1 Check which type of events trigger layout when it's dirty. Events that do a hit-test must update layout, but all other events shouldn't need to.
3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
7 PASS internals.needsLayoutCount() is 0
9 PASS triggeredLayout is true
11 PASS triggeredLayout is false
13 PASS triggeredLayout is false
14 Sending GestureTapDown
15 PASS triggeredLayout is true
16 Sending GestureShowPress
17 PASS triggeredLayout is true
18 Sending GestureScrollBegin
19 PASS triggeredLayout is true
20 Sending GestureScrollUpdate
21 PASS triggeredLayout is true
22 Sending GestureScrollEnd
23 PASS triggeredLayout is false
24 PASS successfullyParsed is true