1 CONSOLE MESSAGE: requestAutocomplete: form autocomplete attribute is set to off.
2 CONSOLE MESSAGE: requestAutocomplete: form autocomplete attribute is set to off.
3 CONSOLE MESSAGE: requestAutocomplete: form autocomplete attribute is set to off.
4 CONSOLE MESSAGE: requestAutocomplete: must be called in response to a user gesture.
5 HTMLFormElement#requestAutocomplete and associated events
7 For this test to pass, you should see all PASSED below.
9 PASS found enumerable properties on HTMLFormElement
10 PASS found enumerable properties on HTMLFormElement
11 PASS found enumerable properties on HTMLFormElement
12 PASS event is an AutocompleteErrorEvent
13 PASS got expected reason: disabled
14 PASS event is an AutocompleteErrorEvent
15 PASS got expected reason: disabled
16 PASS events bubbled as expected
17 PASS got expected number of error events (4)
18 PASS successfullyParsed is true