Merge Chromium + Blink git repositories
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / third_party / WebKit / LayoutTests / http / tests / security / cross-frame-access-getOwnPropertyDescriptor.html
1 <html>
2 <head>
3 <script src="resources/cross-frame-access.js"></script>
4 <script>
5 var windowConstructorPropertiesNotAllowed = [
6 "Attr",
7 "Audio",
8 "CDATASection",
9 "CSSRule",
10 "CSSStyleDeclaration",
11 "CharacterData",
12 "Comment",
13 "DOMException",
14 "DOMImplementation",
15 "DOMParser",
16 "Document",
17 "DocumentFragment",
18 "DocumentType",
19 "Element",
20 "EntityReference",
21 "EvalError",
22 "Event",
23 "HTMLAnchorElement",
24 "HTMLAudioElement",
25 "HTMLAreaElement",
26 "HTMLBRElement",
27 "HTMLBaseElement",
28 "HTMLBodyElement",
29 "HTMLButtonElement",
30 "HTMLCanvasElement",
31 "HTMLDListElement",
32 "HTMLDirectoryElement",
33 "HTMLDivElement",
34 "HTMLDocument",
35 "HTMLElement",
36 "HTMLFieldSetElement",
37 "HTMLFontElement",
38 "HTMLFormElement",
39 "HTMLFrameElement",
40 "HTMLFrameSetElement",
41 "HTMLHRElement",
42 "HTMLHeadElement",
43 "HTMLHeadingElement",
44 "HTMLHtmlElement",
45 "HTMLIFrameElement",
46 "HTMLImageElement",
47 "HTMLInputElement",
48 "HTMLIsIndexElement",
49 "HTMLLIElement",
50 "HTMLLabelElement",
51 "HTMLLegendElement",
52 "HTMLLinkElement",
53 "HTMLMapElement",
54 "HTMLMarqueeElement",
55 "HTMLMediaElement",
56 "HTMLMenuElement",
57 "HTMLMetaElement",
58 "HTMLModElement",
59 "HTMLOListElement",
60 "HTMLOptGroupElement",
61 "HTMLOptionElement",
62 "HTMLParagraphElement",
63 "HTMLParamElement",
64 "HTMLPreElement",
65 "HTMLQuoteElement",
66 "HTMLScriptElement",
67 "HTMLSelectElement",
68 "HTMLSourceElement",
69 "HTMLStyleElement",
70 "HTMLTableCaptionElement",
71 "HTMLTableCellElement",
72 "HTMLTableColElement",
73 "HTMLTableElement",
74 "HTMLTableRowElement",
75 "HTMLTableSectionElement",
76 "HTMLTextAreaElement",
77 "HTMLTitleElement",
78 "HTMLUListElement",
79 "HTMLVideoElement",
80 "Image",
81 "MutationEvent",
82 "Node",
83 "NodeFilter",
84 "Option",
85 "ProcessingInstruction",
86 "Range",
87 "RangeError",
88 "ReferenceError",
89 "SyntaxError",
90 "Text",
91 "TypeError",
92 "URIError",
93 "XMLDocument",
94 "XMLHttpRequest",
95 "XMLSerializer",
96 "XPathEvaluator",
97 "XPathResult",
98 "XSLTProcessor"
101 var windowFunctionPropertiesNotAllowed = [
102 "addEventListener",
103 "alert",
104 "atob",
105 "btoa",
106 "captureEvents",
107 "clearInterval",
108 "clearTimeout",
109 "confirm",
110 "find",
111 "getComputedStyle",
112 "getMatchedCSSRules",
113 "getSelection",
114 "moveBy",
115 "moveTo",
116 "open",
117 "print",
118 "prompt",
119 "releaseEvents",
120 "removeEventListener",
121 "resizeBy",
122 "resizeTo",
123 "scroll",
124 "scrollBy",
125 "scrollTo",
126 "setInterval",
127 "setTimeout",
128 "stop",
129 "blur",
130 "close",
131 "focus"
134 var windowAttributesPropertiesNotAllowed = [
135 "clientInformation",
136 "console",
137 "crypto",
138 "defaultStatus",
139 "defaultstatus",
140 "devicePixelRatio",
141 "document",
142 "embeds",
143 "eval",
144 "event",
145 "frameElement",
146 "images",
147 "innerHeight",
148 "innerWidth",
149 "locationbar",
150 "menubar",
151 "name",
152 "navigator",
153 "offscreenBuffering",
154 "onabort",
155 "onbeforeunload",
156 "onblur",
157 "onchange",
158 "onclick",
159 "ondblclick",
160 "onerror",
161 "onfocus",
162 "onkeydown",
163 "onkeypress",
164 "onkeyup",
165 "onload",
166 "onmousedown",
167 "onmousemove",
168 "onmouseout",
169 "onmouseover",
170 "onmouseup",
171 "onmousewheel",
172 "onreset",
173 "onresize",
174 "onscroll",
175 "onsearch",
176 "onselect",
177 "onsubmit",
178 "onunload",
179 "outerHeight",
180 "outerWidth",
181 "pageXOffset",
182 "pageYOffset",
183 "personalbar",
184 "plugins",
185 "prototype",
186 "screen",
187 "screenLeft",
188 "screenTop",
189 "screenX",
190 "screenY",
191 "scrollX",
192 "scrollY",
193 "scrollbars",
194 "status",
195 "statusbar",
196 "toolbar",
197 "history",
200 var windowAttributesPropertiesAllowed = [
201 "closed",
202 "frames",
203 "length",
204 "opener",
205 "parent",
206 "self",
207 "top",
208 "window"
211 window.onload = function()
213 if (window.testRunner) {
214 testRunner.dumpAsText();
215 testRunner.waitUntilDone();
218 window.addEventListener('message', function()
220 runTest();
221 if (window.testRunner)
222 testRunner.notifyDone();
226 runTest = function()
228 window.targetWindow = frames[0];
230 log("\n----- tests for getting of not allowed properties -----\n");
232 log("\n----- tests for getting of not allowed Constructors -----\n");
233 for (var i = 0; i < windowConstructorPropertiesNotAllowed.length; i++) {
234 var property = windowConstructorPropertiesNotAllowed[i];
235 shouldBeFalse("canGetDescriptor(targetWindow, '" + property + "')");
238 log("\n----- tests for getting of not allowed Functions -----\n");
239 for (var i = 0; i < windowFunctionPropertiesNotAllowed.length; i++) {
240 var property = windowFunctionPropertiesNotAllowed[i];
241 shouldBeFalse("canGetDescriptor(targetWindow, '" + property + "')");
244 log("\n----- tests for getting of not allowed Attributes -----\n");
245 for (var i = 0; i < windowAttributesPropertiesNotAllowed.length; i++) {
246 var property = windowAttributesPropertiesNotAllowed[i];
247 if (property == "document")
248 log("Firefox allows access to 'document' but throws an exception when you access its properties.");
249 shouldBeFalse("canGetDescriptor(targetWindow, '" + property + "')");
251 for (var i = 0; i < windowAttributesPropertiesAllowed.length; i++) {
252 var property = windowAttributesPropertiesAllowed[i];
253 shouldBeTrue("canGetDescriptor(targetWindow, '" + property + "')");
255 log("----- tests access to cross domain location object -----");
256 window.targetLocation = targetWindow.location;
257 var locationProperties = [
258 "protocol", "host", "hostname", "port", "pathname", "search", "hash", "toString", "valueOf", "customProperty", "reload"
260 for (var i = 0; i < locationProperties.length; i++)
261 shouldBeFalse("canGetDescriptor(targetLocation, '" + locationProperties[i] + "')");
262 var locationPropertiesAllowed = [
263 "assign", "replace"
265 for (var i = 0; i < locationPropertiesAllowed.length; i++)
266 shouldBeTrue("canGetDescriptor(targetLocation, '" + locationPropertiesAllowed[i] + "')");
268 log("----- tests access to cross domain history object -----");
269 shouldThrowException("targetWindow.history");
271 </script>
272 </head>
273 <body>
274 <p>This test checks cross-frame access security of getOwnPropertyDescriptor (</p>
275 <iframe src="http://localhost:8000/security/resources/cross-frame-iframe-for-get-test.html" style=""></iframe>
276 <pre id="console"></pre>
277 </body>
278 </html>