1 This tests the constructor for the AutocompleteErrorEvent DOM class.
3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
6 PASS new AutocompleteErrorEvent('eventType').bubbles is false
7 PASS new AutocompleteErrorEvent('eventType').cancelable is false
8 PASS new AutocompleteErrorEvent('eventType').reason is ""
9 PASS new AutocompleteErrorEvent('eventType', { bubbles: false }).bubbles is false
10 PASS new AutocompleteErrorEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true }).bubbles is true
11 PASS new AutocompleteErrorEvent('eventType', { cancelable: false }).cancelable is false
12 PASS new AutocompleteErrorEvent('eventType', { cancelable: true }).cancelable is true
13 PASS new AutocompleteErrorEvent('eventType', { reason: 'cancel' }).reason is "cancel"
14 PASS new AutocompleteErrorEvent('eventType', { reason: '' }).reason is ""
15 PASS new AutocompleteErrorEvent('eventType', { reason: 'disabled' }).reason is "disabled"
16 PASS new AutocompleteErrorEvent('eventType', { reason: 'invalid' }).reason is "invalid"
17 PASS new AutocompleteErrorEvent('eventType', { reason: undefined }).reason is ""
18 PASS new AutocompleteErrorEvent('eventType', { reason: 'doremi' }) threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'AutocompleteErrorEvent': The provided value 'doremi' is not a valid enum value of type AutocompleteErrorReason..
19 PASS new AutocompleteErrorEvent('eventType', { reason: null }) threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'AutocompleteErrorEvent': The provided value 'null' is not a valid enum value of type AutocompleteErrorReason..
20 PASS new AutocompleteErrorEvent('eventType', { reason: false }) threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'AutocompleteErrorEvent': The provided value 'false' is not a valid enum value of type AutocompleteErrorReason..
21 PASS new AutocompleteErrorEvent('eventType', { reason: true }) threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'AutocompleteErrorEvent': The provided value 'true' is not a valid enum value of type AutocompleteErrorReason..
22 PASS new AutocompleteErrorEvent('eventType', { reason: 12345 }) threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'AutocompleteErrorEvent': The provided value '12345' is not a valid enum value of type AutocompleteErrorReason..
23 PASS new AutocompleteErrorEvent('eventType', { reason: NaN }) threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'AutocompleteErrorEvent': The provided value 'NaN' is not a valid enum value of type AutocompleteErrorReason..
24 PASS new AutocompleteErrorEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, reason: '' }).bubbles is true
25 PASS new AutocompleteErrorEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, reason: 'cancel' }).cancelable is true
26 PASS new AutocompleteErrorEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, reason: 'disabled' }).reason is "disabled"
27 PASS successfullyParsed is true