1 This is a testharness.js-based test.
3 PASS Cache.match with no matching entries
4 PASS Cache.match with URL
5 PASS Cache.match with Request
6 PASS Cache.match with new Request
7 PASS Cache.match with ignoreSearch option (request with no search parameters)
8 PASS Cache.match with ignoreSearch option (request with search parameter)
9 PASS Cache.match with URL containing fragment
10 PASS Cache.match with string fragment "http" as query
11 PASS Cache.match with URL containing credentials
12 FAIL Cache.match with responses containing "Vary" header assert_true: Cache.match should honor "Vary" header. expected true got false
13 PASS Cache.match with Request and Response objects with different URLs
14 PASS Cache.match invoked multiple times for the same Request/Response
15 FAIL Cache.match with POST Request assert_equals: Cache.match should not find a match expected (undefined) undefined but got (object) object "[object Response]"
16 PASS Cache.match with a non-2xx Response
17 PASS Cache.match with a network error Response
18 Harness: the test ran to completion.