PASS document.implementation.createDocument("namespace") threw exception TypeError: Failed to execute 'createDocument' on 'DOMImplementation': 2 arguments required, but only 1 present..
20 PASS document.implementation.createDocument("namespace", "qualifiedName") did not throw exception.
21 PASS doc = document.implementation.createDocument("namespace", "qualifiedName", null) did not throw exception.
22 PASS testDocument.__proto__ is window["XMLDocument"].prototype
23 PASS testDocument.documentElement.tagName is "qualifiedName"
24 PASS testDocument.documentElement.namespaceURI is "namespace"
25 PASS testDocument.doctype is null
26 PASS doc = document.implementation.createDocument(null, "qualifiedName", null) did not throw exception.
27 PASS testDocument.__proto__ is window["XMLDocument"].prototype
28 PASS testDocument.documentElement.tagName is "qualifiedName"
29 PASS testDocument.documentElement.namespaceURI is null
30 PASS testDocument.doctype is null
31 PASS doc = document.implementation.createDocument("", null, null) did not throw exception.
32 PASS testDocument.__proto__ is window["XMLDocument"].prototype
33 PASS testDocument.documentElement is null
34 PASS testDocument.doctype is null
35 PASS doc = document.implementation.createDocument("", "", null) did not throw exception.
36 PASS testDocument.__proto__ is window["XMLDocument"].prototype
37 PASS testDocument.documentElement is null
38 PASS testDocument.doctype is null
39 PASS doc = document.implementation.createDocument("namespace", "qualifiedName") did not throw exception.
40 PASS testDocument.__proto__ is window["XMLDocument"].prototype
41 PASS testDocument.documentElement.tagName is "qualifiedName"
42 PASS testDocument.documentElement.namespaceURI is "namespace"
43 PASS testDocument.doctype is null
44 PASS doc = document.implementation.createDocument("namespace", "qualifiedName", docType) did not throw exception.
45 PASS testDocument.__proto__ is window["XMLDocument"].prototype
46 PASS testDocument.documentElement.tagName is "qualifiedName"
47 PASS testDocument.documentElement.namespaceURI is "namespace"
48 PASS testDocument.doctype is testDocType
50 Document createHTMLDocument(optional DOMString title);
51 PASS doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument() did not throw exception.
52 PASS testDocument.__proto__ is window["HTMLDocument"].prototype
53 PASS testDocument.documentElement.tagName is "HTML"
54 PASS testDocument.documentElement.namespaceURI is "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
55 PASS testDocument.doctype is testDocType
56 PASS doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument("title") did not throw exception.
57 PASS testDocument.__proto__ is window["HTMLDocument"].prototype
58 PASS testDocument.documentElement.tagName is "HTML"
59 PASS testDocument.documentElement.namespaceURI is "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
60 PASS testDocument.doctype is testDocType
61 PASS successfullyParsed is true