1 A date input fields with a bad user input should make validity.badInput true and have :invalid style.
3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
6 Initial state. The elment has no value.
7 PASS colorOf(input) is not invalidStyleColor
8 PASS input.validity.badInput is false
9 Set a value to the first sub-field. The element becomes badInput.
10 PASS colorOf(input) is invalidStyleColor
11 PASS input.validity.badInput is true
12 Set an invalid date, 2012-02-31.
13 PASS input.validity.badInput is false
14 PASS input.value is ""
15 PASS input.validity.badInput is true
16 PASS colorOf(input) is invalidStyleColor
17 PASS successfullyParsed is true