1 Test that wheel and mouse events are dispatched to document and window even if they do not hit any element in the page.
2 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
3 outside body, inside element
5 PASS objectsToString(actualReceivers) is "HTMLDivElement,HTMLBodyElement,HTMLDocument,Window"
7 PASS objectsToString(actualReceivers) is "HTMLDivElement,HTMLBodyElement,HTMLDocument,Window"
9 PASS objectsToString(actualReceivers) is "HTMLDivElement,HTMLBodyElement,HTMLDocument,Window"
11 PASS objectsToString(actualReceivers) is "HTMLDivElement,HTMLBodyElement,HTMLDocument,Window"
12 inside body, outside element
14 PASS objectsToString(actualReceivers) is "HTMLBodyElement,HTMLDocument,Window"
16 PASS objectsToString(actualReceivers) is "HTMLBodyElement,HTMLDocument,Window"
18 PASS objectsToString(actualReceivers) is "HTMLBodyElement,HTMLDocument,Window"
20 PASS objectsToString(actualReceivers) is "HTMLBodyElement,HTMLDocument,Window"
21 outside body, outside element, inside frame
23 PASS objectsToString(actualReceivers) is "HTMLDocument,Window"
25 PASS objectsToString(actualReceivers) is "HTMLDocument,Window"
27 PASS objectsToString(actualReceivers) is "HTMLDocument,Window"
29 PASS objectsToString(actualReceivers) is "HTMLDocument,Window"
30 PASS successfullyParsed is true