1 Test RadioNodeLists returned by the HTMLFormElement named-getter.
3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
6 PASS form1.elements.length is 10
7 Check that only 'listed elements' are included in the list, if any.
8 PASS radioNodeList.length is 10
9 PASS radioNodeList[0] instanceof HTMLButtonElement is true
10 PASS radioNodeList[1] instanceof HTMLFieldSetElement is true
11 PASS radioNodeList[2] instanceof HTMLInputElement is true
12 PASS radioNodeList[2].type is "hidden"
13 PASS radioNodeList[3] instanceof HTMLInputElement is true
14 PASS radioNodeList[3].type is "text"
15 PASS radioNodeList[4] instanceof HTMLInputElement is true
16 PASS radioNodeList[4].type is "radio"
17 PASS radioNodeList[5] instanceof HTMLKeygenElement is true
18 PASS radioNodeList[6] instanceof HTMLOutputElement is true
19 PASS radioNodeList[7] instanceof HTMLObjectElement is true
20 PASS radioNodeList[8] instanceof HTMLSelectElement is true
21 PASS radioNodeList[9] instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement is true
22 PASS successfullyParsed is true