2 Tests that gesture tapcancel clears hover properly
4 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
7 See http://crbug.com/316974 for details
9 PASS successfullyParsed is true
12 Verify hover, active aren't initially set
13 PASS getHoverActiveState(box) is "default"
14 tapCancel on element when it is Active should keep hover
15 PASS getHoverActiveState(box) is "hoveredAndActive"
16 PASS getHoverActiveState(box) is "hovered"
17 tapCancel outside element when it is Active should clear it
18 PASS getHoverActiveState(box) is "hoveredAndActive"
19 PASS getHoverActiveState(box) is "default"
20 tapCancel on element when it is hovered but not active should keep hover
21 PASS getHoverActiveState(box) is "hovered"
22 PASS getHoverActiveState(box) is "hovered"
23 tapCancel outside element when it is hovered but not active should keep hover
24 PASS getHoverActiveState(box) is "hovered"
25 PASS getHoverActiveState(box) is "hovered"